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Showing most liked content on 04/03/2022 in all areas

  1. A live overhead view of the battlefield. Featuring real-time overhead map, building health information, and team composition. BattleView will feature multiple modes to limit what information is visible: Mode Description 0 Only show basic map, structure, and team information (map with buildings but no player positions or detailed team roster) 1 Show limited map, complete structure and team information. Requires Server/Brenbot authorization (map only shows positions of teammates) 2 Same as mode 1, but "spotted" enemy positions are also visible on the map. 3 Same as mode 2, only all enemy positions are visible on map. 7 All available game information is displayable WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION needed. Planned Features: Pulse structures that are actively receiving damage. Highlight players on map "Requesting Repairs", "Follow Me" and similar. Enable a Commander to draw out a battle plan (remember that app from several years ago?) Highlight players on map that are speaking in voice chat. Provide easy configuration for server, per map, and mid game changes to limit or expand information shown to players to prevent breaking special game modes. Provide a Battlefield 4 Commander Mode like experience for W3D based games. See a preview of Mode 7 in action at: w3d.cyberarm.dev/battleview/view/apb/release
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  2. I don't think I have anything hiding around in my drive, but I'll take a look around and see if I can find anything. If I do, I'll slide into your DMs.
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  3. @ V0LK0V I'd be interested to see what else you might have. I'm all over some preserving history
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