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  1. @Anon_Kat AP is Armor Piercing - It does more damage against vehicles than HEAT but it has no splash damage. It does less damage to structures than HE or HEAT. If you direct hit infantry, you can one shot them 9 times out of 10. Generally, it has a faster projectile speed than an HE shell. HE is High Explosive - It has great splash damage and is good against infantry and structures. If you land a shot on a tank with HE, you can still do some good damage but it'll be less accurate than an AP shell from a Main Battle Tank or a Tank Destroyer. HE shells are generally slow moving projectiles that have an arc. HEAT is High Explosive Anti-Tank - It does good against everything, a jack of all trades, master of none. Good against Vehicles, Infantry, Structures, and, hope and dreams. Depending on the vehicle, it can have a drop over range. It does not have as much splash damage as HE but still very useful. It doesn't move as fast as AP, but its not as slow as HE. The projectile speed also seems to vary between vehicles using HEAT. APCR is Armor Piercing Composite Rigid - It does more damage against vehicles than AP but it has no splash damage and does very little to structures. The downside is an inaccuracy penalty, a reload rate penalty, and range reduction. Its recommended to use it in extreme close ranges and aim for the weakspots of a vehicle. HESH is High Explosive Squash Head - It does a good amount of damage against vehicles, has splash damage, but has a more significant drop over range, and takes longer to reload. I'm unsure if it has an inaccuracy penalty. I recommend using it if a vehicle is at almost point blank range. The way I remember it is, if it has High Explosive in its name, its good against buildings, Infantry, and has splash. If it has Armor Piercing, its good against vehicles and infantry, but only direct hits as it has no splash. HEAT is an all-rounder, good against everything shell. Other ammunition types include HEI - High Explosive Incendiary: This deals damage against infantry and can cause burn damage. APFSDS-T - Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot: I think this type only appears on the Stryker MGS. Not the AGM one. Its acts like a hitscan AP shell for the Stryker. ATGMs, TOWs, and other missiles - Really good against pretty much everything. I'll update this when I hop back into the game and check the vehicles for more ammunition types. If anyone would like to make a correction to what I've written above, feel free to contact me.
  2. Version 7.0.0


    COMPATIBLE WITH LATEST A PATH BEYOND RELEASE! Texture pack last updated 2021/11/04 for Delta's release. See changes/additions below. All content featured in this texture pack should be compatible with the most current/recent patch of Red Alert: A Path Beyond. Enjoyed playing Red Alert? Ever wanted to play Red Alert: A Path Beyond with faction colors? Then this texture pack is for you! The textures contained in this pack will colorize the characters and vehicles of APB to represent their house colors from the Red Alert RTS. Allies will have the following house colors: Blue, teal, green, desert/sand Soviets will have the following house colors: Red, orange, yellow, brown When choosing a unit that has multiple camos, the symbol on the upper left of the purchase icon will tell you which color you will be buying: http://i.imgur.com/Dn0Qn0v.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/qH5MdM8.jpg UPDATES FOR DELTA 3.0 (click on the spoiler below to view!) UPDATES FOR DELTA 3.0.6 (Click on the spoiler below to view!) UPDATES FOR DELTA 3.1 (click on the spoiler below to view!) UPDATES FOR DELTA 3.2.2 (click on the spoiler below to view!) UPDATES FOR DELTA 3.2.3 (click on the spoiler below to view!) UPDATES FOR DELTA (click on the spoiler below to view!) INSTALLATION Unpack the contents of the RAR file into the game's "data" folder. For reference, the installation path should be the following: Once unpacked, load up APB and play like it's 1996 all over again! Special thanks to V0LK0V and Kicken for the original idea of the classic colors pack. Without them, this texture pack would not have existed for this long.
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  3. Hopes and dreams are your hopes and dreams. You hope you can sneak into the GDI base and blow up the Comm Center, but instead you run into 2 Mammoth Tanks that are firing HEAT at you non-stop. Your 800 credit Stealth Tank is no match for the steamroll that is about to happen. That's when you grab an SU-122 or a T-62 and fight back. The HEAT on the T-62 is also extremely powerful. I would recommend using it against structures and defenses, along with infantry, and using AP for vehicles.
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  4. @Guard55 Which ammo belongs to which vehicle class? (ie HESH for Artys APCR for assault guns AP for MBT/Anti tanks) Also what does the star next to some vehicle mean? edit: What are hopes? What are dreams?
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  5. I decided to upload "Wind In West Depot" also to Soundcloud, together with "Metal Ground". https://soundcloud.com/user-193337613/wind-in-west-depot https://soundcloud.com/user-193337613/metal-ground
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  6. Available for download as well as other of my melodies! http://download.ccassault.com/museum/music/solomusic/Wind_In_West_Depot.mp3
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