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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Okay so because this is becoming such a big deal and I'm not sure Irish is going to be able to respond in a timely manner. I suspect (high certainty) visiting Irish roleblocks you. Why? Because I got a golden ticket~~~~~ Which under the fine print says it allows you a one time ability to visit the chocolate factory without being roleblocked.
  2. I do not believe they are connected.
  3. But you did attempt to visit Irish last night correct?
  4. Interesting. I want to hear what Irish has to say about this then.
  5. No, I have no idea what that's about. If I'm right about what happened to me, Shade should have received an item as well.
  6. So you think without your role ability you'd be dead (or something like it) right now?
  7. If I'm correct, you should read what you received more carefully.
  8. Did you also visit Irish last night Shade?
  9. Counterpoint (Unless you're talking about actually being Frankenstein not stien)
  10. When was shade Frankenstein again?
  11. I am not alternate universe brained enough to understand this.
  12. So does this mean that Shade wasn't doing a gambit to bait out a scum reaction?
  13. I'm getting this odd impression that you fall under that category.
  14. Mafia would want to do the opposite right? Muddy the waters about who is town instead of clearing them.
  15. Finally you say something that makes sense!
  16. So the summary of todays events is that Shade seems to be upping his fishing plays this game, iLTS overreacts, Orange is indecisive on if Shade's fishing is scummy or towny this game, and Cat5 thinks it was a great play?
  17. I think it might just be due to votes use the same targeting syntax as actions.
  18. I wanted vengeance and now Mojo's denied it to me!
  19. I'm still onto mojo for randomly giving Orange lynchproof after he failed the "R U Sus" test. Especially in light of Orange being wishy washy on his reads in the past couple of hours.
  20. Hey guys I was crawling through the vent like you do, and I saw iLTS in there! What gives?
  21. The only thing that's changed is I'm voting mojo instead of Orange.
  22. I guess Jeod could be trying to explain what lynchproof means for newer players.
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