Welcome to the first day, lads! This game is an open setup, which means you will know all of the possible roles and what they do. If you are aligned with the Town, your goal is to find and lynch the mafia. If you are aligned with the Mafia, your goal is to get rid of all other players until your numbers are equal to or greater than the other factions.
During the day, players will cast ##vote [PLAYER] to select their lynch target. After 48 hours, the day will end and the player with the majority of votes will be lynched. However, ##vote NOLYNCH is an option in case the town decides to lynch no one for the day.
In the night phase, which lasts 24 hours, the mafia will choose who to kill. All other role actions, as well as the nightkill, must be sent to the game moderator via PM at least ten minutes before the hammer in order to be counted. This gives the game moderator time to resolve actions and allow a smooth start to the day.
Cop sanity is unknown and not given in role PMs or flips. You have each been given an initial report, as per the “cop head start” rule for this setup. This is to spur discussion on Day 1. Also, in order to prevent cheating, here is the generic role PM all the cops received:
Voe voted no one
Killing_You voted no one
iLikeToSnipe voted no one
ChopBam voted no one
OrangeP47 voted no one