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Posts posted by Mojoman

  1. Had a thought while playing today.


    You know those guard towers and bunkers that you see scattered around as set pieces? I find their main use to be a quick place to hide from vehicles as you then slowly get blasted by splash damage, or hide from an air unit until they lose interest. Or if you're feeling patient, ambushing an arty or v2 that happens by and killing it from behind. That's mainly bunkers though, the guard towers are extremely limited in that, as they stand out like a sore thumb.

    I was thinking, would it be possible, or desirable, to add an area buff to towers and bunkers that would reduce splash damage from explosions like a tank shell or v2 rocket / arty shell? Infantry damage from bullets would be unchanged obviously, and tesla damage would be unchanged as well (Due to shockies being unfairly dinged and frankly electricity zaps things good).

    It would provide an incentive to use these structures as something other than a place to hide and die.

    The capture logic on Rocktrap shows that specific areas can detect a player being present, is it possible to add a buff in them?


  2. Just on lunch at work. Ya'll need to slow down.


    I decided to investigate myself because I thought few other people would do it. Wanted to see if I got any extra information and instead I get less information. I will add this that Cat5 confirmed with me that I wanted to investigste myself. Not sure if that was a mod slip up or I'm just being an idiot and he tried to stop me.

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