Unfortunately, Miltank isn't as prepared as I'd like it to be. It's one training shy of 50 and I purchased the move I want to teach it last night. Had to use up a night training Moltres for Flamethrower.
KY uncovered a Scyther and a Voltorb iirc. Retaliation found the Grimer and I just found the Teddiursa. So my mistake. It should be KY and Shade vs two others.
We have nothing more to discuss for the time being, Shade. Vote to early hammer so we can get more info without having to wait another 24 hours with useless conversation.
I think you're getting confused by being slapped around so much. Read one page back. Brigitte still thinks you're scum and slapped you around with your silly theories.
Because placing an early hammer in scum's hands so easily is a big no-no. Therefore, it's highly doubtful we have even 3 scum. Once again, your argument is moot.
Let's move on to the investigation. @Brigitte?