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Posts posted by OWA

  1. I was reasoning the staff to get the legionnare in the game, but i have not succeded... Changed your mind? :D


    And is there still a problem with the grizzly tank, when a soldier cant cover behind the tanks between the belts? :)

    The Chrono Legionnaire was planned from the start, so I don't know what you're on about. :)

  2. Hey guys, welcome to this slightly-later-than-usual blog. I've held it back in anticipation for awesome stuff.


    <h3>Soviet Walls Destruction Animations</h3>

    You think the APB guys are the only people who can do wall destructions? Think again!


    Occult13 has had a little help from cuddling to produce these soviet wall destruction animations in 3ds max's Reactor engine! Allies on a good vehicle rush will hopefully see lots of this animation when the walls are destroyed.


    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="
    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


    Thanks to Deadpikle for the uploads :D


    Note: The weird squares on top of the wall section will be getting a barbed wire texture, as pictured in the renders below.




    <h3>FN Minimi Para Textured</h3>

    Guy with a wrench is applying the finishing touches to the FN Minimi Para, the weapon that most conscripts will learn to fear. The Gi's Heavy Machine Gun is only usable when deployed, this provides them with a firepower bonus when stationary, but it leaves them a little more vulnerable because they are stationary.


    This weapon is likely to be used in defence rather than attack, but then again, using the bigger weapon will get you a firepower bonus against bigger targets, such as structures.



    Dakka dakka dakka!


    <h3>The GI Can Carry Loads!</h3>

    Here is a nice screenshot of the GI's new sandbag wall. Now we're getting new content into game fairly quickly and things are coming together pretty well. I need to get a shift on with those infantry. rest assured though, I am working on it.



    The GI is always called out when Britain floods.


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I'm working on some nifty concept art for a new AR character.


    cfehunter has disappeared off of the radar again.


    dtrngd likes meetings.


    danpaul88 has lots of work.


    Occult13's real name is Antonio Handsome.


    ChAoS, TeamWolf, dtrngd and I have been discussing some cool ideas for a few things.


    The rest of the team has been postin'.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>



    <embed src="

    http://www.ebaumsworld.com/player.swf" allowScriptAccess="always" flashvars="pageurl=http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/20288/&file=http://media.ebaumsworld.com/videos/2007/05/1178055713-81-video_game_commercial.wmv.flv&mediaid=20288&title=Tighten up the graphics&tags=finished,game,finished,the,yet,and,level,guys,one,that,graphics,three,just,just,hey,need,need,another,testing&description=That one Westwood commercial&displayheight=325&backcolor=0x0d0d0d&lightoclor=0x336699&frontcolor=0xcccccc&image=http://media.ebaumsworld.com/thumbs/2007/05/20288-1178055713-81-video_game_commercial.wmv/0000000.jpg&username=Spike_Lee" wmode="transparent" loop="false" menu="false" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="425" height="345" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />


    Note: This is NOT how you design games.



    That's all folks, seeya next week for OWA's happy hour! :)

  3. Welcome to this week's blog. I'm back at university now which means that I'll be learning more skills to bring to the table in terms of AR. Win!


    <h3>Tesla Coil & Prism Tower: Ingame and Untextured</h3>

    dtrngd has been playing around in level edit and has setup some pretty cool stuff ahead of time.


    Very recently he got the Tesla Coil and Prism Tower's new models ingame and setup to destroy some opposing bots. There's not much else to say, so check out the screenshots.





    <h3>GI's Sandbags</h3>

    Poggel has arranged the sandbags that will be used for the GI ingame. We have been thinking about how they will function properly ingame; as opposed to the abominations we have currently.


    This sounds funny, but we are probably going to end up rigging the sandbags as vehicles. This is so we can take advantage of the w3d vehicle physics in order to make the sandbags conform to slopes. We'll have a screenshot of it soon enough.


    But for now, here are some sandbags.




    <h3>AR Interview at CnCFPS.com</h3>

    Last week, cfehunter, dtrngd and I were interviewed over at www.cncfps.com by Genesis2001 and Lone0001. We were asked many questions about the mod's development and overall, I think is was a great success.


    Click the image below to read the interview!



