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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. I'd like to respond in kind, to imagine this duel will be productive, but although you might suspect I'm Scum, I'm fairly certain you're too lazy to actually look back and use that phrase as confirmation. If I lose, my Scum suspects are Orange and Voe, but now I'm leaning quite a bit more towards Orange considering how he's the main one to put you forward in spite of the evidence (even if it might've been stretching the rules) that you're Town. Again, I probably won't be able to start my turn before 4:30 pm EST. I would mention my commands beforehand, but they could change depending on the result of the attack.
  2. Since it's established that corruption is free, it's probably a Special Action, like my Eat Force and Sunflower's hand gestures, which would allow the player to use it in addition to their NFA.
  3. As if you couldn't have used a Scum protection skill instead of the Meditation Trance >.>
  4. I'll forgive that because you're probably not paying attention and you're the most Town person we got, but have you seen the FBI? Probably just two more losses and we lose. If Orange or Voe die, it wouldn't be as big of a risk because they've both claimed to be corrupted, so it shouldn't impact the FBI as much. Not to mention them being top suspects in FRAYDO's death and everything else I've already said >.>
  5. I don't know how preventing me from resting when I already have full HP would affect my combat chances. I have 67 FP, the most FP I could spend in a round is 18. I could still perform all my actions 3 times with 13 FP left over. That's assuming I'd even need to use all my FP and forgetting Enlarge Force which can recover up to 9 FP per duel >.> And "locking me down" means I can't use Sense Force, not that I have a particularly great track record with it. If anything, me using abilities would lower my FP during the night and decrease my odds at winning in a duel. I don't think it'd be wise to put ChopBam into the ring since he's been recently proven to be Town. I still think Orange and Voe are our most conspicuous players.
  6. yes, it fully heals and purges the Dark Side.
  7. I don't think Choppy would ever spend that much time researching just to prove he's Town.
  8. If you were corrupted, who could've corrupted you and changed my result? Voe or Sunflower. I doubt Sunflower to be a mastermind (no offense). Who could've killed FRAYDO? Orange, Voe, Chop, and Retaliation. Retaliation is pretty clear. Chop might've skirted the rules, but it's essentially proved him to be Town. So if you're not lying about the corruption, then Voe would have to be Scum.
  9. As if you're not a Scum suspect yourself >.> And if you read my posts, he'd only be able to use one T3 and one T1 at most or he'd have to avoid using his T3 entirely. Given that you'll have the initiative, it should be somewhat fair for a battle between two suspected Scum. If you're not Scum, you also have the chance to win the Light Meditation Technique which will let you do more than Hibernation Trance. But if you die and are revealed to be Town, then we'll "know" that Voe is Scum and he'll be left with barely, if any, FP to defend himself. I resent that No it fits.
  10. Orange and Voe seem to be our (or my) main murderer suspects. I'm okay with either one of them to duel or, even better, both. I thought Voe was afk for the corruption and Orange "confirmed" him as performing no action? That said, I still think Voe could've murdered FRAYDO so it's not like it changes anything. If we are going to throw them in the ring though, i think we should give the advantage to Orange. Because if Voe is Scum, he has a lot more abilities to use than Orange, especially his alleged T3 ability (which he still hasn't mentioned what it is). The main thing that'd limit Voe is his FP. If he chooses to use that T3, he won't be able to use any of his T2s unless he can recover FP in a duel like Constitution can with Enlarge Force. If Orange is Scum, then Voe still stands a good chance at overcoming him with the alleged T3 (assuming it's very useful which it should be). ##Vote Champion OrangeP47 ##Vote Sith Voe
  11. I was told that my Eat Force works last, otherwise it'd be a roleblocker too which would be "unbalanced." So the drawbacks with it are that it's one-time use, I don't know how many FP I'll eat, and it could be blocked with something like Hibernation Trance.
  12. It's not. It's a Racial Bonus Action >.> Maybe you should've picked a race with a cool abilities like the Diathim (Angels), who're made of pure energy, can fly, survive in the vacuum of space, and have hypnotic abilities or the Iktotchi, who have both telepathy and precognition (although I find it odd that Sunflower has Telepathy since Twi'leks aren't known to inherently have that ability). We already know that corrupting a player doesn't cost anything, from when Voe was corrupted and there not being any unaccounted for FP. And we know that following the Dark Side is also free. So it could be that all Dark Side abilities are free as well, which would put Voe, Orange, and Sunflower as the only players who could've messed with my result. Orange was confirmed Town mostly due to Shade, but if he were converted after Shade's visit, then all he'd have to do is mislead us. He claims to have been corrupted N4, but the corruption/conversion could've gotten him as early as N2. If someone was converted, they certainly wouldn't say they were, but they might lie and say they were corrupted at a later date in order to avoid suspicion. Sunflower couldn't have killed FRAYDO, that only leaves her as a secondary suspect if there are two Scum left. She could've been the one to alter and corrupt me, though. Voe is a toss up. If Orange is actually telling the truth about being corrupted, then Voe would've had to corrupt him and alter my result. But then if Orange was telling the truth about his ability tracker, then Voe did nothing (to be fair, it was GM confirmed that Voe was gone so Orange could've just lied about his "result") unless he can also hide his actions. >.> I just won another Light Meditation Technique.
