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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Sometime after my CYOR: Battle of the Gods Edition, I might be able to run a CYOR: Star Wars Edition.
  2. I'm a little bit confused here, if there's a reference I'm not getting it. Are you Russian? I could've swore you were American.
  3. Same-ish. I had quite a few characters that I wanted to choose from, like Leor Danal or Dade Leviathan, but my choices were all Jedi. In the end, I opted to make my own.
  4. I had like 10 character suggestions, and I did put that on a few of them, but I didn't mention it was a Darksaber, just said Black Lightsaber because I didn't want to complicate the game for Vert.
  5. Well a yellow lightsaber can be formed from having the Dark Side stripped from a Red lightsaber. And Orange lightsaber is speculated to be possible from a Gray Jedi attempting to strip the Dark Side out of the saber but failing halfway. Orange is also generally used by the most peaceful of the Jedi, only to be brought out in combat when absolutely necessary.
  6. Wait, so it actually shows our lightsaber color? The previous matchup was Voe vs Retaliation where Voe had Green and Retaliation had red. First, I must say that I'm disappointed in Orange for his lightsaber color, second I'm curious why Retaliation chose a color known for being Dark Side oriented.
  7. Pretty much, and I was quoting a really old game on XBox, minus the "Fight!" Can't remember which game though.
  8. The stakes are on! The match is set! Are the contestants ready?
  9. If Shade loses, he has to switch to this ↑ If Orange loses, he has to switch to this ↓
  10. Maybe try it with someone who doesn't have any personal trauma when it comes to Jar Jar? Like Cat5.
  11. No, my character isn't meant for combat, so in light of the example we just had, I doubt Orange would face a similar situation as Voe.
  12. Again, just kill me in that case. Jar Jar is the epitome of shit-tier characters. The only thing I ever thought was interesting about him was the ridiculous but still somewhat swaying argument that he was Palpatine's master, which made him seem very cunning when looking at him instead of seeing the complete buffoon that he is that with stupid face, the silly way he talks, and his constant clumsiness.
  13. Hey, I was originally going to pick this avatar since it fell in line with the story I developed for my character.
  14. Oh and I agree with the defense being changed to 20 stamina too. Otherwise I don't see many people using it.
  15. Maybe a more minor decrease then like 2 or 3 points each? Though to be fair, Constitution users don't have much to hurt their opponent with.
  16. Perhaps the stamina cost of the stances should be reduced by 5 to help balance that then?
  17. True, but they're also completely letting down their guard for you, giving you a free hit no matter what you roll.
  18. If that's the case, then should the opponent wait for them to recover their stamina? But we're treating it as turn based, the way I understand it is: SP - Standby Phase, A - Attack Phase, Counterattack* The Standby Phase is the start of your turn where you can edit your stance and choose your actions The Attack Phase is where the actual result takes place And Counterattack is optional depending if your opponent's defense is higher than your attack. If you don't attack, then there is no Counterattack.
  19. He'll kill Voe since Voe has no defense whatsoever and only 2 life left and the minimum Retal could deal is 9.
  20. There's so much RNG involved in this...GG FRAYDO. From what it looks like, you're better off going in a default stance more often since you will be both given the chance to counterattack and decrease the dmg through defense, while still getting a decent hit in if your opponent is in offense.
  21. The first duel is just a practice round, it shouldn't affect the FBI considering there's no actual result to it. I'm assuming the FBI works kind of like the World Tension meter that we used in two previous games, in that if a Jedi dies, it'll move towards the Dark Side since there would be less Light Side users. And if a Sith dies, it'll move towards the Light Side since there would be less Dark Side users.
  22. Mafia edit: we'd* I think mostly everything with combat will be explained to everyone as it's done, with all actions and results being public, so it won't really matter too much if we personally experience it. That said, I still like the idea of a mass brawl.
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