    Soon, the CnCFPS team will be conducting an interview with Chronojam and a few members of the A Path Beyond team at BHP. Questions can be submitted at suggestions@cncfps.com!



    Just a quick note to say thanks to everyone who has voted for us. Voting ends today and hopefully we've reeled in an award this year!


    If you haven't voted already, shame on you.


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I'm back at uni. My cupboards are empty so I need to fill them with food again :\


    cfehunter is also back at uni and is looking for housing.


    dtrngd has been setting up cool things.


    danpaul88 is back from his holiday to get Alpha 9 to the testers.


    Poggel is playing with those sandybags.


    The rest of the team is commenting on a few things that we've got planned.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>



    <center><object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avU5onrWfYo&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avU5onrWfYo&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avU5onrWfYo&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object></center>




  4. Thanks once again, One Winged Angel. You are probably getting annoyed by my constant questions, no?


    Ok next question:


    Q: How exactly will the Chronosphere function? Will there be a node where a player can jump in and select a group of units and teleport them where he pleases?

    Q: Regarding the Harrier, will have more armaments beside one missile?

    Q: When dealing with the kirov, will the Allied mssiles be more beefed up in comparison to the Siege Chopper?

    Q: Can you shoot Down V-3s and missiles from the Dreadnoughts?


    Thanks again,

    I actually really like questions :p


    1. We haven't really thought out the placement of the "out" point but the "in" point will most likely be the Chronosphere itself. So when it activates, you drive your tanks in.


    2. The Harrier will just have a single type of missile. We haven't decided how many of them it'll have yet though.


    3. The Kirov will still be a bastard to destroy, but it'll be fair. for example, a Kirov won't be able to solo an undefended base as easily as in RA2.


    4. We're working on it.

  5. You could make it so the planes are like AI controlled and attack what ever your target retical is looking at.

    The bigger ships will need crews of about 3.


    Thank You, making the carrier a floating buliding is an excellent idea, I hope the rest of the development team considers this.


    More questions:

    Q: Will the flare concept for Superweapons from APB be implemented in AR?

    Q: Will the Shock Trooper increase the range of the coil by powering it up?

    Q: If Boris is included, Will he still laser designate buildings from long range and can the allies shoot down Boris's air support?


    Thanks in advance.

    1. Nope.


    2. Yes.


    3. We haven't thought about Boris much yet. So we're not sure how the designator will work.

  6. Already voted too


    Great blog OWA you never disappoint :)


    btw DIBS on the carpet

    Thanks Boris :)


    Hmm.... Is that in the Barracks? also what does it say in thee toop left cornor? Something about Chronominers?

    Indeed. It's both Miner's debug outputs.



    Anyway, yes, I have seen too much! :D


    You got the Chronominer Teleport working?

    and Questions:

    1. If you are a Player Chronominer, how do you teleport?

    2.Is the Ore "Mineable"? (does it go away after you mine it?)

    3. How does Veteran and Elite Units work? Say if I had a SEAL in a Prism tank and I destroy the enemy War Factory and barracks, and I become a Veterian, and my Prism tank is Destroyed/Sold/I got out of it, does my SEAL become veteran too? and if someone Steals my prism tank, will it still be veteran? and if I buy a NEW Prism tank, will it be veteran? BASICALLY: Is Veteran carried by Vehicle or Infantry Character, or both?


    Thank you, and hope that you understand all that, and that Wallywood dosen't want to kill me again!

    Yeah, we got it working.


    You click to chronoshift.


    It doesn't go away.


    Vehicles and infantry have separate veterancy, so if you are a conscript in a rhino tank and you jump out after killing lots of grizzly tanks, the conscript won't be promoted. However, if you lose your vechicle and run back to base, your vehicle veterancy will stay. So if you get in another Rhino tank after yours has been destroyed, your veterancy won't change. It give you an incentive to stay alive.

  7. Not much to show you guys this week I'm afraid; but there are a few goodies.


    <h3>Soviet Walls</h3>

    Occult has been texturing the Soviet Walls, using some of TheBeerinator's textures to keep continuity in the visuals. These walls will be appearing ingame soon!





