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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Just read through the docs. Orange and FRAYDO, my whole Clarification, Observation, etc... thing was in reference to HK-47 from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, an assassination droid for Darth Revan full of dry wit and who commonly refers to humans as meatbags. It was basically me teasing about being Scum and I wanted to see if any Star Wars fans would pick up on it. Here's a few quotes. HK-47: "Observation: I am a droid, master, with programming. Even if I did not enjoy killing, I would have no choice. Thankfully, I enjoy it very much." Revan: "What legal requirements do you mean?" HK-47: "Answer: Simply that the distinction between 'killer' and 'killee' be a clear one. I cannot kill of my own volition, naturally." Revan: "I don't think 'killee' is a word." HK-47: "Expletive: Damn it, master, I am an assassination droid... not a dictionary!" HK-47: "Amendment: Then I will endeavour not to refer to you by your meatbag status in the future, master. Does that suffice?" Revan: "No!" HK-47: "Query: I am confused. 'No' you do wish to be referred to as meatbag or 'no' it does not suffice?" Revan: "Are you deliberately trying to insult me?" HK-47: "Answer: Deliberation implies some form of intent, master, when I am only stating a fact. Perhaps you would prefer the term liquidious fleshbag?" Revan: "How about 'human'?" HK-47: "Objection: But... but that technical term does not accurately portray the vast amount of bulbous slushiness present in your bipedal form!" I really don't like how my attempt at convincing Jeod to stay put me under direct suspicion, but it really couldn't be helped unless I wanted to abandon him and throw him under the bus. From what I read, I was basically "guaranteed" Town until that point. Obviously the Force Eater hurt me later, but I already discussed that in the Sith Ghost doc. I do appreciate the compliments about being a good liar though, thank you Orange and Sunflower, I was pushing towards an Orange v. Voe fight for four reasons. 1. I was pretty confident in Voe winning. 2. If Voe did win, we'd be looking at an easy 2v2. 3. So I could heal up (or Transfer Life). 4. I'd recruit Orange if Voe lost and we'd still be at 2v2 I also didn't know Voe's combat actions since he never shared them, so I wasn't able to determine whether he should've just let me use Battle meditation and Enlarge Force so I could kill off the rest of the Jedi, then surrender or not :\ Though I think I might've been a better candidate since I already had 4 Forms, so I would've gotten my 5th for sure. And Nodlied, the whole lying about my result thing mostly happened due to being forced, since I couldn't have Orange get killed as he was the backup. If Force Eater didn't screw me over, then I would've went on my merry way, going along with Towns' suspicions.
  2. I hope you're more active next time xD There were a few ways we could've won if so, like a last minute switch of the votes and we could've had Town v Town. It would've obviously shown us to be Scum, but we would've both been free to act during the night and they wouldn't have been able to stop us since after that it would've been 2v2.
  3. Good game guys. It was a fairly close. Btw, my hint to everyone this time that I was Scum was simply that the color scheme of my Avatar was inverted compared to Orange's, showing us to be opposites, when we had similar avatars And I'd be up for the Lightsaber duels.
  4. What an unsatisfying way to die. I still think if things went the way they were supposed to against Chop, I would've had enough health to potentially beat Voe and win the game. I was basically powerful enough to beat everyone in a duel Question everything. Good luck.
  5. Right...which we discussed but you never brought up >.>
  6. I can't tell if you're Scum messing with us, or if you're actually being serious.
  7. Guessing no one else wants to extend the Day Phase? Yeah...figured.
  8. Says the player who didn't want to fight Voe >.> I know you had a valid reason, but don't joke about it when the result is my death ;-;
  9. You sure you don't want to extend the day? *cough cough*
  10. If you're Scum, congrats Orange on being so convincing as Town. And if you're Scum, Voe. F@#K you!
  11. I appreciate the compliment though I guess I'm dead, guys. Good luck if the game doesn't end.
  12. I'm far too lazy to scour through the entire Death Note game.
  13. I'm at 50 HP >.> He has a T3 Force Power and gets to attack first, how exactly is this a piece of cake?
  14. You went directly against something that was almost impossible for him to know, which is suspicious as hell. Yeah, he could've guessed KY would use that phrase from the Death Note game, but really? What are the chances?
