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Showing most liked content on 02/05/2023 in all areas

  1. As you may have noticed, our website, game servers and all other services have been offline over the last few days. This was caused by a ransomware attack on our primary host server which took all of our services offline. We are still working to recover our game servers and some other services, so please bear with us while we get things fixed Is my personal info safe? Based on network traffic statistics and other information we do not believe the attackers accessed or copied any information on our servers. As such, we do not have reason to believe any of your information stored in the forum database has been stolen. Additionally all passwords are stored as a salted hash, which means the original password is not known to us, and by extension anyone who was able to access the database However, out of an abundance of caution we would recommend changing your password here and also on any other site where your have reused the same password. Learnings for the future This incident has highlighted that we were underprepared for an attack on the primary host server, and as such we are going to be putting a lot of effort in the near future into making our disaster recovery process more robust going forward. We were already planning some updates to our internal hosting architecture to bring things in line with more modern standards and we'll be taking the learnings from this incident into account as we do that work Further information We'll update this post with any updates and information as it becomes available. In the meantime if you have any specific questions or concerns please let us know.
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