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Posts posted by Mojoman

  1. While I was talking with Chopbam, I was also given the option to have a second conversation with Jeod because I was holding a Death Note. (which I assume is a true Death Note). That's why I was giving so much proposal to him yesterday, he offered to help the task force by saying who the original Kira was, but he needed the most trust to get a special action. I assume the special action had something to do with protecting him, because yes, we can kill him. I don't know how (obviously not getting him to fall in love with me), but you know Jeod, he was cocky enough to bring up that yes, he could be killed.

    So there's all my cards on the table. I got voted on anyway, I figured if I just brought up my associaitng with Jeod without telling people right away, I'd have just been voted on anyway.

    Jeod can confirm this happened.

  2. I don't really have much to add. Chopbam is trustworthy from lore and from our doc talk.

    I know his actual name and he doesn't know mine. So he obviously trusts me. Our plan was to just pass the note book back and forth. That way it's locked in limbo and if one person doesn't receive it the next day, then the person who had it before can be investigated and the Death Note taken, since that person has become untrustworthy.

    Also Fraydo is being unnecessarily suspicious. Suddenly active and pushing hard on Chopbam, who has done nothing to be suspicious.

    P.S. @Chaos_Knight We were talking in the doc about how mad Voe would be if Cat_5 got shot. I named you by accident, that's what I get for not re-reading our doc.

  3. If there's an agreement to me accessing the Death Note I'm not against it. The only extra thing that would happen to me is that if I am investigated, I will be held as a 'Kira Suspect' and any extra items I have will be confiscated. I already used one item to try and contact Chopbam, and my other item I don't really see a use for at the moment (Both are one time uses).

    But I'm also not sure of any secondary effects accessing the Death Note might have.

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