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Showing most liked content on 04/02/2015 in Posts

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  2. Me and cfehunter were talking about Yuri recently. Our original idea was to change the Chrono Legionnaire logic so that Yuri can hold his enemies in place with his primary attack. During this time he is vulnerable to any other enemies attacking them. Once he has held the enemy in place for long enough, the script would "kill" the player and spawn an identical bot in their place. The player could then hit Q or a similar key to switch control between the controlled unit and the Yuri character. This is so that the Yuri could go and hide, whilst the captured unit could fight in his place. If Yuri is to die, the unit switches sides again and the Allies get a bot to fight for them! Another idea we were having was the possibility of having Yuri simply have a side area attack that screws with player's controls and makes them shoot their allies within an area. There's a few possibilities to explore.
  3. We heard your complaints about TS_Snow. We added.. a surprise to it. There is now a reason to go to the mutants. According to Danpaul, the patch will be built tomorrow (perhaps tonight).
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