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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. TURN 4: Killing_You used a Super Potion! Kadabra recovered health (40 HP left)! Nidoking used Double Kick! Kadabra took 3 DMG (37 HP left)! Kadabra took 3 DMG (34 HP left)!
  2. TURN 3: Kadabra used Psychic! Nidoking took 26 DMG (55 HP left)! Nidoking used Double Kick! A critical hit! Kadabra took 6 DMG (22 HP left)! Kadabra took 3 DMG (19 HP left)! Nidoking is no longer disabled!
  3. TURN 2: Kadabra used Disable! Nidoking's Earthquake was disabled (1 more turn)! Nidoking used Earthquake! But it's disabled!
  4. TURN 1: Kadabra used Reflect! Damage taken from opponent's physical attacks is halved for 5 turns! Nidoking used Earthquake! Kadabra took 12 DMG (28 HP left)!
  5. Killing_You sent out Kadabra (40 HP)! OrangeP47 sent out Nidoking (81 HP)! *This will be an autobattle--I will stand in for Killing_You and perform as he most likely would for this battle. If there are any objections to this method, please make them known sooner rather than later.
  6. Player Trainer Nomination Rocket Nomination OrangeP47 Category 5 Killing_You Killing_You OrangeP47 Shade939 FRAYDO Sunflower Killing_You OrangeP47 TheIrishMan Category 5 Hurricane Killing_You OrangeP47
  7. KY would also be absent, so no worries. If Orange ends up battling, however, I believe I can autobattle with KY's current setup.
  8. Player Trainer Nomination Rocket Nomination OrangeP47 Category 5 Killing_You Killing_You OrangeP47 Shade939 FRAYDO Sunflower OrangeP47 Killing_You TheIrishMan Category 5 Hurricane Killing_You OrangeP47 ~2.5 hours to hammer
  9. Given the lack of voting and due to the forum update the other day, I'm going to extend the day phase by 24 hours.
  10. If this is due to my post regarding the rules, I was neither confirming nor denying it. The post was simply to communicate that the OP ruleset should not be used as the basis for such claims as it can directly lead to "bad GM is bad" comments in the postgame due to the foggy nature of the initial clarification. Anyway, here's a CvC: Player Trainer Nomination Rocket Nomination OrangeP47 Category 5 Killing_You Killing_You OrangeP47 Shade939 FRAYDO Sunflower OrangeP47 Killing_You TheIrishMan Category 5 Hurricane
  11. I was going to let that point play out because I thought I'd already said that the ruleset on the first page is a draft and was subject to balancing, but reading back I see that I didn't state that very clearly (and could have said that explicity in a PM for all I know). The Page 1 ruleset is something you should take with a grain of salt compared to the ruleset you received in your PMs. Naturally, the PM ruleset won't tell you what roles Rocket has. That's not to say there are or aren't 3 scum--generally I just want to avoid flak after the game.
  12. There’s no need for that I think, but I’ll see how things develop closer to hammer.
  13. Revive items can no longer spawn from prize boxes. You're in the endgame now.
  14. Kanto News 6 with a breaking news report! A person was spotted being wheeled out of the Silph building on a stretcher! Police confirm that the person was Shade939, a Team Rocket Admin. This means progress, but how many more Rocket members are inside the building? As the deadline for Team Rocket's demands arrives, what chaos will the day bring? Today is a single battle day! In case the hurricane storms knock me offline, Retaliation has my PM formats and access to my data for this game.
  15. Hello, Trainers. I see you have not met my demands. Prepare to suffer the consequences of your actions, starting tonight! There will be no forgiveness.
  16. It fits. The news reports what happened, since a player is obviously going to be exiting the building via stretcher after blacking out.
  17. Reveals will be shown on the news tomorrow, by the way.
  18. Irish and Sunflower, prize boxes coming soon.
  19. TURN 20: Gyarados used Dragon Rage! Lapras took 20 DMG (0 HP left)! Lapras fainted!
  20. TURN 19: Sunflower used a Full Heal! Gyarados thawed out! Gyarados used Dragon Rage! Lapras took 20 DMG (10 HP left)! Lapras used Ice Beam! Gyarados took 9 DMG (37 HP left)!
  21. This is Pokemon WTF-Items edition.
  22. TURN 17: TheIrishMan used a Super Potion! Gyarados recovered health (55 HP left)! Lapras used Ice Beam! Gyarados took 9 DMG (46 HP left)! Gyarados was frozen solid!
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