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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Ironically I almost picked Nodlied too but decided to switch at the last second in case I was wrong about the ILTS/Nodlied conflict
  2. It's just a mason ability, one shot, target has the option to cancel or extend at the end of the phase I believe, so I had to be pretty sure about who I wanted to talk to. Maybe I picked poorly with KY but I always trust him and wanted to get it off early.
  3. Well, I mean... that doesn't sound towny... but then again, it is different than mine, and I suppose is no different than whatever crazy stuff Shade comes up with.
  4. Well yes, this is like a 1 v 1 Jeod and Me situation most likely. Because generally both would not be town.
  5. Let me repeat it for the people that didn't hear it the first time. THERE ARE TWO MASONS. Are you lot not concerned?
  6. Funny, cause I did the same with KY, except I'm 100% sure my masonry is nonfatal. We do have wine though.
  7. I mean, this logic holds up, but I'd not base a case on it if we get anything groundbreaking out of the mechanics, so I'm interested in Nodlied showing up. It's the same reason I'm still not speculating much (that and I went to bed super early last night again cause still drained from the weekened)
  8. And I know I'm just shooting spitwads from the back of the class, but I don't have anything particularly useful to add right now. I do have some thoughts, but I'd prefer people who have actual info to do their thing (if they're willing, of course, I won't pressure) rather than muddle things with mere conjecture from me. I'm not Shade, after all.
  9. The true gimmick is when you have to translate, then translate back, so your text becomes meme.
  10. Ask Shade about the time him and me tried to invade Russia via India and almost got away with it except for the army of xenomorphs.
  11. I mean, I'm not saying anyone else (not that I know what anyone is) or myself is particularly creative, but this is like, what, the third time?
  12. Though looking at my PM, it is indeed flavorful, so Nodlied might actually be King Boo. Which... well, I guess King Boo could be scum..., and I'm disappointed in the lack of creativity, but eh, at least it's not an act probably. I'd probably take Nodlied's side over ILTS if this was an actual 1 v 1 situation, but we have no evidence that it is anything other than horsing around.
  13. Nodlied either lacks creativity and once again is King Boo, or, that's what he wants us to think, and it's all an act.
  14. I mean, I don't trust ILTS, but right now he's basically doing something that nearly everyone agrees on, such as agreeing that pineapple on pizza is a travesty.
  15. I just realized Louis' avatar is supposed to be a pig dressed as a unicorn. I guess points for being dedicated to always keeping the theme going. (in the thumbnail earlier I thought it was a picture of a toe)
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