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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Nah, I played a 6 way DEFCON match and had not a single casualty. You can win Wargames. Granted, I was South America and used North America as a human shield, but still...
  2. I read right up to the point you got investigated I still have more to go
  3. In our defense, Jeod could have been fake-gloating too.
  4. Well, he IS Matsuda, after all... But yeah, I'm going to need some time to think about that post.
  5. Well, who's least corruptible is a matter of opinion, but I suppose that's fair enough. I'm just always wary of saying someone's town role for them. See, here's the thing. I've never been 100% one way or the other on Cat 5. Even if he is acting town-y, though, I think has Misa he can be "activated" somehow, so the thing is is to determine if he's been activated or not.
  6. I've been reading that APB III mafia thread and I absolutely loved the selections.
  7. It just seems like it would be hard to get that kind of a picture from the situation we've believed you to be in all game, but with effort it can be done I guess, so fair enough. Were you let out of the box last night? I forget if we managed to seal you back off or if we were too busy being distracted by proposal being tossed around like popcorn.
  8. Because unless the eyes have been bought, their names are not known. By chopping block I meant investigation, which means my name is revealed, which means I'm as good as dead.
  9. *as I believe* Chop and Nod are more important than me, not *and*.
  10. I noticed, and as I said at the time, it was entirely fair, as I'm an unknown. I would greatly prefer my name not being public though, so I'm not next on the chopping block. I believe that's reasonable, especially as people are now dying. That said, I would take the bullet for Nod or Chop, and they are vastly more important than me. As I've said, I'm basically a vanilla townie with a pretty lame power. It appears KY might want me to role claim, and I'm not sure that's wise
  11. Did you point that out? If so, I must have missed it. I still would have liked a larger discussion on the matter. Also, I never said it wasn't fair to suspect me. I've always acknowledged that's fair. I've kept my own info the closest in of anyone, probably. To be clear, too, while I did posit these theories, I'm not pressing them as likely, at the moment. I was trying to make a point, but it seems lost for now. If we can only talk about one person at a time, go ahead, ask questions. I'll answer them assuming they aren't fatal.
  12. You aren't playing town-sided, which is my issue. You're setting off my scum senses pretty hard, and you are technically a Kira suspect. I believe I am giving you a large margin of the benefit of the doubt right now. That theory I just proposed is outlandish, perhaps, but my point was from a proof stand point it's just as good as yours. If you think it's scum-sided, maybe that's because it's equally valid as your theory? I mean sure, lets discuss these things. I just want everyone to be aware that my side of the story is out there and they can go hunt for it, because you seem to be actively trying to make people think I have not spoken on this subject before.
  13. I was never trying to prove anything because nothing can be proven My point, which I'll make again, because it was perhaps not the best worded, is that my side of the story is well documented. That doesn't mean my side of the story is true, yes, but what I'm concerned with you about is why are you concerned with my side of the story *now* when you weren't *then*?
  14. If you want 100%, then it just doesn't exist. I'm just pointing that my motives have been well established. You can either believe them or you can not believe them. Unfortunately, that is the nature of this game.
  15. I mean, here, have this alternative theory. We all just saw what happened to FRAYDO. Now anyone can fake being under the Death Note if we assume the same tactic is used twice. Personally, I think using the same tactic being used twice would be kind of stupid. I mean, locking points is a big tip off, why would the writer even add that in? Yeah, FRAYDO piled on Jeod, so keeping those points saved for that might be a good idea, but it's not like most people blow their entire proposal each day. Why would Kira tip off Cat 5 that he's about to die? Why not just phrase it "any proposal remaining?" Maybe it's true, but whoever is writing these things must not be the brightest bulb in the pack. That Kira message too. Cat 5 knows Jeod isn't happy with how he's playing Misa. Sending that message is a good way to cast suspicion off himself, as Misa becomes some kind of town-martyr. That, combined with Cat 5's sudden offensive could be all some big push by the Kira Suspects staring the starlett herself who's finally been activated.
  16. Well, as for that first paragraph, I can see how that would be a good tactic, but it just isn't what was going on. If Voe was still here, he could tell you, as it is you can go back and look how hard he was pulling against Chop at that time. We even discussed afterwards I did that mostly for Voe as his fervor was a bit convincing, despite his tendencies. You can even go back and check where I said I didn't 100% tell Voe I was indeed going to do that in case I changed my mind but I did not change my mind. As for the points causing roleblock, or not, I actually agree, I think it was two different people targeting me, which is why it's more distressing. Now, since you have been revealed as a Kira Suspect I've been one of the people most willing to give you benefit of the doubt. Indeed, if you really are point locked and next on the block (I'm not 100% on this) I'd be even more sympathetic. But now that you've launched into this conversation, the fact that you overlooked all these things I've said previously is kind of suspicious to me...
  17. Are you saying you think there's a possibility me and ChopBam were/are a scum team? I mean, that's a valid belief to have, in that I can see how in a vacuum you might come to think that, even if it's not true, but I don't see how you could come to that conclusion through the other specific points you've made. If I was working with him why would we craft a whole elaborate song and dance when we could have just said nothing? On roleblocking: KY and I got very similar PMs when our points were drained. FRAYDO admitted to draining me, and I think he had good intentions. He said he didn't drain KY though. The first time I got roleblocked it just blocked my special ability, but did not block the L power. The second time, the L power was blocked. It's a big mess, and we have already said all this publicly at least twice. Where was everyone else to help us figure it out then?
  18. As a pre-note, I enjoy how Nod's refusal to say Shinigami has caught on. I still don't understand Mojo. I've been pretty up front about my experiences with L powers. Investigating Chop because Voe and I were not sure. Getting blocked harder than usual when I was going to check to make sure you didn't do anything the second time I had it. KY and I have had long conversations about the role blockers because we've both experienced the point drain and I'm surprised it never got more public attention. CVC levels have been odd all game, and nobody has seemed to care. There's probably been a ton of people using who knows what powers and none of us picked up on it. I've always tried to point out when things are fishy with that to see if there's a bite, but it's seemed like few others have been willing to talk about that.
  19. Whelp... Is that what the Kira message refers to maybe, with people being 'upset' you're a Kira suspect that has not Kira-ed, the Kira is making an example of you? But if you're going to be dead... you wouldn't have any chances...
  20. Well... I did not expect Matusda... maybe the trolling personality fits Matsuda, but I'd expect Matsuda to act a little more pro-town... unless that all was a gimmick...
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