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Posts posted by Mojoman

  1. Hey guys,

    I mentioned this article a couple days ago in game and finally dug it up.

    It's basically a really in-depth fan history of the progression from the Red Alert Universe to the Tiberian Universe.

    I believe the original was written before RA 2 came out so for all the original author knew, they could have been writing canon :p.

    So yeah, give it a read (it's a doozy of a read though) and have some fun with what might have been!


  2. Just wanting to open a discussion about the Chameleon Spy for Nod in Reborn. I know a big patch is coming out eventually, but I think this might be a good opportunity for feedback about a unit I feel should be heavily modified.

    Why do I believe this?

    The Chameleon Spy, in my opinion, is a teamwork killer. The main use of the spy is not to gather information or covertly steal a vehicle that's left sitting around (though if it happens, a bonus).
    The main use for the Spy is to go out on your own and wait, maybe hide in a corner and wait for someone to spawn, go up behind someone and stab them unexpectedly, but has very little to contribute to team play.

    Perhaps the use for the spy could be killing an engineer that's repairing while your allies are laying siege to the base. Well, if your teammates are already attacking the base, other infantry are more than likely storming structures and any engineers are fighting for their lives or buying other units.

    Overall, I feel the Chameleon Spy doesn't add to the team play of the Nod side and if anything, puts them at a disadvantage, or encourages killwhoring at the end of a game.

    What are other's thoughts on this unit?

    Personally, I'm not sure how it could be fixed without making to too much like the Spy from APB. Sorry for the negative nancy of a post.

  3. Yeah I really like that suggestion for the bot. It would help to know how much a !td actually helps the team. Hard to do math in the middle of a match haha.


    As for the water thing, I don't really care much either way. If the w3d engine ever gets realistic water then that'll be the dream but that's not going to happen.

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