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Showing most liked content on 10/21/2021 in all areas

  1. Welcome to the 18th edition of W3D Weekly! There's not much going on this week unfortunately, but keep your eyes peeled for more news in the coming weeks! Apocalypse Rising @ OWA got a new Harrier model rigged up and ready to fly this week! The texture is placeholder at the moment, but we'll have it looking more like RA2's Harrier soon! Elsewhere in AR land, @ moonsense715 has been hard at work improving Crazy Ivan's weapon. We've now got a proper launcher rigged up for him and it fires improved dynamite that @ Romanov has edited slightly. Check out both the Harrier and Ivan Launcher below! That's it for this week!Come back next time for some more W3D content! [blurb]The 17th edition of W3D Weekly is now out! We've got a nice chunk of content this week, so let's take a look![/blurb] [blurb]Come and check out the latest news from around the W3d-verse![/blurb]
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