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Posts posted by Mojoman

  1. Yeah a one man scum with the 'evidence' of being scummy possibly transferring hands. So we have the Task force, which lets say is town. Light, who is hard scum. And L who is third-party / Town Ally (Doesn't care if task force people die as long as he gets Light, but doesn't especially try to target suspected Task Force for investigation / possible elimination).

    The Death Note can apparently be handed off to other people, though why that person wouldn't turn it in as evidence or something I have no idea (will probably be revealed later, steal back mechanic? Maybe we have to kill whoever is holding the Death Note or risk us being revealed and killed?).

    The main point for any Task Force seems to be hiding your identity and gathering information at first.

    The main point for Light is to have anyone else investigated while he has the Death Note, and possibly get himself investigated when the Death Note is 'found' or handed off, however it works.

    L's main goal is probably to survive with a few Task Force getting killed so he can narrow down who Light is.

  2. Or vertigo is a town doctor and does not want to claim as it'd make him dead in the water. He's made flimsy attempts to get out of the mess and... (???) ...and rubbish because he wanted himself dead. Unless it's done to punish town, specifically chaos, jeod and cat5 for their crusade. I hammered myself once day 1 as town doctor to have town lose for their stupidity.


    I hope this isn't true :p (that Verti hates us all and wants to ruin the game). IMO, Verti said his role was uninteresting and doctor isn't that uninteresting to me.


    Also I'm still on mobile so my big post is slow. TBH I might just spend a chunk of time on my phone this afternoon and write then (hard to do multiple quotes on mobile across several pages).


    I think Verti is baiting town though. Or maybe he got a neutral role as civilian :p (I don't think there are any neutrals though eh?)

    Mafia edit:


    Voe, get that vote off me. Unless you want to really screw over town D1.

  3. I can't use my computer tonight so I can just make a quick analysis post ND a bigger one tomorrow before lynch (or no lynch).





    The interplay between Jeod, Voe, and Verti concerns me. Mainly because I have it the idea who to pin things on. I feel Jeod and Verti are acting very erratically but not in cahoots (seemed to get a little too heated between them). Voe is just going to screw us all because we aren't going to lynch him D1.


    Again, that's literally the obvious stuff, I'll make a longer post in my AM when I have access to my desktop.

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