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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. We've talked about character planning before too, Jeod.
  2. Actually I just thought of what I can do if you do happen to hit the lamppost, and while it's not as exciting, it's still productive, so I wouldn't be bummed out about it. If you want to do it I won't hold it against you.
  3. I mean, if that's how you feel, then maybe go ahead and shoot me now. Like I said, part of not wanting the shot now was feeling as if you guys were okay as is. That said, I've always left these things up to you, and even presented alternate plans and have been willing to work with everyone. I absolutely have not been pushing for a specific course of action, merely for having a plan, which would be amazing on D1 given how productive it normally is, or rather, how unproductive it is.
  4. I mean, you're free to do whatever, I don't control you. I'm just saying I don't think you're reading the room accurately right now.
  5. Like, I'm not the one who just up and killed Shade's character.
  6. 1) I don't think you can. 2) That probably won't look good for you if you try, let alone if you succeed.
  7. Indeed, and you can protest all you want, but I don't think it'll be a good look for you, even more so if we clear several others.
  8. Ah, Jeod, but I'm not you, and I'm sure we're all better off for it.
  9. Though with that, there's a few things I need to go take care of, so I'll be away for the next hour, maybe two.
  10. I'll address these together. It's simply that we have a very good opportunity here and I've yet to here any actual plan from anyone else.
  11. Remember what I said about the conflict between being town and being selfish
  12. It's quite simple. Say 3 people visit me, I see that 3 town visit me, only 3 people claim to have visited me, we have 3 confirmed town, scum must be in the others. Or, scum lie, say 3 town visit me and 4 people claim to visit me, we know one of them is lying and the scum. It's a very powerful tool.
  13. I get a report of how many of each alignment visit me, yep. That's a passive, always on, so I can do other things while it's active. Or, at the expense of turning that off, I can scan someone else and see how many of each alignment visit someone else, but won't get the report on myself.
  14. I expect Shade to 100% believe me because this is exactly what the lamppost does.
  15. Oh yeah, there's some BS management theory called scrum too that's more like a cult.
  16. The thing is at this point, there's a 1/3 chance to hit the char that'll confirm, a 1/3 chance to hit the lamppost sorter (which I really want to use now, especially after I revealed it), and a 1/3 chance to hit the Support, which does other things, though depending on how likely people are to visit me vs visit other people I might just not use the Support. I think at this point it's not good odds, but maybe D2 depending on how things develop. If I'm going to use the lamppost in active mode the Support is basically useless to me, and the civilian is useless unless they die, so that would mean 2/3 of my chars are useless (aside from HP) so it's okay to shoot, but we really need to know everyone's disposition on D2 to determine what's best.
  17. I think it's another word for fight, and also a term used in rugby, as well as some other meanings.
  18. And like seriously, I'm the lamppost, this is the most obvious ability for it to have.
  19. I mean, I'll even conceed maybe you guys don't want to visit me, but like I said there's a backup. Pile on somebody else and I can sort you there. The only downside is that person won't be sorted unless they self-visit.
  20. So I guess, if we want to do an alternative, if there's one person we want to priority confirm, and you feel safe saying who you're going to action (big if), I can just use the alternate action mode on the same target if you don't want to visit me.
  21. Also, I have a backup. By default the action is a passive that applies to everyone that visits me, but if I choose to make it my active action, I can apply the action to seeing everyone that visits someone else, so technically I could ask everyone to visit YOU and check everyone's alignment while they're doing that. But for now I'm going to keep that WIFOM. But yes, the implication from this is that I can check alignments AND use another action.
  22. I mean, continue to gish gallop, it doesn't look good on you. As I've said, a more manageable number of people visiting me is actually preferable. There actually is a way for scum to lie and get out of it (won't reveal that now, obviously), but I will say it's easier for them to do the more people that visit me. We can catch them in a lie easier if there's less people interacting with me. Or, conversely, we just settle for town-clearing people and PoE scum.
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