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Posts posted by Mojoman

  1. How about this then?


    End of night one there was 5 Soviets, 2 neutrals, and an unknown number of Allies (due to MRJ) but you can do the math, that's 4 allies.


    Now there's 4 soviets, 2 neutrals, 3 allies.


    To me this sudden switch and the connection between Chopbam, and General shows me right now who the remaining Allies are, TBH I think Jeod was an Allied sniper and then got turned to neutral.





    ##vote Generalcamo


    Let's cut off the head.

  2. I honestly believe something bad will happen if we allow Fraydo to live.


    Like, I don't want to say Stalin's personal guard inc. but totally Stalin's personal guard inc.


    I am very sure he is not scum, but if we don't kill him now, town is going to regret it by Day 4, regardless of if we kill the remaining Allies. Which, by the way, won't happen by day 4, unless we are really lucky with our shots (Ala radar jammer)

  3. Actually, I'm suspicious of GeneralCamo.


    I don't like the way he is giving all these numbers analysis.


    I re-read the first post and it says this...


    "If there are any Neutrals in game, they will win if they survive until the game ends with any of the fractions winning."


    and GeneralCamo posted FRACTIONS in his analysis.


    Mafia Edit: Nah I was fine last night. Thanks for asking though.

  4. If there are two third-party options, I think these would be the possibilites.


    Third Party One (1) and Third Party Two (2)

    So we could have 1 and 2 not know who the other is.


    1 know who 2 is.


    2 know who 1 is.


    1 and 2 both know who the other is.


    I don't think option 1 or 4 make much sense, since if they either one didn't know who the other was, they could take a random night action and there would be one third party done with.


    Option 4 doesn't make sense to me, as if they both knew who the other was, they would either team up (in which case what's the point of two teams?) or they have separate objectives that somehow also involves the other dying at some point (in which case, why not just kill the other person to be safe).


    Option 2 or 3 would mean that one of the third-party's objectives included using / keeping alive the other third party while they don't have knowledge.



    Here's a thought though if we're going through the revolutionary thought process. Perhaps the third party right now is the civilians, and they have to escort a convoy (whatever that means), at which point they become Stalin's Personal Guard and become buffed up to destroy both Allies and Soviets.

    Escorting the convoy could mean destroying any base defenses (Flame Tower, Pillbox) or maybe eliminating aircraft that could find their convoy.

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