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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Reminder for anyone who hasn't already, don't forget to send me your e-mail for any google docs.
  2. Update: I decided to add both Devils and God-Killing Humans into the mix in case anyone wants to change their character or add another option.
  3. Semi-existence. We've dealt with people being mostly away before, like Nod with his teaching or Vert when he was taking a trip.
  4. I should mention for everyone, if you know nothing about Gods I can recommend one according to the abilities you want. Mythology is one of the few things I claim to have some sort of expertise in.
  5. @Nodlied ✓ @FRAYDO ✓ @Sunflower X @Shade939 ✓ @ChopBam ✓ @Mojoman X @Einstein X @Voe X @Alstar @Retaliation @kamuixmod Gotta grab everyone's attention ASAP since I'm going to try to get the game running on Monday.
  6. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy the game. Don't forget to send me a PM whenever you're ready.
  7. *cough cough* in hindsight, I had like 3 or 4 in my previous game, but all the day actions were one-time use only.
  8. Btw, I plan to have no vanilla or pointless roles in my game. There might be a counter or two, but I certainly won't have 5 roleblockers >.> Oh, I've never seen you host and I don't know much about 40k, but I'd join.
  9. Well, he's an old player. I think his last game was right before you joined the forum.
  10. I think I'd prefer Marvel, but that's because I'm more familiar with Marvel characters.
  11. HOW IT WORKS (shamelessly stolen from Jeod ↓) For the new faces, 'Choose Your Own Role' mafia is literally that. When you sign up, you send me a PM with a character name (any universe, any character within reason). If you like, you can even give some background on the character and suggest/request a role mechanic for the character. When I get the PM, I take your character and your ideas, and create a custom role based on it. But for this game, you must be a God. It can be from any platform or religion aside from a monotheistic one, so Gods from Shintoism, Hinduism, or any sort of mythology - like Chinese, Greek, Egyptian, Celtic or Norse - would be fine. You can even choose "fictional" Gods from anime, books, or games, like the Daedric Gods from Elder Scrolls or the Gods from Magic The Gathering. If you'd like, you can instead choose a Demi-God, although if you do, your personal abilities will not be as strong, but you will gain an item - a god's weapon or artifact - with it's own effect. Similar to Jeod's CYOR III, items can be used in conjunction with abilities. As an afterthought, I'm allowing Devils and God-killing Humans (must have killed at least one God) as well. I will make an announcement when I receive all character PMs. If you want to change your character, you must do so within 24 hours of the previous request. Sign-ups will close on March 11th or 12th (depends how many people we get). Game is set to start March 12th or 13th 6:00PM EST. *This is not a mafia game for the faint of heart. You could be beheaded, maimed, stuffed inside an anus, or all of the above. This game will have some wacky shit going on. You've been warned. Sign-Ups - Minimum 10 Killing You OrangeP47 Jeod iLikeToSnipe Shade939 Nodlied Category 5 Hurricane ChopBam FRAYDO
  12. Aside from the Star Wars game we've played, I've never heard of Scum recruiting members. It's almost exclusive to TP.
  13. I have all weekend, so I could post sign-ups right now, and probably start it on Monday, if we get enough people for it of course.
  14. Since KY is going to host a game early April, do you guys think I should host my CYOR - Battle of the Gods Edition like now?
  15. Correction, the only suspects left were you and Nodlied.*
  16. It's a shame Nodlied didn't join you two. I still find it mind boggling that Town lynched Shade rather than you. We knew what Cat5, ChopBam, Retaliation, Shade, KY, and Sunflower did. The only suspect left was you. And you had the claim that your item was stolen when we had pretty much all known actions accounted for. Congrats on convincing them though and on Shade drawing all their attention away from you.
  17. Well, Neutral players are supposed to be able to help both sides, so I needed an item like that. Although I could've also used my Possess ability to redirect investigations/tracking away from you two, I don't think you two ever came to that conclusion.
  18. It was initially supposed to redirect NKs too...but I understand what you mean. I'm sure Scum could've still come up with an excuse or gave people reason to not believe me. Perhaps I should've stated my actual Victory Condition, but if I did then Town might not have trusted me :\
  19. Yeah, the hint about the Booster being mine, mostly directed to Cat5 at the time was me mentioning that my item was like rum, "boosting your potential." Oh well, I can't be too salty about it since FRAYDO helped give me a win.
  20. I can't blatantly say "Hey Scum! I'm up for working with you guys if need be!" Hence I hinted it multiple times with how I can both help or hurt Town and that I even stated that I'd hope Scum would think I could be of some use. Of course you couldn't have known that I was very suspicious of you being Scum, I still chose not to follow that trail on your behalf >.> I was trying to seem very helpful to Town while not doing too much because my actual victory condition was to infect every living player.
  21. Well, neat that I still won in the end. Still pissed at Scum for ruining my Neutral victory though. I suspected Sunflower for a bit, mostly due to the RB, but I ended up passing over her mistakes as n00b errors. I was 100% planning to kill Orange though since he was basically guaranteed Scum in my mind. I even gave Orange my booster with the intention of bribing Scum to not kill me, but they still did it anyway >.> Way to go. Apologies in advance if I get revenge, Orange.
  22. Huh..so ChopBam didn't die and he's confirmed Town? Alright, I consider this a win-win.
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