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Showing most liked content on 01/08/2021 in all areas

  1. Tiberian Sun: Reborn has been updated with a few extra maps that were missing from the re-launch. All of these maps were originally made by community member @Timeaua. These maps are: Omega City - A large urban map with a city in the centre. GDI and Nod both have forward bases that can be used to repair vehicles and deposit Tiberium. Dam - A large Dam separates the GDI and Nod bases, with routes that coil underneath the hills through tunnel systems. Tiber - Located near the source of Tiberium around the impact site on the Tiber River, the terrain between the GDI and Nod bases is dangerous and inhospitable. A Small civilian settlement in the middle of the map sits atop a network of tunnels and pathways. All three of these maps are now live on the server, so suit up and get out there! [blurb]Tiberian Sun: Reborn has been updated with a few extra maps that were missing from the re-launch. All of these maps were originally made by community member Timeaua.[/blurb][thumb]thumb_tsr.g.png[/thumb]
  2. 2 likes
  3. Do I see a pickup truck in the forward base?
  4. Excuse me, Ms Girlfriend. Playing Renegade is not 'useless', it's a life skill. In fact, when a boy turns 17 there should be a mandatory 2-year Renegade tour. This will turn them into men and not the sissies we see today.
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