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Posts posted by Mojoman

  1. I swear I had no foreknowledge of Voe being busy :o.


    Jeod why the heck did you shoot Killing_You? He wasn't a missile silo or even suspected of being one. Now with 2 NKs we have an even harder time of winning and I seriously doubt Voe is anything but town now, given what a dire situation we're in if he isn't replaced and we lynch him that could be 2 allies, 1SK, 1TP, and only 4 soviets left. Or even worse with 3 allies it would be 3 soviets left + you maybe helping town. So at best we have 5 votes to swing and at worst 3.

    Take your vote off Voe and reanalyze. A mislynch can cost us the game if the SK is stupid or has some wacky ability.

  2. I know it's gonna sound like a Movoe scum team, but I doubt that he is a role like that. Verti doesn't tend to redo roles that were unpopular without drastic changes. I don't believe there is a cult in this game because so far we haven't seen anyone suddenly become buddy, buddy D2.

    Though I've been thinking about the possibility of a third party demo truck. I believe that both Allies and Soviets have rocket soldiers or that both have (had)  engineers capable of somehow deactivating the warhead instead of the truck. It would fit the theme of a nuclear installation, the third party demo truck would have the objective of surviving long enough to blow up the remaining players towards the end of the game.

    IDK that's my theory crafting.

    Also someone has to by lying or we were all just sitting on our laurels last night doing nothing.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Killing You said:

    Voe never mentioned being busy, at least in this thread. In fact, his only post at that point was at best a jokepost aimed at Chopbam. His "interesting" comment also strikes me as odd, but we're talking about Mojo. Speaking of which...

    1. How does he know that? For all we know, this could be coincidental as mentioned above.

    2. Little bit of self-analysis going on there. Not the most townie move, especially if it's just "this is how I am" rather than "this is what I do and why I do it."

    3. HIGHLY doubt an Allied building is in play. Allies need nighttime mobility to find and kill the silos. (With my luck I'm probably wrong, but that's my assessment of the situation.)

    4. Again, Voe never said he was busy. So why did Mojo say he was with such certainty, on top of an "As you know" tone of voice.

    I've got my eye on you, but I want to hear nightly reports from everyone first.


    1. Misread before when people at the start were paging Voe because he hadn't jumped on the thread yet.

    2. If I self analyze then other people can't speculate without calling me a liar :v

    3. I definitely think an Allied building is in play to give stability to the Allied team in terms of lynches.

    4. I misread things like I think I misread your number 1.

    As for the nights events, there was no night action from me. If I was scum, I would not be stupid enough to target the guy who was SPECIFICALLY targeting me the most.

    Either you guys are gonna be idiots and fall for a basic scum ploy to get my lynched, or maybe you can shoot me and try your luck :dance:.

    Fraydo dying I have no clue about. He really didn't seem to be the best to target for a second night kill. I would have aimed for Jeod to try and push for a Chopbam scumteam.

  4. Voe talking about chopbam getting it was in response to my




    Or whatever I wrote. TBH I'm consistently all over the place in all my games. I really believe no lynching will screw town over. But if we lynch a building by accident we have to double check their claim. Even if they are a missile silo, watching them to see who visits them would pin down an ally. Honestly what I'm most worried about is an Allied pillbox. That would trip us up and get a few of us killed.


    I most likely won't post before hammer but I really dont feel confident in voting anyone. Fraydo is his usual self, Voe was able to get in the game but said he was busy, killing you was just trolling. He isn't new enough to be like 'hey friendo, I like being friends, don't lynch a friend!'

  5. >353 posts

    >Know nothing about RA

    The heck you been posting about dude :D


    You just need to know the role sheet for some basics.

    The Soviet's are town and want to kill the Allies who are mafia.

    The Allies all know who they are and have a document to talk to each other.

    Soviets have no idea who anyone is and are not in a document together.

    Don't need to know much RA lore beyond that.

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