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Bashar last won the day on September 18 2015

Bashar had the most liked content!


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About Bashar

  • Birthday 07/11/1990

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  • Location
    Nottingham, UK
  • Interests
    Science, science, generally more science. And cake.

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  • Steam
    Wizard Cat

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  1. Intrigue you does it boy, my thumb?

  2. Intrigue you does it, my thumb?

  3. Nice idea Here some do the door to door trick-or-treating (children really). Others either lock their doors or dress up and hit the town!
  4. Just installed the Hub and everything, so if all goes well I may be able to join for a bit
  5. Completely forgot Mass Effect off of the list! ME2 is one of the best games that I've ever played. I was quite disappointed with ME3 though.
  6. Not exactly a remix, but a guitar cover of Act on Instinct! This guy also does a good cover of Rise of the Harkonnen from Dune 2000.
  7. Greetings My username is Bashar, you can call me Rob if you like. I'm here to keep an eye on the Battle for Dune work! Very excited.
  8. Oh Total Annihilation! You can get that on GoG now, what an absolute gem.
  9. Bashar is a name I keep reverting to whenever I can, it's a rank among the Imperial Sardaukar in the Dune universe. Sardaukar are the most feared fighting force in the universe, and how the Emperor maintains his power. Bashars are pretty high up in the ranks On steam I'm Wizard Cat, mainly because of this video: There's nothing more scary than Wizard Cat.
  10. Some pretty good ones up here All time: 1: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (don't groan, there's just a certain magic to this game that I love!) 2: Emperor: Battle for Dune 3: Fallout: New Vegas, yes sir. Universes 1: Emperor: Battle for Dune (you can tell I like Dune right?) 2: The STALKER series (based on the book Roadside Picnic, love it) 3: Fallout Gameplay - no honest answers for you! Strangely it doesn't figure into what i like about games. Story 1: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 2: Bioshock Infinite 3: Anything with the G man in it.
  11. Thanks Squid they're quite fun to work with if you don't mind the containment procedures! I'm afraid that I haven't yet, I work on a campus far out from the University, so don't visit the main campus often. What do you do?
  12. A nice idea for a topic it's nice to read what you all do. I'm doing a PhD at the University of Nottingham on prion diseases. What this means day to day generally varies wildly depending on the experiments being performed. It's generally a bumpy ride but over all I do love it
  13. Soup, soup a tasty soup, soup

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