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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Oh, I didn't see that...well then. ##vote Category 5 Hurricane
  2. It wasn't right "now now" I was 2 minutes past hammer when I made that post. He's at work, he literally couldn't do trickery even if he wanted to. Hammer is almost always at 6:00 PM EST.
  3. A shame you didn't change your vote to Cat5 quick enough.
  4. It should be right now. Although the forum's clock is 2 minutes fast, so it annoys me to look at the timestamp on my post and know it's wrong.
  5. If you're not going to change your vote as well, Shade, I'm going to go back to No Lynch.
  6. Wait...I miscounted people, there'd be Cat5, Sunflower, Jeod, and either Shade or Me left. But either way, it'd bring it down to essentially a 50/50 split between Cat5 and Shade or Cat5 and me. Knowing Cat5, he'd rather play it to a 1/3 shot than 1/2. As it stands, I'm 90% sure Cat5 is Town.
  7. >.> I'm not sure if you know what we were talking about, but when I said my suspicions between you and Cat5 were about 30/70 and you said that my actions weren't lining up with that and then I asked you to elaborate why my actions don't line up, you're supposed to bring up my actions or words in reference to support your claim. I don't know. I think he would've been better to leave alive from Town's perspective since he had so many things stacked up against him that made him suspicious. If you were Town, I don't really follow why you'd kill him. If Cat5 was Town, I could only see it as a way to elimin...Okay yeah, Cat5 is Town. If he killed anyone else, it would've increased the amount of players who were potentially confirmed Mafia because Sunflower had to investigate one of them. If she got a Mafia result on Jeod, then Shade or myself were killed, there'd only be Cat5, Sunflower, and Jeod left who, 2 of which would be confirmed Town. ##vote Category 5 Hurricane
  8. haven't* ? It's about 30/70 between you and Cat5 right now, but the way you're acting is making me question that.
  9. You seem more desperate to me. Given Cat5 probably isn't even aware of my plan since he went to work, your reaction is the most suspicious. With you and Sunflower being guaranteed to be alive, while you'll be the one who's investigated, there's no way for you to refute what's to come. You only have 3 options left: 1. To try and get a lynch today and win. It seems you think I'll be the easiest. 2. To kill me directly or maybe indirectly tonight and lose. 3. To directly kill Cat5 and lose.
  10. You're making no sense with your voting. First you vote me up, then you go No Lynch while admitting that you were tempted to vote up Cat5. Now you're switching back to me? It really sounds like you don't care who gets voted. It doesn't help that you even essentially condemn the idea of getting more information.
  11. I'm pretty certain he wouldn't go outside the norm considering he's a veteran player. These are the general basic roles. Anything outside of these shouldn't be in this game, that includes the silencer ability Cat5 claimed to have hit him and the resurrection ability you're suspicious of. https://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Category:Normal_Roles
  12. >.> iLTS already amended that there can be multiple abilities in a role. The point I'm trying to make is that what I have are considered "basic" abilities. Resurrection is not.
  13. Resurrection is an overpowered ability. The only reason why is was viable in KY's game was because there were so many powers, and even then it came with restrictions. As for this game, reviving isn't considered a basic ability.
  14. I said I'd be willing to commit against Cat5, but I don't think it'll happen so what's wrong with getting more information? My first thought would be poisoning which would be a delayed kill, but that wouldn't work for a basics game. Maybe a dayblock in case Mafia had a daykill or potentially to roleblock/jail if they're drugging their target.
  15. I'd rather vote Cat5 than go for No Lynch, but it doesn't look like that'll happen. ##No Lynch I'm going to use both my Doctor and Bodyguard tonight, so I have a 50/50 chance of being dead or preventing a NK. It mostly depends on if Cat5 is Town, because if I'm wrong then that means Shade is Town. Sunflower, I think you should investigate Shade. Here's my logic behind it, I plan on protecting/guarding you two. If Cat5 dies and Shade's alive while you investigated him, you should have a Town result on him. If I die while because of Bodyguard or being directly killed, then there's only you, Shade, and Cat5 left while you would've investigated Shade. If no one dies because the person I'm protecting lives, then you'd have a result on Shade. If he's Town, then we lynch him. If he's Mafia, then Cat5 is Town so we'd lynch him. If you don't trust me, then we could just No Lynch one more time while you investigate Cat5, I'll still have 2 more bodyguards left.
  16. The better question is, why would I use either in the first place? Before Sunflower, there was no one of enough value. I don't understand your willingness to self-sacrifice as if others have more worth. 2 x use Doctor and 4 x use Bodyguard, please enlighten me on how these would be ever so useful in the beginning? >.> Especially the Doctor, once it's used it's gone, regardless if it saves anyone. And no, he didn't tell me initially. I had doubts, so I asked him and he said that I can't use doctor on myself, which is silly imo because I think I could power through the pain. After all, my name is Dashawn Irishman Palone.
  17. I actually do. The problem is that it's something that I'm clever enough to do, but it doesn't help when I'm on Mafia (or Town in a normal game). Like, I feel like you guys are putting me on a Jeod-tier of scumminess potential. And I've only ever been Scum twice. I didn't use it on anybody. I said I was going to use it on her and then save myself, but why would I use my bodyguard action on the rest of you? I don't question her alignment mostly, but I don't think it would've been worth saving you, Cat5, or Jeod in exchange for myself. Jeod and Cat5, at the time, I was suspicious of. To be honest, I probably would've hammered down on Jeod today if he didn't die (obviously Sunflower's investigation probably would've changed that). While you did that somewhat sketchy vote swap to Jeod. Say if I did bodyguard someone and I died, no one would've known (unless they're informed via notification but there's nothing to support that), so it wouldn't have helped. If I announced who I was going to bodyguard before day start and the person wound up being Town and they killed me, then they would've taken advantage of that fact and it would've helped "clear" them as Mafia. Really I hate bodyguard, probably my most disliked role because I think I'm more effective at hunting than anybody I could save since I don't have to worry about my alignment. I even told iLTS that I'm the worst bodyguard because I value myself above others. God Complex isn't there for no reason.
  18. I don't know of there are notifications in this game like the last one, but I ended up only using my Doctor ability on Sunflower. I say only because I was initially going to use my Bodyguard ability on her and Doctor myself, but I had doubts that it'd work like that.
  19. Yeah, you started a train based on a "slip" but that quickly fell off. The annoying part is that Cat5 also agreed with you about why you suspected Orange. You tried to change the vote to Jeod last minute while Cat5 tried to change the vote to No Lynch. That with the silence ability gives Cat5 the edge when it comes to suspicions. I think maybe we should go No Lynch, that'll give us another night for investigations, while potentially.... ninja'd ...preventing the NK.
  20. You pushing for Orange a little bit does not make you 100% clear >.> You and Cat5 are about 40%/60% right now. He's higher because I'm suspicious about his silence claim. This is a basics game, silencing is not a basic role.
  21. If you claimed tracker, my response would've been the same. No matter what it's a suspicious claim last minute, if anything you would've claimed it earlier. The person's claim I want to hear the most is Cat5's though. But your response, even if you're lying makes you seem more Mafia. If you were Town, you would've been better off to press the claim into some sort of bullshit to try and get me lynched to get rid of the Doctor and then proceeding to win. If you're not Town, then the only one remaining would be Cat5. Although wouldn't it be crazy if Sunflower was actually Town, but threw Orange under the bus to get a 100% cover? Not saying that's the case since they would've probably won earlier without it so it doesn't make sense, but it'd be a neat play.
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