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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I can prove I'm innocent, I'll spell it backwards. T N E C O N N I
  2. If I'm wrong, I'm going with someone has a cardboard cutout of Irish But really, even in addition to what I've said, he's uninvestigated, was on people's shortlist, etc.
  3. Yeah, I'd assume killing makes someone hostile. The functions of the evidence base might actually be intended as a tie breaker for our SQ vs Pluralism debate, a feature I'm sure some people are frustrated at me for not using
  4. Skilled scum could pull it off. Technically, you CAN specify any reason, I just don't know if it'll work I've had better things to do than try.
  5. Because in the hands of the wrong person they could frame anyone for any reason, turning them hostile, then removing them from the game.
  6. Yeah, my inherentness is about votes, hence why I've been so concerned with them.
  7. But my point being, seeing ##kill used WILL show up in the log, so I take it that's a valid action to push or frame.
  8. There's been nothing TO push. The way things are worded... frame is literally "frame <player> <for what>" What's that even supposed to mean? I was hoping as we investigated people actions would show up in the log or something, but it now appears that they have to be generated by actually searching. I was content to let FRAYDO do that but it appears that now I have to.
  9. If Irish isn't hostile I could theoretically push his case tonight and make him hostile. Maybe. I'm not entirely sure.
  10. I still wasn't sure what some people were, but a lot of them have now claimed they just don't vote or can't vote :P I was assuming pluralism was smaller than it was
  11. No thanks to you Also all you people so stubborn and living in the past and/or wanting civil war
  12. Honestly I'm surprised I've not bit the dust as well. What makes me special though is I'm a master politician
  13. N1 I checked your vote, N2 I checked Retal's vote, N3 I checked Cat 5's vote (this is where the notification of SSQ was) N4 I double voted, N5 (last night) I checked Irish's actions. (Today is Day 6, thread title is incorrect)
  14. Though speaking of timelines.... isn't today Day 6 not Day 5 Nodlied?
  15. No, that was 2 nights ago. And I don't know if *he* got a notification, but I got the notification when I checked him N3.
  16. TBH The way I'd interpret it is there's only 1 vote between the two of them, and if Cat 5 got his vote back the person who took it wouldn't be able to vote anymore or something.
  17. I didn't use it last night. I've only used it the night before last.
  18. It simply lets me vote twice, but costs 1 PP, so I have none left over.
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