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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. One time in my recommended youtube videos there was some half hour long video about the philosophical implications of why the milk in that scene is blue (and apparently there's also red milk as well?)
  2. When discussing why I had a blue light saber and not an orange one and everyone was shocked
  3. As we established last Star Wars my favorite color is Blue.
  4. But when what will we wager when someone loses a bet? Though that said, Jar Jar was the Senator that introduced the Emergency Powers Bill that allowed Palpatine to gain control of the Senate during the Clone Wars, so a fitting avatar he may be...
  5. Damn it you stole my avatar I was going to pick! I guess that's what I get for being lazy and not changing it yet.
  6. Hmmm, I wasn't here for Dead Space, but everyone seems to have really liked those games, so I'll take that as a positive sign.
  7. My name, in part, comes from the customization I did on my fighter craft of choice back on one of Microsoft's old flight sim games. Though that leaves the question, why orange? It became my color after an unfortunate incident with some gatoraid in high school and we'll leave it at that...
  8. If there's a lull and then new stuff gets added probably best to message me on steam about it or something just like as a heads up that there's new things.
  9. Though also you'll be glad to know it's not just you guys, I'm naturally scummy wherever I go. Who knew saying "Eevee is not a vanilla pokemon" could be considered a scum slip
  10. (And also the fact that I'm generally pretty crap as town, that's another reason town lost)
  11. CYOR is a foreign concept to most mafia groups, to be fair, not necessarily because they're against closed setups or power roles, but because most people don't want to deal with balancing the damn things. That said, I played a pretty good closed set up on MU (Pokemon Yellow) and it was satisfactory, it would have thrown even us for a loop. Mafia won because nobody really considered the fact that that mafia would have a *backup* role (and maybe a side order of the last remaining scum being trustworthy enough everyone believed him when he claimed vanilla).
  12. I think we could probably do themeless.
  13. I have some basic ideas for it, but I've kind of been waiting on some more input from KY and I just assume he's been pretty busy. I mean, it's *his* game after all not mine, I'm supposed to be the junior partner in the set up.
  14. I volunteer Shade as GM so maybe he gets some perspective before he runs amok with what he's been telling me about his game design.
  15. But let's do a CYOR, because I have a role idea I've held onto a long time and I don't want to forget it
  16. Honestly, like 70% of games on MU are mountainous, IE no power roles at all, so just reading the social cues.
  17. And I mean, I'll admit, I was kinda scummy, but here's the thing, I don't have a town game. I only have a scum game. That's why playing town is so hard for me.
  18. I mean, you were basically right in our conversation a few weeks ago about "don't let ILTS get away with being vague" even though I was defending him in that.
  19. It's not a sure thing but consensus is that it's a greater than 50% scumtell. I wouldn't use it as sole evidence, but the lack of engagement with it was really pushing my buttons.
  20. Also maybe this can be the start of Chop and me not scum reading each other every game, that would be nice.
  21. I'm never letting everyone live down a "Interesting..." scum tell ever again.
  22. We've awakened Louis from her slumber for the grand finale apparently.
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