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Showing most liked content on 06/06/2020 in all areas

  1. Thanks a lot man! We're operating using Discord communities primarily, although this site was never designed to house it's own forums. The idea is that instead of creating new forums, users get linked to the communities that already cover these games. So for example, any game from TD, to RA2 is covered by CnCNet, W3D Hub covers Renegade and Cn&C Online covers Generals and beyond. Next on our plan is to create a community directory that is filterable by games. This way players can find the content that they want in the communities that serve the games.
  2. Hey everyone, A while back I noticed something in the C&C Community. A lot of people were asking how to play the games on Windows 10, but there wasn't an easily discoverable community resource in existence that made the games readily accessible. There were community resources around, but they were either fractured, or buried in websites or forums out of reach. So I got together with some friends from other communities. CCHyper from the Assembly Armada, neogrant from CnCNet, Tore from CnC-Comm, Chronostorm from Facebook/CnCMinecraft and No Strings Prd from YouTube. Together we hatched a plan to create a new community website that was easy to find, featured comprehensive guides on how to get the games working, news coverage from across the community and an emphasis on promoting modding and video content. Basically taking the core pillars of the C&C Community and lining them up in one easily navigable location. I'm proud to announce that today, the day of the Remastered Collection's release, we are able to share our first iteration of the site with you all. Head over to http://cnc.community to check out the site! Please let us know what you think of this project and how we can improve it moving forwards. We're trying our best to serve the community with a central point that links out to multiple resources, so moving forward here are a few things that we will be adding: Community Directory with a list of Communities and what they focus on YouTube Support for Content Creators Support for Mods so the platform can be used to promote modding content Live player numbers Ultimately though, I hope you enjoy this site as much as we've enjoyed making it. This community is a fun place to be and I wouldn't have it any other way. Cheers! [blurb]The C&C Community Project has launched! But what is it exactly?[/blurb]
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  3. Everyone is prolly having their own Remastered release parties but see, you want to join ours because we’re cool and you love us! So much so that you’ll spread the word and tell others! Come hang on our Discord for our C&C Launch Party! 6 PM BST, June 5th we’ll be there! 🎉 Time Converter for your convenience: https://savvytime.com/converter/eest-to-cest-bst-est-cst-pst/jun-5-2020/6pm psst hey keep reading keep an eye out for a map contest for your chance to win some epic C&C posters from us! [blurb]The C&C Remastered Collection is Launching! So Join us on Discord to celebrate the launch![/blurb]
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  4. nice one trying to get rid of your timeout role by rejoining and then proceeding to call out whoever placed you on the timeout role to begin with most of the time you've been on the discord was to provoke others under the guise of carrying a discussion on C&C surely when you make your complaint like this you will get out of whatever trouble you are in, right if you were to conduct yourself more appropriately, that would be nice
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  5. BROTHERHOOD! WE ARE WHOLE AGAIN! I am happy to see this collaboration take shape. For C&C fans old and new, this will be an excellent landing point to immerse them into our wider community.
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