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  1. I've seen you state many times across your posts about a clear outlining of the subject matter needing to be addressed in the rules. However, if we started this approach, we'd be going with an endless list of every subject or phrases that you can't say/use and anything that isn't in that, that we've missed we will be slated for. that seems like the system you're going for. Do you feel this an unfair assessment of what you're referring to and asking for? Instead, we use the rules as area guidelines and expect people to use their common sense with certain subject matters. That way, with incidents such as these, we warn the offender(s) with what area/rule they have broken and why. From what I've seen in the IA channel since this all happened, is Voe putting out the same continuous message of not to post such content and sticking to that. An emoji isn't really comparable to the content that's being moderated, and we've not had anyone complain about it. But if you do have a complain about it, then feel free to raise it in a separate thread and we'll all discuss it. What and where do you feel the inconsistencies are being made from the repeated message being acted upon? Your reference to Alp making an example and it containing context with hate speech was actually explained to you at the time. It feels like you've either taken that quote out of context intentionally or weren't in the correct frame of mind to understand what he was trying to explain to you. The example he stated was in reference to the approach of moderation, that it's not an instant heavy handed approach, but a more cautionary and softer approach at first. If this is intended to be taken out of context, it feels like you're grasping at straws to bolster your argument and make the situation seem worse than you can initially make it out to be. I think we've covered the first 3 paragraphs here (Unless you feel there are aspects that haven't been covered?). But to be clear, we can add some better clauses on how rules are handled so it's clearer on the approach we take to moderation. If this would clear up better on why actions such as these are taken, then great, if not, then why not? We've covered the rules parts with our approach already. You're argument about things someone has done in the past not being applicable doesn't really hold up, unfortunately. A profile is going to be drawn up against someone who is repeatedly causing trouble, it doesn't just disappear or not come into light when said person does another action that causes trouble, I'm not sure where or what would follow such a system. I don't think Voe explained the issue here very well in that chat log, but he can defend himself with that. I know that Sith has been flagged a lot with pushing the limits on what's acceptable. He's not the only one, but he does enjoy doing more often than others, and is louder about it. Why is this incident the one that made you make this post? If this is something that's been going on for so long and you feel so strongly about, why haven't you reported it to anyone higher than Voe? As you've mentioned in Discord, you're a long standing member of this community, you've been around long enough to know how this works. I'm just confused by your approach of conversation in the IA channel and now this post before acting in any other way.
  2. Well, it isn't because we didn't want to do a VR port... Thats a complicated subject itself and quite unrelated to this. Simply put, WE are the wrong team for such a task. We do W3D. Not C&C, but W3D - the engine, and all games related to that. We're dead and we know it, right? Isn't that what everyone says about us nowadays as some sort of jab to try to pressure us to leave the only thing we know? Okay then. We are hobbyists, and this is the hobby that we have chosen. I hope someone does do a set of VR C&C games, as that would be super cool. But unless we suddenly make some huge advances, and all of us can afford to put that kind of time and effort into a HOBBY, then it can't be our team. We are going to continue to build and improve on the platform that we know. And who knows? Maybe someday W3D itself will support VR (if we pick up someone who has the time, resources, and ability to do that for us)
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  3. Author: Threve Skill level: 2 Good Evening all. Ever wanted to change the color of a Tank or create the V2 Missle into a Carola Crayon? This is the tutorial for you! Give me 20 minutes of your time and I will show you how to change the color of anything easily along with giving you knowledge skills in editing APB. I will also be including an advanced tutorial that will show you how to go further in-depth and really create some crazy cool shit if you'd like. I will also do my best to keep it as simple and straightforward as possible so you're not here forever. But first thing is first.. Part 1 (Introduction and Tools) Part 2 (Getting and extracting the shit that we need) Part 3 (Editing the actual file and uploading it to your game) Part 4 (The Finish) Now do keep in mind that there is an endless world of possibilities to editing textures. If you would like to make one part yellow and another purple you can simply select half the picture and paint it purple then the other half yellow. To make specific part a different color you just simply select that part on the texture and paint it like so. It may be a bit difficult to tell whats what on the file because everything is sort of just exploded so you make have to make a part yellow then test it out in-game and see where it lands or what part was colored. However, working with paint.net constantly will allow you to experiment new things and also do it alot faster. This may have taken you 15 minutes or so but after a while it'll be cut down to 2 minutes. Practice makes perfect. Part 5 (After some basic practice. Let's turn it up a notch and make some really crazy cool stuff) APB_Editing_Tools.7z
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