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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Day 1 is now officially over. Nobody is lynched. Remember, 3 night posts per person. You have 26h to get your actions in.
  2. I suppose I can call an early hammer if everyone is set on their current vote.
  3. 3/5 vote in favor. Day ends in 2 hours. 3 night posts per person.
  4. My notes from the first iteration of this game have days set to 24h because of the low playercount. Do you guys want to continue that trend?
  5. You can't angleshoot the GM. That's a Jeod™ thing.
  6. Don't make me summon Pushwall.
  7. Shade, get off Orange's account.
  8. Day ends in ~30 hours. No votes yet.
  9. DAY ONE Welcome to the first day, lads! This game is an open setup, which means you will know all of the possible roles and what they do. If you are aligned with the Town, your goal is to find and lynch the mafia. If you are aligned with the Mafia, your goal is to get rid of all other players until your numbers are equal to or greater than the other factions. During the day, players will cast ##vote [PLAYER] to select their lynch target. After 48 hours, the day will end and the player with the majority of votes will be lynched. However, ##vote NOLYNCH is an option in case the town decides to lynch no one for the day. In the night phase, which lasts 24 hours, the mafia will choose who to kill. All other role actions, as well as the nightkill, must be sent to the game moderator via PM at least ten minutes before the hammer in order to be counted. This gives the game moderator time to resolve actions and allow a smooth start to the day. Cop sanity is unknown and not given in role PMs or flips. You have each been given an initial report, as per the “cop head start” rule for this setup. This is to spur discussion on Day 1. Also, in order to prevent cheating, here is the generic role PM all the cops received: CURRENT VOTE COUNT Voe voted no one Killing_You voted no one iLikeToSnipe voted no one ChopBam voted no one OrangeP47 voted no one
  10. I'll compromise and start the game today. Keep an eye out for your PMs. Edit: If three others want to sign up before game start they are welcome to.
  11. The previous cop mafia had a "cop head start" rule where cops were given reports N0 to spur discussion on D1. IIRC, it worked pretty well. @OrangeP47 are you going to be busy with a community day this weekend? I can start the game tomorrow night with you joining.
  12. Is it claiming scum on Day 2 with 2 afks and declaring mafia the game winners?
  13. @Category 5 Hurricane was the winning scum in the first one. It's true that in the night phase what you choose to do doesn't matter much (except checking sanity by trying to cop who you think scum will NK); the "fun" factor of the cop mafia setup is the daytime arguments. There's too many cop claims. One is scum. Which cop is which? Is a cop assuming his sanity incorrectly? Who's lying? Can you trust this cop? Is that cop rubbing you the wrong way? There's a lot of debate packed into the day phases, so there obviously won't be any early hammers.
  14. Don't see a need for it at the 5-man setup, but perhaps at the 8-man sure.
  15. Some might remember the first Cop Mafia that got blown into oblivion when the forums went boink a few years ago. It was requested that I host another one, especially since we have a lower player count this time of year. It's an open setup and relatively easy to jump in--perfect for new players. 5 Player Setup: Sane Cop - All cop reports are accurate. Insane Cop - All cop reports are opposite of what they should be. Naive Cop - All cop reports are innocent. Paranoid Cop - All cop reports are guilty. Vanilla Mafia - Kills cops. 8 Player Setup (Adds these roles): Random Cop - All cop reports are random (random alignment, not random target). Lazy Cop - All cop reports are received the following night (delayed reports). Roleblocker Mafia - Blocks cops. Obviously, the town goal is to find mafia while the mafia will need to fakeclaim as a cop in order to survive. Cops do not know their sanity, only that they are Cops. This sort of setup is entirely dependent on logic and wifom skills. The game will start within 24 hours of the minimum playercount needed (5). If more than 5 sign up, I'll extend the deadline to 48 hours to allow up to 8 players to join. Signups @Voe @Killing_You @iLikeToSnipe @ChopBam @OrangeP47
  16. Four cop sanities, one vanilla scum. I can do that again sure.
  17. I dunno man. A doc, a cop, and a vig. Two scum doesn’t fit well.
  18. Frankly I don’t have motivation to put thought into The Godfather thing. It’s always going to end in a 1v1 scum win. ##vote Mojoman
  19. KY is town. Still thinking there could be a Godfather in play.
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