    <h3>Soviet Conscript</h3>

    I've just about completed the basic shape of the conscript's head and will be moving in to polish it up sometimes this weekend. He's looking pretty mean now, with plenty of bits left to do.





    <h3>New Menu Strings</h3>

    When I'm not working on the conscript, I like to work on the string tables. This week, I've been working on better menu text for the options menu. I find these new strings a lot more descriptive than the old renegade ones.


    Just take a look, it's pretty self-explanatory.




    Also, here's a nice picture of the carpet that every Soviet wants to own.



    <h3>ModDB Voting</h3>

    Voting continues as ModDB aim to find winners for the Mod Of The Year awards.


    There is only around a week of voting left, and every vote counts!

    • First, login at ModDB and view the Top 100 Released & Top 100 Unreleased
    • 1. Click on the game headers to view the projects in that category. Apocalypse Rising is unreleased Indie, A Path Beyond is released Indie. AR is listed near the bottom of the page, here; APB is listed third in its category is farther down the page.
    • 2. Click to vote for the project you've selected and let it save your vote (this could take a second or two). "Vote!" will become "Voted!" and you've done your part.

    <div align="center">post-5426-1263255647.jpg</div>


    Thanks to everyone who's voted so far! Let's hope we can win something to bring back to the community with us.


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been having fun in the snow!! I hope it clears up for me to go back to uni on friday though...


    cfehunter is back on the ship to hunt wales.


    dtrngd passed his exam! Give him a round of applause!


    danpaul88 has taken a week out to go to Centre Parcs! Awesome!


    Occult has been making the APB trailer and next week we're going to start on an AR one!


    rm5348 has been helping Occult with 3d stuff for the APB trailer.


    Poggel has been modelling up the SMAW.


    The rest of the team have been lurking.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    I like cats.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>



    Til next week!

  8. Welcome to


    <h3>Gurdian GI's SMAW</h3>

    So we decided that the Guardian GI should wield an SMAW. Poggel has modelled up this beast of an anti-tank weapon ready to drop into the eager hands of a grinning Guardian GI. Soviet drivers need to be aware of this weapon because it will hurt their vehicles... a lot.




    "We'll take 'em!"



    Occult has been applying the finishing touches to the Chronoshift effects for the Miner. We should have it rigged up ingame pretty soon. I pulled in the resources from RA2 to create a sound that, I think, fits it pretty well.


    <center><embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid920.photobucket.com/albums/ad48/occult13/chronoshifttake2.flv">

    I swear it was just here a minute ago!?</center>


    <h3>New Conscript</h3>

    I've been modelling up the new conscript. He's going to undergo a bit of reshaping to make sure he ends up with that big, soviet build. For now though, take a look at the current model in progress. I'm particularly pleased with how the shoulder pads have come out.





    <h3>ModDB Indie Game of the Year 2009 Awards </h3>

    We've done it guys! For the third year in a row, AR is in the ModDB top 100! APB has also made it this year, meaning that both projects are in the running! But it's not over yet!


    We still need you guys to vote for us in phase 2 so that we can show the moddb community that w3d is still alive! Head over here to vote for us in the top 100 released and unreleased indie games categories!


    Nominate us for Mod Of The Year 2009

    (click images to go to respective moddb profiles)


    Every vote counts!


    Remember to also vote for our buddies over at Renegade X. They could use all of the support they can get in order to have a chance of being one of the top ranking mods!


    Congratulations to all of the other C&C projects that made it as well as commiserations to those who didn't.


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    It snowed!


    cfehunter has snow around his place. Or at least I think he does.


    dtrngd and I were interviewed over at http://www.cncfps.com so look out for that one!


    danpaul88 gave me strict advice on how not to break things.


    Poggel has been modelling!


    Occult has been everythinging!


    The rest of the team is getting geared up for 2010!


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Who's that Pokemon!?


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    GOD DAMMIT ARGH!</center>


    <h3>Tis the Beginning of the Year!</h3>

    Be happy :D

  9. Thank you for the feedback.


    This is a continuation of my second question:

    Q: When you want to teleport long distances do you have the option of opening a maplike interface on your HUD and clicking where you wish to go?

