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Posts posted by Mojoman

  1. I use variations of Mojomon, Mojoman, Mojomun. The first big online game a played was Wow and after agreeing that the Alliance was full of 12 year Olds (this was before blood elves), I switched to horde and made a troll mage (which was really uncommon at the time).


    So the Mojo part is because of trolls and Jamaicans, and the mon part is the same thing.

  2. I'm so sorry Fraydo. I always loved you.


    I hope the remaining Soviets can finish off the Allies. I have this suspicious feeling I'll be getting an email saying 'you have been given access to dead doc.'

    Oh heck there's only 3 of us...



    And I just watched the video. Hahahahaha. That was great. I can't believe Voe had a death rattle effect. How did Verti known this week was the double death rattle brawl in Hearthstone???

  3. Yeah no you're cool. I had assumed there was no third-party because I assumed my radar scan would detect a third-party even after we found out there was an Allied MRJ. I thought maybe neutrals had some sort of condition to become a third-party, and I felt convinced by other arguments that you were trying to fence sit and let us just fight it out.

    Mafia edit: also


    ##vote Voe


    Time to end this neutral threat!

    Double mafia edit (?): I think 1 map totally has mobile AA trucks on it as an extra vehicle.

  4. My D4 information basically said my radar scan would trigger something on its second use (passive every 2-day ability). The reason I pushed so hard on the neutrals was because I asked verti if neutral / third-party would show up under the neutral heading in my scans. He said they would be separate, so I figured there was only neutral and no third-party present. When I found out the MRJ died I assumed it didn't show any Allies on my scan because the MRJ was technically alive when my scan happened. I had no idea it wouldn't pick up third parties.


    I suspect if third-party had survived, then my radar scan would have maybe picked up cargo abnormalities or triggered something with the cybernetics centre. I honestly won't know until D4.

    I was playing around this information because I didn't know if that would help the neutral players in some way).

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