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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Or orange killing shade via notebook as a vigilante.
  2. Possibly, yes. Either by verti60 or shade committing suicide somehow.
  3. One of my theories is that all scum are dead and the notebook just has to be removed. It’s possible for us to end up killing each other to find a phantom scum. I’d prefer to put the notebook out of play today to verify this theory.
  4. I admire your attempt to pass it to an already dead player. Unfortunately, this is how it has to be.
  5. In that case it seems the notebook must die with you. Apologies if you’re truly neutral, but your objective should be complete. ##vote OrangeP47 As for the nightkill, I currently have no idea how to explain it other than orange is lying and used the notebook but had it appear as a regular nightkill.
  6. Did you not have the option to destroy, orange?
  7. Hmm... I do know that Cat5 can only revive a player if they’ve been dead for less than 48 hours, which is why Nodlied flipped yesterday. We should see Sunflower at the end of today or tomorrow morning.
  8. What went wrong? KY also was not resurrected.
  9. So, let’s hear who snipe was protecting last night.
  10. I can also gift an ability I copied. As I can only hold two Passives, I attempted to gift Madness to Shade. However, it failed and I was instead asked to discard one passive.
  11. Looks like shade was a nightkill not a notebook kill. Orange?
  12. I don't mind having a vote penalty for going over my post count for the night. A postulation of scum's movements throughout the game: Preface - We know that Nodlied and Sunflower are scum. Nodlied due to the flip and Sunflower due to the lie about her character. NIGHT ONE: Nodlied is roleblocked by OrangeP47, Sunflower simply watched Cat5 (or did something else, but Nodlied was supposed to make the kill). NIGHT TWO: Nodlied sends a Boo after ChopBam and perhaps scum target iLTS. iLTS protected himself and ChopBam is a ghost, so both actions fail. Sunflower writes my name in the Death Note. One hidden effect of a Boo visiting a Ghost could be that since it can't kill them, it randomizes their target instead. NIGHT THREE: Sunflower is roleblocked, so there is no kill. NIGHT FOUR: Sunflower kills KY, while iLTS is roleblocked by OrangeP47. The endgame: The Death Note is the final threat in the game and if OrangeP47 doesn't destroy it, then he must be lynched tomorrow. If the Death Note has been destroyed or was removed with Verti60's death, then the game is effectively over pending Sunflower's official flip.
  13. But the game hasn’t ended? Maybe it’s because the death note is still in play?
  14. If I knew the exact probability I’d have said it long ago.
  15. *tracker and yes, which is why it’s strange that chopbam’s N2 target visited nobody—i was the intended target and I did visit. Ugh, shade being shade.
  16. And you’ve been told several times by several people that it’s incorrect.
  17. Yes, but it could be because he’s neutral. Since you’re so adamant on orange, how about you explain chopbam’s n2 problem.
  18. I have to go to work soon, so I'll leave those questions open. However, if I take the angle that you made a genuine slip for N2 and didn't think I would be able to return (or not as easily/quickly), then it leads straight into you giving Sunflower the bus to give yourself an alibi, as the others had at the time not called out the N2 contradiction as much, and I wouldn't be able to verify it--thereby allowing you to postulate that "scum" caused it.
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