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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Plus, Mr. Pokemon (read: the GM) directly stated that Team Rocket is responsible for the eggs, through Mr. Pokemon.
  2. That does make more sense, but then how did you get your egg? You haven't taken part in investigations, nor has Shade who apparently rejected an egg offer.
  3. My egg theory is still just a theory (not a game theory, mind you), but you have no explanation for your "doctor" ability performing the way it did when it doesn't line up with how our other abilities work.
  4. I support this, KY is definitely town in my book so unless he wants to fight with his Lv50, he's better off out of the picture today. As for Category 5, I'm not 100% sold on him. His interactions with Shade make me feel like they're a team, but his ability has been used on two other players besides Shade.
  5. Are you ready for your trial by fire, Shade?
  6. Yep, we can't ignore the first Pokemon Report. ##Rocket Shade939, Category 5
  7. Look. I have a Moltres. Retaliation claimed to have a "chicken" from a legendary egg. Logically, one could assume the third egg would be....*drumroll*
  8. That was one of my theories, yes. That they had a limited number of Pokemon to begin with and needed to pass out eggs to trade for more.
  9. Possible, but how did Irish get an egg if Rocket is handing them out? (AFAIK mine and Retaliation's aren't "special" eggs)
  10. As expected, you've become more hostile when called on instead of attempting to explain the discrepancy.
  11. Hero of this Story: protects from negative night actions Brigitte: view a player's strongest pokemon Category 5: boost a player's training session Shade: revive a player's pokemon to 50% and then heal them to 100% (!?!?)
  12. @Shade939, why does your "ability" do two separate things when the rest of us only have a single named ability that does a single action?
  13. I think that only suggests that the two things came from the same source, otherwise it should just say that Houndoom was fully healed.
  14. It was two separate actions, correct? So far our character abilities each have a single action...couple that with Shade coming out of the gate with a roleclaim, it is rather suspect. There's no verifable way to prove his "ability" is truly an ability.
  15. Yes, that does mean I'm not scumreading Brigitte right now.
  16. Retaliation, is Houndoom your primary today? As in, is it possible to confirm Shade's claim and yours? At the moment, possible teams I'm seeing are Shade/Retaliation and TheIrishMan/Category 5.
  17. Has anyone else gotten a training bonus from Cat5 this game? I find it rather odd that he'd give it to me on the first night, he's usually more reserved when it comes to using one-time abilities.
  18. If A aligns with B, A must align with C. I'd be surprised if you didn't get one of the birds since we both did.
  19. Also did you miss where I said my egg hatched into a Moltres?
  20. Agreed, our first double battle with three legendary birds on the field, it's a critical juncture.
  21. I don't think anybody's really called you out officially yet?
  22. I have no idea why there's a gap. But even so, you and Irish both received eggs on the same night. However, you rejected his offer and thus he kept his egg. I'd call that good game balance when the eggs hatch into legendary Pokemon. How else are Rockets who distribute eggs supposed to get them?
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