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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Technically, but notice how Verti60 said that if you don't have enough FP to resolve your last action, it wouldn't be resolved? That means that actions are resolved in the order that they're sent, at least in my mind, and that why I figured I could learn a T2 skill.
  2. I started with a T1 skill, then learned another for 10 FP and learned a T2 for 30 FP >.> Verti60 can confirm that N0, or even for N1, you are indeed able to learn like that because I asked him The learning doesn't happen at the same time, it's one after another and I'm assuming in order that they're sent.
  3. Agreed and now that we got that sorted, as long as a player has Constitution, I can tell you what they'll learn for a Control - Alter T2 Force Combat Action or what a player with Intelligence will learn for a Control - Alter T2 Force Night action and we're now certain that the result isn't random.
  4. Well, pretty sure that confirms my hypothesis. Again, wow, nice job. I don't think I could ever spend that much time making a game. Maybe save this game setup for later because so far it seems very good.
  5. He could be setup as Constitution (Combat Skill), Alter (Force Focus), and Wisdom (Knowledge Skill).
  6. I think I can answer that too. Last night I learned 1 T1 ability and 1 T2 ability. I choose Alter for my T1 ability which granted me Retaliation's Enlarge Force. Which, if I'm correct, means that you are like me, with Constitution and Control as your starting set. My guess is that Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength all have different Force Actions, otherwise Alter Meditation would be rather useless. And whichever Force Focus you chose at the beginning, whether it be Control, Sense, or Alter, would grant you a specific starting ability. Wow, if that the case, bravo Vert, that means you had to create at least 21 different Force Actions for us to learn. And that's not even including the Dark Side. Probably one of the reasons the game took so long to set up.
  7. Vert just explained it. Though the confusion was mostly my fault. I was misremembering. I have the same maneuver as Retaliation, Shii-Cho Ward, and the same Force Combat Action as you, Reduce Injury.
  8. How? Unless Retaliation didn't use his combat ability and I'm thinking about you. Reduce Injury halves all damage dealt to me when I'm on defense.
  9. Right, that's the combat ability I have >.>
  10. Rebuttal: We have the same combat skill which gives us the same combat action.
  11. We actually do have Dr. Pepper, an intellectual drink, for the chosen ones
  12. Cat5 is the only true Hououin Kyouma to me >.> He literally comes to work on almost any day he can dress up wearing a lab coat and proclaiming himself as the crazy mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!
  13. Gratification: I appreciate the update I suppose. If that's the case, then if someone has Intelligence, I can tell them what they'll learn for their T2 Night action if they choose to learn Control - Alter or Alter - Control. And if I must, I can spoil the T2 Force Combat Action if they have Constitution and learn Control - Alter or Alter - Control.
  14. Correction: Force Combat Action and Combat Maneuver*
  15. Confused Explanation: Um...because if I tell you the ability I learned and someone else then learned the ability, then that'd mean I couldn't be lying. I just assumed that they were the same because I have the same 2 Force Combat Actions as Retaliation.
  16. Objection: I'm not confident in combat. I can prove it just by telling you one of my T2 abilities (the night action since revealing the combat action could be disadvantageous to myself and/or others) and someone can try to learn T2 Control-Alter tonight (assuming they already had T1 Control and learned T1 Alter) and confirm it the next day. Plus the combat ability I learned is potentially not very useful, at least compared to my T1 ability.
  17. Clarification: The Knowledge Skill Focus, not in a derogatory sense.
  18. Damn, I forgot to put "Explanation:" in response to Retaliation
  19. Observation: It looks like it did. Statement: Retaliation, made for fighting is hardly a good excuse. Commentary: True, unless you're Scum. Your actions kind of remind me of Voe, which basically means they confuse me. Hypothesis: Since it doesn't appear that anything happened last night, either Scum were prevented from doing anything through some means, or they might not be able to nightkill. After all, the "lynching" process is somewhat unfair to us, in that even if Scum were put in the fight, they can still live and even take out another Town member. I think that if Scum can't NK, it'd somewhat balance the playing field, while helping to extend the length of the game. The reason I think the game has to be long is that the T3 Force Actions would take too long to learn otherwise for those without Intelligence. N0 + 1 T1 = 2 T1, 90%FP N1 + 1 T2 = 2 T1, 1 T2, 60%FP N2 + 1 T2 = 2 T1, 2 T2, 30%FP N3, Rest = 2 T1, 2 T2, 100% N4 + 1T3 = 2 T1, 2T2, 1T3, 10% N5, Rest And this is assuming you don't use FP for much else. It's a good guess, but I already said I'm not a combat player and I think Wisdom qualifies for combat. I used my Intelligence attribute to learn 2 things, 1 T1 and 1 T2. And I'm starting to think that I'm the only one with intelligence seeing as no one else did the same thing.
  20. I don't think he'd have enough time, since I'm pretty sure he starts work shortly and won't be available until 3-4 hours after hammer. If not for that, I might've challenged him.
  21. Yeah, I caught that. Lord Tachanka along with the red lightsaber made me suspect you were Scum. I wanted to gauge your reaction, or lack thereof, especially to the Lord part, but you easily brought it up of your own volition which leads me believe otherwise.
  22. But if I do, it'd be towards the end of the year most likely. I don't want it too close to this game and gotta leave plenty of room for other games in between, and this game is satisfying my Star Wars craving as is. Also I'm not claiming sole hosting privileges for that game, since I'd like to play it as well. So if anyone else would like to host that style of game instead, they can feel free to.
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