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  1. http://z0r.de/4598 Leaving this beautiful piece of music here
  2. To answer all of your questions. First of all the point where i called out its past LyLo. At that point i was under the assumption of 3 maf for this setup. With 7 players left alive and with you being THird party it would be past LyLo as mafia is already on equal numbers with town but that seems to be false now. Also i only pointed out all the known alignments on my playerlist sir smarty pants. And as for KY. You dont even need to make such a huge list to prove him town. He tried to burn alstar and that pretty much confirma it for me. And with everything that's happened up to this point and with your assumed playerlist everything would make sense now. Fraydo was right all along with you being third party as you are a killing role. Jailer/Interrogator is not only a protecting role but also a killing one. For myself i am neutral, why? Because up to this point my entire gameplay was neutral if you check on the last few days. Incase your wondering why i didnt do anything so far, it is due to me not being able to do anything on my own.
  3. Just keep your vote on alstar. Everyone else is going to switch to him now as its not MyLo anymore. That was the main reason why nobody voted him.
  4. Why are you voting orange now as its mylo anymore?
  5. Yes, just vote yourself so we can end this tragedy already.
  6. Mafia's Game difficulty increased from Minecraft difficulty to Dark souls haha
  7. nooooo another day of nothing happening. Whatever then ##vote alstar ##votemakedayendquicker
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