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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. I think if there was a Shade/Retaliation Scum Team, his ability would have to alter the Investigations somehow outside of actually participating. Given we still don't know Retal's ability, that could be possible, but I doubt it. It'd be wayyy too powerful for Scum and would probably make this a bastard game because our "only" way to confidently search out Scum would be ruined. Although perhaps if it was a one-time ability like in one of Orange's previous games where ChopBam had an ability that made all investigative abilities insane for one night. But then that'd mean Shade or Retal had to have lied for Scyther (but probably not voltorb). In which case it'd have reasonable grounds for suspicion because everyone only mentioned all their Pokemon after the first investigation. Idk...it seems like there'd have to be a lot going on for them to be a Scum Team, but it's not an outrageous possibility.
  2. I'm a bit confused here, earlier you were leaning towards a Shade/Retaliation Scum Team and that he just revived his teammate to try and "prove" he was the Doctor and Town, but now you're voting for Retaliation to investigate - a person you suspected just before the double battle. If you really suspect that Scum has a revive, what is the point of confirming it? If Shade is Scum while Retaliation is Town, he wouldn't lie about his Pokemon getting revived so there'd be no need to prove it, while if Shade is Scum and Retaliation is Scum, you'd be giving Retal an additional 10 Levels and the victory bonus. Can you explain your train of thought?
  3. Yeah, you're right Shade. Apparently Hyper Beam changed from Physical to Special in a future Gen while the simulator I'm running is updated to Gen VII, but it allows me to change damage types, probably for that reason. I just didn't know. As for investigating, I still feel pretty confident I could beat it, especially with my items, but like Jeod said I think Goldenrod Gym would be easier due to it being before the Radio Tower in the story. I haven't gotten there yet in Sacred Gold, but I'm pretty sure Team Rocket takes over the Radio Tower which makes me feel like that will be the hardest one. ##Trainer TheIrishman ##Rocket Goldenrod Gym
  4. I'm talking about auto-switching the targets when a Pokémon dies. And again, that Hyper Beam. Was there some sort of item or unseen action that let it hit over double damage?
  5. Ugh, talking on the phone with a girl and refreshed accidentally... Wow, what a shame Cat5, you might've won if you used Earthquake on the second turn, or at the very least you would've beaten Shade (43 dmg exactly). As for Jeod/Brigitte, Cat5 already pointed out that Brigitte actually did vote for you two to be on the same team, but something else I found was odd is that she decided wholeheartedly to go for Shade. Her Lv 50 Gyarados could've potentially one-shot Moltres with something like Hydro Pump - or maybe if she was lucky enough ,Mystic Water and Surf - and given her a much higher chance to take down Heracross afterwards. A couple things could be drawn from this. She could think Shade to be a much higher priority while being fairly convinced that Jeod is Town, but then why question whether Jeod attempted to make that move against Shade "for Town points"? As I just said, if she was really suspicious of both, attacking Jeod first would've given her a much higher chance for victory. The other side is that she did it intentionally, trying not to hurt her scum mate. After all, a legendary is worth more than a Gyarados. Also if she was Scum while Jeod was Town, it really wouldn't make much sense to not get rid of Moltres unless she's really trying to sell her suspicions of Shade. Of course maybe she didn't think about it heavily enough, but I'd hope that wouldn't be the case. Not that it would've changed the outcome but I am curious on the math...how did Hyper Beam deal that much damage (102) to Heracross? I'm getting 47 at most. And Orange, is the auto-switching a personal call or are you going off of the game? Because the game doesn't auto-switch to the other Pokemon unless that Pokemon is being replaced by another - it just misses. And as for the investigation, I'm all for doing it tomorrow and I'm mostly confident that I have enough items to get through whatever it may hold.
  6. Can't tell you that, but I will tell you that I just did the calculation and if a Lv 50 Moltres hit my pokemon with Fire Blast, I'd be over one-shot. As for me hitting him, not even 20%. To be fair though, mine's not Lv 50. Alright we have 3 (4 if you include Jeod's acceptance) people for the change as of right now. I'll go with it too since I gotta leave in less than 15 minutes. And I don't know if my break will be before or after Hammer. ##Trainer Jeod - Shade ##Rocket Cat5 - Brigitte
  7. Really? Now I'm curious what you think my primary is
  8. Well then me typing that up was pointless xD
  9. Basically, he's worried that Jeod and Brigitte are a Scum Team. So the possible results are Jeod and Cat5 win while Brigitte and Shade lose. Or Jeod and Cat5 wins while Shade, Brigitte, and Cat5 lose a Pokemon (this is assuming Brigitte doesn't have a type advantage against either of them). Now if things are generally fair with the teammate switch around then that opens up pretty much every other combination, although with at least a minimum of Jeod and Shade losing or Brigitte and Cat5 losing.
