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  1. The quote from me above was in reference to, if any Staff moderator reading, Admin or IA administration believes the time period to be to long.. then they can overrule what I've given and I am happy to if they post here saying so (or private message me). The time has been affirmed by KTFF. You've been very respectful however so i'll meet in the middle. I might watch some videos of yours and take off a month for a total of 4. Should I do so I will private message you. Going forward, these are the terms - You record every moment you play for 5 months on the IA server. If I request footage from a time that you played in this time frame you'll give it to me no questions asked. (I have also stated that I will consider 4 months in the near future. Upon doing so I will private message you.) - You must keep the footage from your gameplay for 3 days. (This means if it's November 13th and I ask for a clip from November 12th. You should have it. If it's Nov 13th and I ask for a clip from November 1st, it's my fault and you don't need to have it/you can delete it if you want so your computer doesn't get massively full.) (It has been previously recommended you consider streaming as it saves the video for 14 days and you don't have to worry about uploading it on youtube, if you choose this option you will send me the link to your stream or if you'd like you can post it here in this topic.) (If you choose to record and upload it's been recommended to record in 360p instead of 1440p to save space. 360p and above has been accepted by me (threve). - No weird shenanigans if i ask for a video or a specific moment from a match. This means no "editing" or "cutting" of clips to mask up a time period. No editing to skip a match you were in or anything of the sort. - After 5 Months are up (April 5th, 2020) (If 4 months is established in the future it will be March 5th, 2020). You have a clean slate and are no longer required to fulfill any of this anymore. However if I ask for a video of you playing on April 1st, 2020 (Or March 1st, 2020 should a month be taken off) and you don't have it. You realize this fails to complete your end of the deal. - If I ask for a video you have 5 days to produce the video/match requested. The time begins from when I ask you and you acknowledge. The requests from me will be sent from W3DHub.com if I send anything. I will also notify you in-game if I see you. - Failure to fulfill any of these requirements/ you cannot produce the asked video (unless special circumstances arise like Server Crash, Corrupted Video) will result in the return of a Ban with full understanding. - Acceptance of this is not a plea deal. Any harassment towards Guard55 on this topic will be met with punishment. (Accordingly if someone asks you (Guard55) and you'd like to talk to them feel free to. However if you tell them to stop or people are bothering you that is where I step in.) If it is difficult to remember to record every match, I recommend setting a tag on yourself using !tagself something to help you remember or setting a !setjoin. Thank you for your cooperation in everything. Please notify me through here on the topic or in private message that you have your software set up or you're able to stream and i will then have you unbanned. Thank you.
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  2. No. Unless this is about the offer I have given you, please review the points brought across by me above which were understood and responded by you. KTFF has determined that my responses were valid compared with what was offered. No one here has said it is, was or will be. Anyone harassing you online for it would be punished by me. If there is a person harrasing you for it please notify me. The only person here believing it is is you. The people relevant for future decisions (me and other moderators on IA) do not see it as an admission of guilt. Should this topic be brought up on any other server (You can request this topic be hidden if you'd like and I'll see what I can do) I will lay claim on that site that this is not an admission of guilt and should not be taken that way. A chance for you to play on our server without me spectating you constantly or there being any belief that you're hacking, upon which after the time period it will be a clean slate with nothing being required to be fulfilled on your end for the remainder of play. I may. I may watch one day. Or I may never watch one at all. However if something of question occurs, there is solid video proof from your end showing that the other person is wrong. This method also ensures that you do not know when i'm watching (unless there is something specific you'd like for me to watch on a match in which case I'll do.) I don't see why not. I might learn a thing or two on how to play better maybe. Although the real meaning of it is to ensure video proof is provided for anything in the future time frame given. I believe it to be a fair amount of time. If there is any other moderator or IA administration that believes it to be to long I will adjust it and invite you to tell me. I believe someone willing to show how they play for 5 months should be granted a clean slate. You've been granted this due to good moral character, manners and responses. KTFF has affirmed my decision and agrees.
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  3. Happy Friday. While I appreciate the open discussion, and am very grateful for everyone keeping the conversation civil, this where I say we are beating a dead horse. We have provided what we consider a very fair compromise, and are holding to that. Hope everyone has a good weekend. :)
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  4. I am in agreement with Threve. Do we know with absolute certainty that you were cheating? Well of course not. Which is why we are leaving the door open a bit. As an alternative to recording games, and storing them. Do a live stream via Twitch or YouTube, and provide us with the link to your channel. Use this each time you play to fulfill the above proposal. If you choose to do that, and want to keep the link private just PM Threve the information.
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  5. Playable, yes. But there were several issues that were caused due to various changes and fixes in the newer engine, and it could not be released in that state. If you want to see what I'm talking about, install stock Beta, and apply the latest scripts update from the TT website. Thats exactly where I began. Purchase terminals were broken, helicopter cinematic scripts, shaders, screenshots, mechanic and medic healing balance, fog on some maps, function keys, ID collisions on some maps, menu element colors, and a laundry list of other small things I dont remember. Several issues were the product of hacky stuff that was done in the engine back then, and had to be undone in order to work now in the "standard" way. No more special game-specific hacky stuff - we're using the same TT 4.6 engine that Renegade uses now. Just had to make the game's configuration understand that 😉
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