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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean also keep in mind, we could have 0 of some of the roles on the sheet.
  2. I can see either 3 or 4 scum, I'd lean towards 4.
  3. Generals would have been known as a greater game if they didn't shoe-horn the C&C name into it. It was a great game, just not a C&C game, and I think the controversy over that at the time kinda hurt it, even if everyone's over it now.
  4. Me shooting him isn't a response. It's a result of being so sure he's scum.
  5. I've still never played C&C4 and don't intend to do so.
  6. Well there's that and I'm really agro on Mojo, too. I'm like 80-85% set on it. If you all wanted to no-lynch, I couldn't stop you, but I'd still probably "protest" vote Mojo, and that in and of itself, trying to keep the train alive, is good wagonomics and gets us info, even if we can't have two players as the trains.
  7. I feel we'll get a lot of info seeing how the players stack up and take sides.
  8. Yeah I was pretty sure we couldn't request roles.
  9. https://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Mneme's_Guide_to_Vote_Analysis
  10. I know people here don't enjoy the wider mafia meta, but two main trains for wagonomics purposes probably would be best, and we can *gasp* actually look at the votes and who votes for who to find scum and use that tool for a change might be appropriate here.
  11. If I ever win the Mega Millions or Powerball I'm going to pay for you to go to College and get a Communications Degree.
  12. That both makes no sense and is irrelevant to anything and everything.
  13. I mean, he did that TOO. That was more me not buying his specific claim though.
  14. I feel as if my role has more substance to it. I don't think "bounce back" would be a thing, even if 25% chance.
  15. To put it in other terms, it looks a hell of a lot like scum attacking an easy kill.
  16. Because he went ape-shit on Louis. He pulled a "If X happens, we lynch her, but if Y happens... we lynch her anyways!" which is like.... the biggest most basic scum tell ever.
  17. I'm fine being the counter wagon today, I'm even fine being the one axed today if it means you're axed tomorrow. Generally the wishes of the dead aren't respected, but we're a little better about it here than on MU.
  18. I can still be voted or shot during the day (at a 25% reduced rate) and my protection isn't always active. Indeed, it's not active now. Also technically any day actions that are not shots can target me too.
  19. Shade: Watch me role claim my literal mafia role and get axed for my troubles. Me (high on pain killers): *laughing hysterically* Sounds good!
  20. Missing D1 is the same as missing D3, except I'm more likely to be here for it.
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