  10. I mean, it sounds like KY is an Inventor role that can be a medic so...
  11. ...anyway, misremembering things aside. If we are going to swap Cat5 and Shade, we should do it soon. Although it can still be done after I'm gone, I got to get ready for work soon. @Category 5 Hurricane @Brigitte
  12. Why would you bother mentioning this? If there's something that you can use to try and tell if two players are Scum, keep it to yourself and use it against them later (like after they actually do the thing that's suspicious). That said, Brigitte has already stated that basically either her or Cat5 is Scum, provided Investigations weren't meddled with, so it wouldn't be surprising for her to target Cat5 either.
  13. Ah I was a bit confused by the sudden reversal. I momentarily forgot that you can win with your teammate's Pokemon fainting. Alright if Cat5 and Brigitte are comfortable with it, we can change the teams.
  14. KY do you know if the items given are random or do you choose which one to give people? Cat5 that is one hell of an analysis. I mostly like how it lines up with my thinking and gives more weight and certainty towards my current suspects :b To be more specific, Brigitte (still not entirely sure on Jeod). Fair, but what if you have a type advantage against Cat5 or if Brigitte has a type advantage against Jeod or Cat5? Are we supposed to realign the teams based on something we shouldn't really know (since most people wouldn't reveal their Pokemon before the battle). That said, I'm fine with adjusting the teams if everyone else agrees.
  15. *yawn* Morning. I also got one of those boxes. Shade and Jeod vs Brigitte and Cat5? I feel like that'd still be acceptable, but I also don't like that we'd be moving a player over to the other side because they're at a type disadvantage. Isn't that kind of how this game is supposed to work?
  16. As for starters, it seems like Water is always the best for overall ease for any game. At least any game that I've seen so far. It also helps for Gen 2 that Totodile winds up learning an Ice move to help counter his weakness, grass, and two dark moves, that counter psychic and dark.
  17. Update on my status, just cruised through Ecruteak Gym, A.K.A. Gym 4 A.K.A. the Ghost Gym and demolished everything with Crunch from my Feraligatr. Could not have had an easier time. Actually almost lost on the 2nd or 3rd Gym (can't quite remember). I don't really have a set team yet, but I'm making my way through with Feraligatr, Gyarados, Combusken, Piplup, Magnemite, Leafeon, Exeggutor. For the ones I haven't mentioned, so far I have Gastly, Kadabra, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Bellsprout, Bagon, Teddiursa, Mareep, Buneary, Ralts, Misdreavus, Butterfree, Larvitar, Drowzee, Togepi, Ditto, Sudowoodo, and Aron. Only that many because I'm not trying to capture everything, just ones that are useful, nostalgic, or rare.
  18. Or you are Scum and you're just trying to muddle the waters by throwing out a bunch of theories. I really hate the egg theory, it just doesn't make sense. I still pretty much agree with all this and want to refrain from retyping everything over.
  19. I'm not sure. You/Cat5, You/Brigitte, Briggite/Cat5, Shade/Cat5, and maybe Shade/Retaliation seem to be the most likely possibilities. You were reading fairly Town for most of the game, but that Voltorb reveal along with how quick Brigitte was to jump on you, tacked with the bird egg thing leaves you as potential Scum. If you're not, even better because you have a Moltres That said, I still think Scum shenanigans could've influenced the reveal as we don't know of any actual Scum abilities yet, leading me to further suspect Brigitte. Most of my thoughts have been previously stated and they haven't changed too much.
  20. Hm...looking back my votes aren't on the CVC posted after I voted, so maybe you missed it @OrangeP47 whenever you get back, you should fix that.
  21. I already answered this too, I said that I believed you and Jeod would be a more likely Scum team than Cat5 and Jeod.
  22. You, again, realize that I specifically voted for you and Jeod to be on opposite teams? Cat5 and Jeod vs You and Shade. Literally what I voted.
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