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Posts posted by Mojoman

  1. I'm curious.


    What do you have to say for yourself, Mojomon?


    I dindu nuffin'.



    I was held last night, probably by Voe. I also had records checked on me


    I used up my shoot on Snipe after only 1 vote on him, hardly jumping on the kill him bandwagon.


    As for spies missing all the time. I'll just say my D100 rolled below a 25 :3

    Er make that spies jamming, not missing

  2. Now as for my assessment of this current situation.


    Voe still town.

    Fraydo probably town.

    OWA- Though there are cases being made against him, I still have another suspect (see below)

    Cat5- Probably town.

    Triattack- ???

    Nodlied- The fact that you haven't claimed any action happened to you last night makes me suspicious. From the start you've been manipulating from the background, never being the first to vote on a lynch. I suspect you because Voe would have been the obvious target for a nightkill last night, however, he asked for protection and he correctly called out a scum, so I'll assume someone blocked for him or he somehow self-blocked a night kill.
    With that said, I think the second best target would have been you Nodlied, due to you swaying votes towards killing scum, but not being first to jump on the bandwagon.
    Now you could say that OWA was blocked from killing you last night by being interrogated. But I doubt very much that OWA would have tried to perform the night kill (assuming at least 2 scum remaining), given that he was under general suspicion before, another person would have attempted to kill you. Either triattack or myself would have been most likely to attempt that.
    But you've made no claim to self-protect and there is no hint you were targeted at all. Which leads me to suspect you are in fact one of the scum and never voted first in order to see who you could draw information from.


    Therefore I shall offer my countervote good sir!


    ##vote Nodlied

    P.S. - Thank you for all your teaching and help Nodlied, not even being sarcastic.

  3. Since this is my first time playing and I suspected Voe or you to be targeted, I was just wondering the mechanics of how protection worked in general.

    Gathering me own information.


    Although I could have just pm'd vertigo.

    And no one claimed to protect, but I guess you wouldn't want to claim that right?

  4. I'm pretty sure now that Nodlied is town.


    I'm not sure of the threeway dynamic between Voe, General, and Snipe.


    I think either Voe and General are Allies with General stepping up to defend Voe.


    Or Voe is town and General and Snipe are both Allies and General was seeing Snipe going down and is putting him up to avoid suspicion.

  5. Okay. I'm going to give Snipe the benefit of the doubt until he responds again. But he is high suspicious for me.
    Generalcamo I trust as well, he's just playing too insane to be allies I think.

    Nodlied I'm not sure about, seems to be throwing some shade on everyone, but hasn't made any suspicious actions.

    Category 5 Not sure at all about.

    FRAYDO has been pretty tame since first day silliness.

    One Winged Angel could be a spy I think? But I'm not sure how / if I want to find out.

    triattack Not really sure.

    Voe is actually every single Allied at once.
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