    There is some overhead map stuff planned, but whether we'll use it for the CLeg is unknown yet.

  10. Passed by it. Sadly, we didn't have time to play them. However, an angry Italian man there did yell at a poor girl from my band for bumping into him. But I can also say London is hell in the good sense.


    What do you mean specifically by "it wouldn't act a real one?" Will it look convincing enough and does/can it actaully give an advantage?

    You're in a band? That's pretty awesome.


    Basically, the laser sight would be like those featured on C&C Reborn's Titan. I'm not sure how it works exactly, but I'm pretty sure it's just a translucent red mesh stuck on the front of the gun that clips with walls etc. We could look into it and try to come up with a better method though I guess. I have a feeling that it could possibly be achieved by exploiting the texture projector that BogdanV was using for spotlights.

  11. Very nice Pistol as well. Will all (Allied) units get it like in Renegade? Or will certain units get it like in APB?

    Certain units, like APB. Since just about every weapon has infinite ammunition, we see no need for sidearms, unless people start a petition to demand them or something.


    OWA, where is my credit?! :D


    However, it is nice being on your soil, even though downtown London is hell.


    Also, I like the Berreta, but can you really make the laser pointer work? You could also make it bigger.

    Sorry, I forgot to add the credit for the sound. It's there now. I've since created a new sound that is more fitting for RA2.


    London is a busy place. However, Picadilly Circus has an awesome games arcade.


    We could make the laser pointer work, but it wouldn't act like a real one.

  12. Heya guys, welcome to this week's blog. I'm sorry to say that it won't be as awesome as last week's but we still have a few tricks up our sleeves.



    Occult has been working on ingame effects for chronoshifting objects. These will be used for things like the Chrono Miner and Chrono Legionnaire. We've strayed away from duplicating the RA2 effects to the book and used some artistic licence to create a far more spectacular effect, seeing as the RA2 effects seemed a bit lacklustre.


    Occult has gone and created something really special here, as you can see below. The effect's sounds have been put together by AdrwIvrsn.


    <center><embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid920.photobucket.com/albums/ad48/occult13/chronotake2.flv">

    Chronoshifting in 3...2...1...</center>


    <h3>Allied Beretta</h3>

    Guy with a wrench has been texturing the Allied Beretta; the main side arm of the Allied Forces. Engineers and Technicians will be armed with this as a measure to ensure that they are able to defend themselves from ranged attacks.



    Pew Pew Pew!


    <h3>Alpha 8 Patch 4</h3>

    danpaul88 has released Alpha 8 Patch 4 to the testers. Here are the changes that have been made to this version of the AR.


    Final Changelog

      Game Changes
    • Re-remove Mirage Tank that snuck back in somehow (I must have added it to test something and forgot to remove it again...)
    • Added 'under attack' strings for War Factories, Ore Refineries and Power Plants
    • Added 'destroyed' strings for War Factories, Ore Refineries and Power Plants
    • Added 'destroyed' strings for minor weakpoints
    • Added 'repaired' strings for minor weakpoints
    • Tweaked physics for Allied Grizzly Tank
    • Tweaked physics for Soviet Rhino Tank
    • Updated health/armour regeneration for War Miner
    • Updated health/armour regeneration for Chronominer
    • Increased firing speed slightly for MP5K
    • Add purchase icons for new Grizzly Tank
    • Add updated Grizzly Tank Tread texture
    • Added creation sounds for Grizzly Tank
    • Added alternative firing sounds for Grizzly Tank
      Map Changes
    • Added refinery controllers (and therefore miners) to Dune Patrol
      Script Changes
    • Modified dp88_buildingScripts_weakpointSounds to use string IDs as parameters instead of their descriptions due to limitations on maximum length of script parameters. String IDs can be obtained using the tdbedit tool.
    • Modified behaviour of dp88_linkHealth to behave better when more than two items are linked together. Ideally in this case one item would be the main item and all other items would have the dp88_linkHealth script to sync with it.
    • Created dp88_damageAnimation - A script to set animation frame based on health %. Has inputs for health state animation (and health/low power) as well as 5 sets of %, frame start, frame end, low power frame start and low power frame end to allow maximum flexibility. Default %'s will be -1 to disable that state, so you can use as many or as few as necessary. Setting low power frame start to -1 will cause it to use the frames from the powered state.
    • Updated dp88_AR_Chrono_Miner script to work without needing to be spoon fed the IDs of waypaths it should use for each step of it's journey, making it much more flexible and allowing more scope for using multiple chronoshift zones (ie: this one is busy, lets try the next one) in future.
    • Updated dp88_AR_WarMiner script to work without needing to be spoon fed the IDs of waypaths it should use for each step of it's journey, making it much more flexible.
      Installer Changes
    • Additional start menu shortcut added for wwconfig.exe
    • Renegade Serial key registry entry is now copied to AR installation (if it exists)
    • Renegade WOLData.key is now copied to AR installation (if it exists)
    • InstallPath registry entry is created. Combined with two above entries this should make WOL work out of the box for anyone who has Renegade installed with a valid serial

