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Posts posted by Mojoman

  1. Actually though, since you've said Yaks are mainly defensive (besides Allies getting AA guns), maybe move the FT on the right side of the Soviet base (the one with their closest oil pump) to give Allies an easier way to infiltrate / harass the base?

    Or make mobile AA guns purchasable on this map, it kinda fits having a technical vehicle on a desert map. (Though I know that purchase menu changes are weird).

  2. I do like the idea of yaks on pipeline (though migs, if someone ever makes them work on a lark, would be more appropriate I feel).

    Like NodGuy said, it's up to the player to have knowledge of the terrain. It would be awesome to see Yaks flying under the pipes in the middle of the map and coming out of the sandstorm supporting a Soviet armour push.

    Allies would have a fair amount of cover to shoot down the Yaks from, but the yaks have a speed advantage to hide behind obstacles as well.

  3. I am literally shooting Jeod at the start of every game now.


    Also Verti give me a civilian role I want it.


    I really don't know how we got the heat off us D2. Though if I had been lynched D1 it would have been fun to see people hunting down Fraydo and Voe. :D


    Also should have NK Jeod.


    I really enjoyed being scum that game. It was a shame my ##shoot didn't work. Would have been fun to hit a Soviet then kill a scum teamy by mistake.


    I really will never let Fraydo live down that RNG kill. Fraydo is becoming a meme :D. Who needs lynch Voe D1 when you have Fraydo randomly dies.

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