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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Literally no matter when KY was converted Chop would have missed it with a N1 cop...
  2. Hell, even if he turned at the END of N1, order of operations mean Chop would get a neutral result instead of mafia. That's basic mafia mechanics.
  3. Simply put, Chopbam copped him BEFORE he turned mafia. I'm saying KY turned Mafia at the END of N2. Chopbam copped him N1.
  4. Oh, you copped him N1? I thought N2. Even less ambiguity with missing a possible conversion then, as I had been speculating if it was the same night your read would come before the change and thus you'd still see neutral, but if it was N1, then I guess no questions.
  5. If KY was converted, it probably would have been N2. That's a decent time for a lone scum to hold a double kill for, and we don't have an account of what Cat 5 did then either, and conversion (because of kills) happens at the end so it would fool chop. Again, there's also the chance he's just a godfather. It's true I can't back these up with anything, but you have to factor in how all actors here are acting. *the strength of my evidence is literally just as strong as KY's* To pretend otherwise is disingenuous. Cat 5 is pretty solid, but this linking to me is some serious big brain play that's probably just an attempt to spoil the vote at the last second. There's also the fact that KY hasn't been very forthcoming, as evident here by his "second life" if that's true. What else might he be hiding. If he's scum, either through conversion or godfather, he might be the more dangerous scum.
  6. Sorry, back for just a moment... but this is really bugging me. You do realize, the guy JC said that quote to in the meme was right.... the NSF was right. Just cause that lieutenant couldn't convince you right then HE WAS RIGHT. Anywho, I'll be back with actual points later.
  7. I mean, I'll admit, finding evidence for it is hard, but your change in behavior should be accounted for. Unfortunately I'm busy this morning and must AFK without putting in more work right now, but when I'm back, I'm not going to drop this.
  8. I mean, people wanted alternatives, I gave it to them. Like so you're all just going to be against me no matter what I do? Might as well just end the day now and pack it in. If you're scum I of course don't expect YOU to be swayed, though, so perhaps I expect too much. Your counter argument is essentially "no u" so doesn't hold much merit, maybe I've hit a nerve and this is actually what it is.
  9. Not a relevant detail and you could be making it up. As for when it could have happened, we've speculated about scum having a second kill, particularly if there's only one scum (or started with one scum). An item would work wonders for that and allow them two kills one night, and we still have no verification of what Cat 5 did. It's easily possible it could have happened.
  10. KY did make a claim to me that his alignment could change too. He talks as if it hasn't happened, but what if it DID happen, assuming he actually was neutral. That gives us TWO possible ways he could be in on all of this. The actual claim is that he has a second life, and if he dies he revives as a different alignment.
  11. I'm not sure if being heir would make someone scum, per se, but I could see it making them neutral or TP possibly. That said, over dinner, I did start to have something of an alternate theory... KY could be some kind of godfather that doesn't show as town, but as neutral, as having two neutrals and a TP seems like an awful lot to dump on us. This recent post could be an attempt to link me with Cat 5, and they're actually going to switch to me at the last moment, giving them the edge, or something.
  12. Like if you want me to offer some big alternative, well, I've said before, I think there's 1 scum, and it's Cat 5. I see no need to change my view based on KY's posting. Nor should it be my job alone solely to work on said alternative. I suppose I could answer more questions, but you caught me at dinner time, and I'm about to AFK.
  13. Though TBF I should be used to people getting annoyed at me for doing wagonomics but I'm not gonna apologize for it.
  14. Also, wagonomics are like my thing. I haven't done it for awhile for various reasons, but I could give valid excuses for why not for each recent game. That's not suspicious.
  15. Did you forget the part where Louis ADMITTED to having a passive that interferes with a track?
  16. It's the loot box mechanics that get you, but it's 100% free
  17. I was playing Trading Card Online, give me like 2 minutes and I'll be on Poke Go.
  18. The real source of our confusion, as any high school teacher would say, is not specifying what "it" is so many times
  19. So I just made something up N2 and got lucky that Louis happened to have a passive that makes it look like she goes nowhere?
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