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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Count me in. I have some esoteric bullshit prepared for just such an occasion.
  2. BTW, Sunflower told me that had she stayed in the game, she was ALSO going to be Wii Fit Trainer.
  3. Eh, I may have refined my technique of argumentation a bit, but it's more or less just keeping fresh than anything. It's always been a particular skill of mine, and one I've developed in academia/my line of work. I will say I'm more witty online than in person, but that's simply because I have 15 seconds to think of a reply and post and that looks amazing whereas in person there might be an awkward silence, but I'm pretty sure that just happens to most everybody.
  4. I was literally just trying to spy on Shade like any good town would do.
  5. This is the exact moment I noticed the face on your kirby.
  6. I, too, wanted to copy somebody's ability.
  7. I could have stopped Shade, but I liked my 50/50 odds. Also I was pretty much on my own up until my death
  8. For the record the sole reason I liked that post was for the rep count (ironically ruining it I guess ) Also to take this opportunity to brag about recently hitting 200 myself
  9. Knowing that move from Pokemon, I totally believe the 50/50 chance.
  10. I'll try and wake Jeod... Always did find that move annoying...
  11. If you have it, you can do it, asking me about it is rather pointless
  12. Even if Shade is town, doesn't make him right, or even sane.
  13. You're going to have to be more specific, and even if we did agree to something, I'm also not sure we should monopolize a phase.
  14. I'm not sure I trust any "deal" put forward
  15. I mean, it's getting to the point that even if I think this is just salt, you might need to be removed just for the good of the game.
  16. And I'm not actively plotting to kill anyone in the open!
  17. I've been a lot more forthcoming than you, who we know absolutely nothing about.
  18. I mean, Shade and I are in similar spots. Neither of us can be the killer, and I wager by actions in the thread alone I've been more towny, so he should really take a look in the mirror.
  19. The writers have gotten better this season.
  20. It would be easier if I did not have such an antagonist already popping up before you. I'm not elaborating any further at this time
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