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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. ...so Shade got the egg offer on Night 4, and then on Day 5 TheIrishMan claimed to have an egg.
  2. @Retaliation, on what day did TheIrishMan make that roster post? It's the first time he's claimed to have received an egg I believe.
  3. @Shade939, which night did you receive and reject your egg?
  4. Yeah, it does seem like some of these more common Pokemon are lies. Of course, scum would never come out and say they have, say, a Voltorb, because then a town (like myself) could put two and two together.
  5. I spent the entire game formulating coherent arguments while at the same time keeping an open mind. You've had tunnel vision.
  6. For a guy with one-time healing abilities you sure did sit on a throne of pride. Your role was better off with a player that actually did scumhunting.
  7. Time to cut the crap, this is the endgame. Are you seriously claiming doctor? After we've had four Pokemon losses, you've sat on your ass this entire time? Retaliation can you corroborate?
  8. The following is a list of posts made by players that I noticed were a bit suspicious given the current circumstances, and I added in quotes from myself as I reread the thread to show my thought process throughout the game. Category 5 Hurricane in this post (https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/417161-day-6-pokemafia-2/?do=findComment&comment=676635) says he’s unhappy with his roster and that “this time” he highly doubts he’ll ever be happy with it. This post (https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/417161-day-6-pokemafia-2/?do=findComment&comment=676702) shows how I thought Category 5 was the daycare man. At the time, I didn’t know if the training bonus was due to my investigation failing, due to rng, or some other factor. I figured handing out an egg was more likely to be a player action. Further supporting my suspicions at the time is this (https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/417161-day-6-pokemafia-2/?do=findComment&comment=676876) post by Category 5 which included an egg pun. Shade made a comment (https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/417161-day-6-pokemafia-2/?do=findComment&comment=676829) that piqued my interest, because we were discussing a mechanic change to allow for multiple trainings a night. If I put this together with Shade’s support of the change, as well as him actually cautioning us to train up before investigating, the pieces start to come together somewhat. More exchange between Category 5 and I here (https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/417161-day-6-pokemafia-2/?do=findComment&comment=677016), where I call him “old timer” in reference to daycare man, while also softclaiming my character. I’d like to point out this (https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/417161-day-6-pokemafia-2/?do=findComment&comment=677300) part of the game, or more specifically my exchange with Retaliation leading up to it. It should be clear that I wanted to progress the investigations from the start of the game, and threatening Retaliation backs it up quite nicely. Another standout post from Shade (https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/417161-day-6-pokemafia-2/?do=findComment&comment=677340) where it almost looks like he knows about the eggs but isn’t quite sure if he should claim daycare man or not. Interesting post here (https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/417161-day-6-pokemafia-2/?do=findComment&comment=677665), are we possibly looking at a Shade/Cat5 scumteam? Oddly, Brigitte doesn’t want to scout me again even though I hatched my egg and scum should probably want to know what it is (https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/417161-day-6-pokemafia-2/?do=findComment&comment=677681) I feel like Shade knows at this point (https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/417161-day-6-pokemafia-2/?do=findComment&comment=677704) that he can twist the egg thing into a scum action, since he’s been trying to peg me the entire game. See here (https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/417161-day-6-pokemafia-2/?do=findComment&comment=677728) as well, is he alluding to him actually having more Pokémon on his roster since he’s handed out three eggs at this point? And now we come to the reactions to the second investigation, which may tie it all together. Let’s have a look. Shade willing to jump the gun, as usual (https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/417161-day-6-pokemafia-2/?do=findComment&comment=677898). I actually don’t recall if I said before this that I replaced my Voltorb for an egg. If I did, I’d appreciate Shade finding the quote for me. Category 5 (https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/417161-day-6-pokemafia-2/?do=findComment&comment=677913), I am extremely interested in hearing your case for a Jeod/Brigitte scum team. Funnily enough, at the moment with my quote analysis, I’m suspecting you and Shade for the scum team.
  9. It's literally called hero of this story.
  10. Yup. My ability is a passive one that protects me from negative night actions such as "kills". I've never been notified of any attempts so I have no clue if I actually prevented any or not.
  11. Generally train, shop, and attach held items. I played the item lottery for the past two nights but nobody else played.
  12. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Ethan_(game)
  13. I'm Ethan. You know, the hero of this story.
  14. It was only obvious to you when I explained it bluntly, you degenerate.
  15. Oh yeah, Retaliation lost his Skarmory to Wobuffet. Forgot that strikethrough above.
  16. Go back a page and read the investigation results.
  17. Well, given that my egg hatched into a Moltres, I really didn't think it was given to me by scum.
  18. Alright, brace yourselves for a semi-long analysis post. First, I’ll compile the claimed Pokémon rosters from yesterday: Retaliation TheIrishMan Shade939 Jeod Psyduck Wobuffet (exchanged for egg) Phanphy Cyndaquil Skarmory Magikarp Delibird Miltank Houndoom Lapras Venonat Jolteon (Brigitte “confirms”?) Natu (Brigitte “confirms”) Exxeggute Heracross Heracross Porygon Eevee Snorlax Lapras Togepi (exchanged for egg) Abra Poliwag Voltorb (exchanged for egg) Brigitte Category 5 Hurricane Killing_You Pidgey Scyther Sunflora Scyther Seel Onix Pikachu Ratatta Sandslash (Brigitte “confirms”) Vulpix Hitmonchan Magikarp Pidgey As we know, the first investigation revealed that at least one of the scum has a Scyther. This investigation was performed by Killing_You. Since investigations are essentially the cop function of the game, does this mean that we can expect “insane” investigation results (the reported Pokémon is actually part of a Town roster)? It’s a valid question, and such a mechanic probably exists. However, Killing_You is almost certainly town. Why? The second investigation revealed that at least one of the scum has a Voltorb. This is particularly interesting because Voltorb is pretty unique, and I’m definitely not scum. But more on the Pokémon Report later. A smaller tidbit of the second investigation that nobody caught was that Meowth defected from Team Rocket and joined Killing_You. Reread that sentence. Meowth defected. As in, the second investigation—which is the cop role in this game it seems—confirmed that Killing_You is Town. What’s this mean, then? It means that the Pokémon Reports from both investigations are 100% accurate. This would appear to implicate Brigitte, Category 5, and myself and possible suspects. However, let’s go back to see what Mr. Pokémon had to say about Team Rocket: “they even contracted me to provide rare and valuable eggs”. That’s interesting, and explains why we don’t have a claim for our mysterious egg-giver. Players who are given an egg at night are asked to either dispose of the egg or replace one of their Pokémon with it. The egg hatches the following night if it’s kept. But what happens to the disposed Pokémon? Is it discarded from the game, or is it “traded” for the egg? From my point of view, there are two possibilities: one, that a player is lying and has/had a Voltorb, or more likely—that Team Rocket scum didn’t start with a complete roster of Pokémon and traded eggs to build their roster. There are some quotes to back the second supposition up, and I’ll follow up this theory with those quotes in a bit to point to our Rocket suspects.
  19. I nominated you to be on my team. Almost done with my write-up.
  20. I'm working on a long write-up, be patient. I got home an hour ago from an out of state trip for a family funeral. But for now, ##nominate Jeod, Killing_You
  21. [Meta] The sooner the better, could make up for lost downtime two nights ago when the forum was offline. Besides it’s gonna be a heated day by the looks of the night posts.
  22. Wrong, I’m the hero of this story. Reread the entire thread, I’ll claim tomorrow if I need to. As for the double battle, I’ll take on KY.
  23. Well, we’ll. Voltorb is what I discarded for my egg. I think it’s unique enough that I can say these are insane results.
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