    Pending Changes

      Game Changes
    • Add Veteran / Elite weapon upgrades for those units which do not have them setup (Flak Trooper, Crazy Ivan, V3, some others)
    • Add global promotion sound (team)
    • Add purchase sounds for units which do not have them (most vehicles...)
    • Add low power strings


    <h3>ModDB Indie Game of the Year 2009 Awards </h3>

    Just like in previous years, Bluehell Productions would like to ask for your help at the 2009 IGOTY at ModDb. As drunkill explained in his news post on the issue, nominations are now open for mod and indie-game candidates. Until January 7th, you can nominate as many projects as you'd like. Then, nomations will close and the Top 100 Mods and Top 100 Indie Games will be presented for the MOTY voting phase.


    Nominate us for Mod Of The Year 2009

    (click images to go to respective moddb profiles)


    Every vote counts!


    We would also like to suggest nominating other strong C&C related projects, to let the world know we're still alive and kicking. C&C projects have always had a strong showing in this. My pick of the rest would have to be Renegade X, just for the sheer amount of work they've put in to recreate Renegade on the Unreal Engine. The feeling of nostalgia is something incredible and Fobby & crew are a good bunch of guys. So if you stop by their moddb page, you may as well give them a vote.


    Please note again that the mods and indie games are handled in their own categories, so there are no reasons to hold back voting for other C&C mods just because you want to have a strong vote for APB and AR.


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been just chilling out really. Seeing friends who I haven't seen in a while and generally taking a break. It's good.


    cfehunter has been at home, looking at computer hardware.


    dtrngd has had exams, oddly, at this time of year.


    danpaul88 needs to send me the current string database.


    Occult and Teamwolf now have a website bio each.


    The rest of the team has been enjoying the holidays.


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in a 2d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the foreseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competent at creating their own 2d textures.
    • is over the age of 16 (we overlook this if you are what we assess to be a mature individual. This rule is known as the TruYuri rule).

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Here's an awesome video Lord_Kane linked me to. Bad Apple.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>To an end...</h3>

    Regrettable, but directives will continue in order to formulate a future for next week.

  13. wow)... thats awesome blog guys!) :D and when will we see terror jumping in any vehicles?)


    Soon enough, the animation is ready, but the code still needs finalising.


    Why don't you give the Terror Drone a special jump animation when a button's pressed, and if possible speed up the drone a bit. Since squishing is instant kill, it's like RA2 anyway.


    Please read.


    Now for the scripting side. danpaul88 has made some scripts for the terror drone that allow it to be remote controlled via terminals as you may know. However, what you may not know is the fact that it's totally possible to make the terror drone as it was in RA2. You attack an enemy by clicking the mouse and the terror drone will jump into the target vehicle. Smoke and other emitters will appear, indicating that a Terror Drone is ravaging the vehicle. Whilst this is happening, the driver of the terror drone gets to watch as their fiendish vehicular dismantling plans are carried out. When the target vehicle is destroyed, the terror drone will emerge again, ready to cause more havoc! We are also thinking of trying to implement a jump system for the terror drone, it it's possible. This means that the terror drone will be able to jump like a normal infantry. However, this is untested as of yet.