  15. That's why it should be Orange Vs Voe. Voe will still be on lockdown. If you guys end up throwing me to Voe, he'll most likely beat me in one hit, gain the T3 Maneuver, and keep his full HP.
  16. Mafia Edit: You don't have to be sly to be afk. Take Nodlied, he was an "inactive" player in Jeod's CYOR and he turned out to be the TP Cult Leader.
  17. @Voe If you're going to refute being Scum, offer up your thoughts of who you think is instead. @Sunflower If you're going to vote, you should do it soon.
  18. You don't have to be sly to be afk. Take Nodlied, he was the "inactive" TP Cult Leader in Jeod's CYOR and it turned out he was Scum. Same with Isaac The Madd in the next one. When you add in that you're generally a less active player, I don't think your activity would be impacted much whether you'er Scum or not. And if you didn't kill FRAYDO, who did? Orange? Okay, then beat him in a fight. Retaliation? He's our most Townie player. You three are the only ones who could've killed FRAYDO.
  19. The main thing to worry about is that the FBI looks like it'll almost fill up as red upon a Town's death, using ChopBam's death as reference. It looks like it'll have like a millimeter left (if it's accurate), so regardless if Orange or Voe die, we shouldn't lose since their deaths should either bring about less of an impact on the FBI or give us a greater buffer if either one flips Scum. They're the two most likely Scum and Orange should be able to damage Voe (or even kill him if he has FRAYDO's luck) making it easier for Retaliation or myself to end Voe during the next duel. If I'm put up there, it'll we might lose if the FBI isn't completely accurate, and we won't gain any advantage against Voe. We'll just make him stronger and potentially lose the game. Alright, I gotta work, be on around 4:30pm EST at the earliest.
  20. I actually completely missed that. Nevermind, back to ##Vote Champion Orange
  21. Alright, beware! I might add some trolling cards such as, Hieroglyphics - Target player can only speak using wingdings or Wily Coyote - The next player that targets you will have an ACME anvil fall on their head, killing them.
  22. Just went back and read this. If that's the case, then the only two people who'd be suspect are you and Sunflower. But she rested on the Night FRAYDO was killed, so she'd have to have another Scum buddy to actually murder him. I don't believe him about using Light Meditation Technique, seems too convenient and the FBI meter didn't move at all. And wanting to challenge me? I think he wants to get the T3 Form since he seems confident he can take me out (probably in one hit using his T3 Force Power). I think I might be moving more towards him being Scum than Orange now. If that's the case, perhaps Retaliation as Champion instead. He should have all the same moves as me now (maybe a different T2), so he'd stand a much better chance at taking Voe out the picture. Although I still think Orange is our 2nd best suspect, but he's not nearly as much of a threat if he's Scum. And while it might be wise to throw Orange at Voe as cannon fodder to help bring him down, I believe Retaliation should be more than enough to tank it if he has my abilities which gives him roughly an extra 250 HP (Battle Meditation, Force Shield, and Reduce Injury). ##Vote Champion Retaliation.
  23. Being "granted immunity" also sounds like I can decline it, if so I decline Champion immunity >.> But if that's the case, then I push even more towards Orange being the Champion and Voe being Sith.
  24. You guys are being fooled so easily, but you still don't even think tactically when you're going down the wrong path >.> I only feel somewhat alright with this because I'm still fighting a scum suspect, Voe, so you guys can put him and Orange up against each other next (assuming I die and the FBI doesn't get filled up). If you think Voe is Scum, you should put me as the Champion, otherwise I'll die without hurting his HP whatsoever, making him even harder to kill. ##Vote Champion TheIrishman
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