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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. TURN 17: Gyarados used Dragon Rage! Lapras took 20 DMG (30 HP left)! Lapras used Ice Beam! A critical hit! Gyarados took 15 DMG (5 HP left)!
  2. TURN 17: Sunflower used an Ice Heal on Gyarados! It thawed out! Gyarados used Dragon Rage! Lapras took 20 DMG (50 HP left)! Lapras used Ice Beam! Gyarados took 9 DMG (20 HP left)!
  3. Assuming she wants to use it.
  4. TURN 16: Gyarados used Dragon Rage! Lapras took 20 DMG (70 HP left)! Lapras used Ice Beam! Gyarados took 9 DMG (29 HP left)! Gyarados was frozen solid!
  5. TURN 15: Gyarados used Dragon Rage! Lapras took 20 DMG (90 HP left)! Lapras used Ice Beam! Gyarados took 9 DMG (38 HP left)!
  6. TURN 14: OrangeP47 used a Full Restore! Lapras recovered health (130 HP left)! Gyarados used Dragon Rage! Lapras took 20 DMG (110 HP left)!
  7. So it is. Huh. Must have gotten the 10% in there when I was copying the description from other 10% effect moves. I'll modify it to the proper 30% since it's clearly a typo and not a balancing thing.
  8. Body Slam is 10% according to the movelist I have.
  9. TURN 13: Gyarados used Dragon Rage! Lapras took 20 DMG (10 HP left)! Lapras used Body Slam! Gyarados took 6 DMG (47 HP left)!
  10. TURN 13: Shade939 used X-Attack on Lapras! Its Attack was raised to 127! Gyarados used Dragon Rage! Lapras took 20 DMG (30 HP left)! Lapras used Ice Beam! Gyarados took 9 DMG (53 HP left)!
  11. TURN 12: Shade939 used Guard Spec. on Lapras! Stat modifying moves won't work on it now! Gyarados used Dragon Rage! Lapras took 20 DMG (50 HP left)! Lapras used Ice Beam! A critical hit! Gyarados took 15 DMG (62 HP left)!
  12. TURN 11: Gyarados used Dragon Rage! Lapras took 20 DMG (70 HP left)! Lapras used Ice Beam! Gyarados took 9 DMG (77 HP left)!
  13. TURN 10: Gyarados used Dragon Rage! Lapras took 20 DMG (90 HP left)! Lapras used Ice Beam! Gyarados took 9 DMG (86 HP left)!
  14. P.S.: Even if your Pokemon faints, you are still a participant in a double battle and can use items for your teammate, if you post in time.
  15. It's down to Gyarados and Lapras, folks. Who will take away the gold?
  16. TURN 9: Arcanine used Flamethrower on Gastly! Gastly took 8 DMG (5 HP left)! Gyarados used Dragon Rage on Arcanine! Arcanine took 20 DMG (28 HP left)! Gastly used Night Shade on Arcanine! Arcanine took 37 DMG (0 HP left)! Arcanine fainted! Lapras used Ice Beam on Gastly! Gastly took 7 DMG (0 HP left)! Gastly fainted!
  17. TURN 8: Shade939 used a Super Potion! Arcanine recovered health (68 HP left)! Arcanine woke up! Gyarados used Dragon Rage on Arcanine! Arcanine took 20 DMG (48 HP left)! Gastly used Hypnosis on Arcanine! Gastly's attack missed! Lapras used Ice Beam on Gastly! A critical hit! Gastly took 14 DMG (13 HP left)!
  18. Speaking of, waiting on Gastly's move.
  19. Except you'd have fainted afterwards thanks to Gyarados.
  20. TURN 7: Arcanine is asleep (0 more turns)! Gyarados used Dragon Rage on Arcanine! Arcanine took 20 DMG (30 HP left)! Gastly used Dream Eater on Arcanine! Arcanine took 12 DMG (18 HP left)! Gastly recovered health (27 HP left)! Lapras used Ice Beam on Gastly! Gastly took 7 DMG (20 HP left)!
  21. Alright. Here's where we'll resume when OP47 returns: TURN 7: Arcanine is asleep (0 more turns)! Gyarados used Dragon Rage on Arcanine! Arcanine took 20 DMG (30 HP left)! Gastly used Dream Eater on Arcanine! Arcanine took 12 DMG (18 HP left)! Gastly recovered health (27 HP left)! *Waiting for Lapras to make its move*
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