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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I'm not going to kill *everyone*, merely those who resist.
  2. Buddy I have a masters in Political Science MAD is basically my middle name.
  3. It's not straightforward, but that's not one of the problems.
  4. BTW, for those under the impression that I have only 1 kill because I've been phrasing things "I have A Nightkill", let me be clear, I can kill multiple times.
  5. Hinting at the fact I could be allied with? What does that even mean? Besides, is it not public knowledge I'm allied to Cat 5?
  6. Shooting each other at the same time would still be a victory.
  7. Well seeing as I'm probably going to win, ehh..... I mean, it would be nice if Sunflower was here too, but still....
  8. Post game you can check the alliance doc and you'll see
  9. Like I said a few times, we could have both been convinced
  10. Depends on if I can find out a way to revive Sunflower or not. Sadly I've hit the end of my tech tree without gaining such an ability, but if someone else wanted to offer up such a power...
  11. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Declaration_of_a_New_Order
  12. Did you forget about my tier 2 power? And my alliance? And the fact that the King can't invade me if there's no King?
  13. I mean, if multiple of you don't cooperate, I can just kill whoever we elect, making this into a traditional lynch, and starting the cycle again tomorrow
  14. I can still you, though. How about this. Elect me king, and I'll kill Shade for the lols.
  15. What's Heresy is the fact that your avatar makes me think you're Cat 5.
  16. Vote for me or I'll use the Night Kill on you ##Vote OrangeP47
  17. Cat 5 remember to do special alliance action tonight k thanks bye.
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