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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. He was clowning around, and kinda joke voted me earlier, then said (seriously) that he didn't actually want to vote me, but didn't remove his vote.
  2. I'll admit, I was more thinking of doing it overnight and just posted when I woke up. The fact that retal wants it too is kinda suspicious...
  3. Oh and I may not be around for hammer today, just a heads up.
  4. I will say, it's about time we made an actual train, so ##Vote Rubeci I'm not dead set on it, but this one does have the added benefit of if we're wrong it being Jeod's fault.
  5. Jeod appears to think he's sucking up too much which is suspicious. I'd say fair enough, though maybe that could cast doubt on Sunflower too but she seems more genuine. Plus yesterday rubeci was a shade supporter and Sunflower was Jeod from the start.
  6. I mean, baring rebels winning or losing, that's going to happen eventually unless WIN maxes out first. That's just how the game is played.
  7. You know, I actually think that means somehow these holdings would be split equally, otherwise this would function secondarily as kind of a cop by confirming someone as royalist. I mean, that would be good, but I don't think it works that way.
  8. I guess extra balance so the rebels can't mess with them specifically or something.
  9. It's highly unlikely ALL the scouters are compromised, they should cross check each other first.
  10. Also given that Jeod picked a religion other than his own, him getting the first spoils is probably fair (though if he keeps stacking then I'd start to complain). Giving it to the Hand would probably make it blatantly obvious who the Hand is though. If you're trying to keep that a secret maybe don't do that.
  11. I mean to be fair, it would be pretty funny if we hit a rebel, just to give their lands to the hypothetical other rebel. I think it's easier to figure out one or two people we're sure *aren't* rebels than finding someone who is a rebel for sure though.
  12. Who gets the spoils will probably be more contentious than religion and probably fuel future rebellions
  13. Shade actually raises a pretty good point. No matter who we vote, the more important question might be who we redistribute land to.
  14. Honestly Jeod picked the one picture that actually makes me take Jack Sparrow seriously. Normally not really into Pirates of the Caribbean, but it works.
  15. TBH it makes me think of a drunk Scot trying to take advantage of a newcomer in a drinking contest.
  16. Do you have any particular insight to share with that?
  17. For a true philosopher that's your average Thursday
  18. I mean, we all know to be wary of Irish and Voe and Retal, right?
  19. Cat 5 is browsing the thread.... this could have been you! *shakes fist*
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