  13. I think we can assume FRAYDO was Town. He has full FP, as if he rested, and it wouldn't make sense for Scum to die during the night. The only chance of him being Scum is if there were two left and one killed him for his power. Sun rested, so she can't be the culprit. The only way she could be Scum is if there are two Scum left. Orange, used to be clear for me, but maybe that's not the case. More explained below. If he's Town and wins, he'll get Light Meditation Technique to clear him. If he's Town and loses, it shouldn't affect the FBI as much as a normal Townie's death. If he's Scum and loses, benefits are obvious. The only risk is if he's Scum and wins, but that's with every duel. Retaliation has practically no chance of being Scum as long as there's only one Scum left. Rested on Orange's corruption night, alignment checked by Nodlied, and visited by Shade. I couldn't have done anything last night because I just won a duel. Voe has practically no chance of being Scum as long as there's only one Scum left. GM confirmed afk during Orange's corruption. Chop has practically no chance of being Scum as long as there's only one Scum left. Rested during Orange's corruption. If we want to go with the idea that there are two Scum left, we should start with the one that killed FRAYDO, since it's the most recent case. Sunflower Rested, so again, we can clear her. Not suspicious Orange could've started off Town but was converted N4 and killed FRAYDO N5, but I'm not sure about it. Or he could've started Scum with Shade being wrong about only being able to visit Town, but I doubt that one. Suspicious. Retaliation, he seems to be the most Town person present given he has so much to clear him. Not suspicious. Again, I was unable to do anything. Voe says he learned a T3, but hasn't mentioned exactly what he's learned to prove his claim. Suspicious. Care to give us some details? ChopBam has either gone to great effort to prove he's Town while being Scum, or he's managed to skirt/break the Force Ghost restrictions? Huh. Vaguely suspicious. And if you really were visited by KY, can you explain why he lost 40 FP? So, ChopBam (barely), Voe, and Orange are the top suspects. Updated Table: Players Character Race Skills N0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 Sun Aayla Secura Twi’lek ? [Wis] Learn T1 Resist Dark Side Learn T2 +10 Max FP Learn T1 Resist Dark Side Rest Learn T2? Rest Shade Dare Komad Whiphid [Con] [Wis] Learn T1 + Protect Self Duel -10 FP -10 FP -20 FP -30 FP +5 FP OP47 Unknown Unknown [Dex] [Cha] Holo-Pad – Shade Track Force TheIrishman – No Force Used Learn T1 Track Force Nodlied – Sense Alignment Learn T2 Track Force TheIrishman – No Force Used Rest Learn T1 Track Force – Voe – No Force Used "Hibernation Trance" Nod Tichal Momicki Human [Con] [Int] Learn T1 Learn T2 Sense Force – Voe, Fear Sense Force – TheIrishman, Light Sense Force – Sunflower, Light Sense Force – Retal, Light + 10 FP Jeod Darth Voss “Human” [Dex] [Cha] Learn T1 ? (-10 FP) Learn T2 Duel -10 FP -10 FP -10 FP -10 FP KY John Ennis Mandalore [Str] [Wis] “Failed Holo-Pad – Orange” +10 Max FP Learn T1 Learn T2 Duel +5 FP +5 FP -40 FP Retal Senaviev Human [Con] [Wis] Learn T1 +10 Max FP Learn T2 +10 Max FP Learn T1 +10 Max FP Duel Rest T2? Cat 5 Christina Starleaper Kiffar [Dex] [Wis] Learn T1 Learn T2 Learn T1 Mind Meld – Nodlied Rest Duel +5 FP + 1 FP Irish Faelyn The Seeker Stennes Shifter [Con] [Int] Learn T1 Learn T2 Duel Learn T1 Learn T2 Rest Learn T3 Sense Force – Nodlied – Dark Eat Force - Sunflower Duel FRAY Rayd K’no Ozan Mirillian [Dex] [Cha] Holo-Pad – Orange Track Force TheIrishman – No Force Used Sense Meditation Force Track Orange – Force Track Force Track – TheIrishman – No Force Used Learn T1 Hibernation Trace Duel Rest? Died Voe Hermit VolDergar Kaleesh [Str] [Int] Learn 2 T1 Learn 2 T2 Duel Rest Nothing? Learn T3 Chop Unknown Human [Dex] [Wis] Learn T1 Learn T2 Mind Meld – Nodlied Learn T1 Rest "Mind Meld" Learn T2
  14. Really? Huh...well my result was Dark on Nodlied, but I doubt anyone would believe that. This must be how Retaliation felt after Mojoman was lynched. Looking through everyone last night, the only suspect left, besides myself, is Sunflower. Retaliation got a Light result from Nodlied, was visited by Shade's ghost, and rested. ChopBam rested. Voe was ability tracked by Orange for no result and was GM and Nodlied confirmed for being afk. Orange was the target who was corrupted. TheIrishman, suspicious for getting a Dark result on Nodlied even though he was Light. Only people who could've altered the result are Sunflower and Voe. Sunflower, used an ability that cost 30 FP.
  15. Translation? Good game though, Nodlied. So did we win or does Nod have a partner?
  16. Although you probably didn't expect Battle Meditation (even though I did mention it before), where are your Shit powers? ##Offensive ##Force Shield
  17. No xD You can only counterattack someone if they're in Jedi Ready or Offensive. Defensive and Center of Being don't attack in the first place, so it wouldn't make sense for them to be "counterattacked"
  18. Only when there's nothing left to lose And I'd very much like to keep playing this game. Nod, you can't use the same Force Combat Action twice in a duel.
  19. ...Can you fix my health bar please? Thanks.
  20. ...you know that doesn't matter >.> it's automatically changed to Center of Being.
  21. >.> I don't know what I'm missing. If what I'm doing right now isn't viable, then... ##Battle Meditation ##Makashi Ward
  22. Alright, then if I understand this correctly... ##Jedi Ready ##Shii-Cho Ward ##Sense Surroundings This should put me in Center of Being for my defensive phase, right?
  23. Does Shii-Cho Ward stay during his defensive phase? Since I thought when I asked you this, you said we couldn't overdraw stamina, but then later clarified that we could for our stances.
  24. What's the Tichal Momicki reference? ##Offensive ##Reduce Injury
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