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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Coinflip results: Trainers - TheIrishman & Sunflower Rockets - Shade939 & OrangeP47
  2. Player Trainer Nomination Rocket Nomination OrangeP47 Category 5 TheIrishMan Killing_You Sunflower Shade939 TheIrishMan Shade939 FRAYDO Sunflower TheIrishMan Category 5 TheIrishMan Sunflower OrangeP47 Category 5 Hurricane Category 5 Shade939
  3. Player Trainer Nomination Rocket Nomination OrangeP47 Category 5 TheIrishMan Killing_You Sunflower Shade939 TheIrishMan Shade939 FRAYDO Sunflower TheIrishMan Category 5 TheIrishMan Sunflower OrangeP47 Category 5 Hurricane Category 5 Shade939
  4. What have you done? Player Trainer Nomination Rocket Nomination OrangeP47 Category 5 TheIrishMan Killing_You Sunflower Shade939 TheIrishMan Shade939 FRAYDO Sunflower TheIrishMan OrangeP47 TheIrishMan Sunflower Shade939 Category 5 Hurricane Category 5 Shade939
  5. I did not change the accuracy. It was 85 just like the others. Shade is correct. You sent me a PM to change it to 75 after the fact, which I declined since it was already used in a battle. The same reasoning applies here.
  6. Building off this, while moves that can inflict Burn have a 10% chance to do so, they have a 100% chance to Thaw if used on a Frozen Pokemon.
  7. 45 mins to hammer. Player Trainer Nomination Rocket Nomination OrangeP47 Category 5 TheIrishMan Killing_You Sunflower Shade939 TheIrishMan Shade939 FRAYDO Sunflower Category 5 OrangeP47 TheIrishMan Sunflower Shade939 Category 5 Hurricane Category 5 Shade939 Trainers: Category 5 & Sunflower Rockets: Shade939 & 50/50
  8. Somewhat. Frozen Pokémon can't move; can only be thawed by a Fire-type move that can inflict Burn, the move Haze, or an Ice Heal
  9. Player Trainer Nomination Rocket Nomination OrangeP47 Category 5 TheIrishMan Killing_You Sunflower Shade939 TheIrishMan Shade939 FRAYDO Sunflower Category 5 OrangeP47 TheIrishMan Sunflower Shade939 Category 5 Hurricane Category 5 Shade939
  10. Player Trainer Nomination Rocket Nomination OrangeP47 Category 5 TheIrishMan Killing_You Shade939 TheIrishMan Shade939 FRAYDO Sunflower Category 5 OrangeP47 TheIrishMan TheIrishMan Shade939 Category 5 Hurricane Category 5 Shade939 Trainers: Category 5 & TheIrishMan Rockets: Shade939 & OrangeP47
  11. Player Trainer Nomination Rocket Nomination OrangeP47 Category 5 TheIrishMan Killing_You Shade939 TheIrishMan Shade939 FRAYDO Sunflower Category 5 Shade939 TheIrishMan TheIrishMan Shade939 Category 5 Hurricane Category 5 Shade939
  12. Correct, nor can they just force two suspected scum players to fight eachother each day.
  13. I mean that two players can't battle eachother over and over.
  14. Reminder CvC: Player Trainer Nomination Rocket Nomination OrangeP47 Category 5 Killing_You Shade939 TheIrishMan Shade939 FRAYDO Sunflower Category 5 Shade939 TheIrishMan TheIrishMan Shade939 Category 5 Hurricane Category 5 Shade939
  15. So I ran some mid-game scenarios and found an exploit that needs patching: in single battles, no two players may battle eachother consecutively. If such a thing does happen, I'll randomize the battle by replacing the player in the Rocket category.
  16. I may do this since the storm has changed course and isn't projected to hit Virginia until Thursday night. The day is extended to tomorrow at normal hammer time.
  17. Player Trainer Nomination Rocket Nomination OrangeP47 Category 5 Killing_You Shade939 TheIrishMan Shade939 FRAYDO Sunflower TheIrishMan TheIrishMan Shade939 Category 5 Hurricane
  18. KN6 reporting in--there is only one day remaining before Team Rocket's deadline, and so far no Rockets have been unmasked. Saffron hospital has received a number of new patients with unknown symptoms. We are investigating--stay tuned. Today will be a double battle day! Mod note: due to the coming Hurricane Florence on the east coast of the USA, there is a large chance that the game may be delayed during the timeframe of Wednesday 9/12 and Friday 9/14. Therefore, this day phase will be only 24 hours long.
  19. Indeed, and especially the feedback in post-game. I'm looking forward to all that.
  20. I'd want to participate in the next PokeMafia, which is why I made a template for everything so someone else can use it. ?
  21. That is one of my notes on game balance for post-game, yes. I especially don't want players to make pokemon or move choices in future games with the goal of abusing such moves.
  22. Oh, but before I go... Sunflower's Dragonair has evolved into Dragonite!
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