    It's pretty quick currently, although we still need to find the right speed compared to other units.

  14. Welcome to this special Christmas edition of the blog! This is it folks. The teaser that I revealed a couple of days back is going to be revealed. Just read down!


    <h3>Teased to Death</h3>

    So, last week I showed you guys this image of a Rhino Tank rumbling through the map, South Pacific. If you look closely at the tree on the left side of the screen, you'll see something sticking out from behind it.




    That "thing" is a Terror Drone!


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    That's right, ChAoS has animated and rigged up the Terror Drone for use ingame, with dtrngd setting the physics values. The animations are working really well at the moment. It looks as if the final terror drone will be rigged up as a "wheeled vehicle". I've tested this out, and it works pretty well.


    Now for the scripting side. danpaul88 has made some scripts for the terror drone that allow it to be remote controlled via terminals as you may know. However, what you may not know is the fact that it's totally possible to make the terror drone as it was in RA2. You attack an enemy by clicking the mouse and the terror drone will jump into the target vehicle. Smoke and other emitters will appear, indicating that a Terror Drone is ravaging the vehicle. Whilst this is happening, the driver of the terror drone gets to watch as their fiendish vehicular dismantling plans are carried out. When the target vehicle is destroyed, the terror drone will emerge again, ready to cause more havoc! We are also thinking of trying to implement a jump system for the terror drone, it it's possible. This means that the terror drone will be able to jump like a normal infantry. However, this is untested as of yet.


    There's not much else to say until we get the attack mechanism setup properly really other than the fact that Allies need to keep their Repair IFVs close.


    <h3>Weakpoint Node Madness!</h3>

    danpaul88 has made two videos of the minor weakpoint and repair nodes in action. This is all done using custom scripting which enables the disabling of structures and more areas to get a repair bonus, respectively.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    Destroying the fusebox will prevent the Allies from purchasing advanced infantry classes until it has been repaired.

    This updated demonstration includes the new destroyed state for the fuse box and Lt. Eva's notifications when the building goes offline due to the minor weakpoint being destroyed.</center>


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    Here's demonstration of the repair nodes in the Allied Barracks.

    Notice how much faster it is to repair a building using these special nodes rather than simply repairing the walls.

    The repair speeds shown are somewhat exaggerated to make it easier to see the difference.</center>



    danpaul88 is working on the scripts for each faction's Miner at the moment. Both function as they should do, so now we have the mining game mechanic sorted for the AI!


    The Chrono Miner no longer needs to be spoon fed the IDs of waypaths it should use for each step of it's journey, making it much more flexible and allowing more scope for using multiple chronoshift zones (ie: this one is busy, lets try the next one) in future.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    Apocalypse Rising features two distinctively different Mining units for each faction, each with their pro's and cons.</center>


    <h3>Apocalypse Rising Warhead and Armour Types</h3>

    danpaul88 has been a busy guy this last couple of weeks. He's finalising the armour types for Release 1 so we can begin some sort of rough balancing. A lot of the choices are justified, but if you guys see something that doesn't look right, don't hesitate to point it out!


    Armour Types
      Special Armour Types
    • None - Default armour type, takes 100% damage from every warhead type
    • Blamo - Immune to everything
      Generic Infantry Armour Types
    • Basic_Infantry_Skin (Rookie, Veteran, Elite) - Used for basic infantry units (GI, Conscript, Flak Trooper etc). Takes higher than normal damage from explosive weapons (flesh is weak!).
    • Basic_Infantry_Shield (Rookie, Veteran, Elite) - As above, but has 0% absorbtion for Earth damage.
    • Heavy_Infantry_Skin (Rookie, Veteran, Elite) - Used for heavy infantry units (those with lots of armour, ie SEAL ). Takes reduced damage from bullets and explosions compared to the Basic Infantry.
    • Heavy_Infantry_Shield (Rookie, Veteran, Elite) - As above, but has 0% absorbtion for Earth damage.
      Special Infantry Armour Types
    • Tesla_Trooper_Skin (Rookie, Veteran, Elite) - Used for Tesla Troopers, similar to Heavy_Infantry but takes no damage from Tesla warheads and less damage from bullets (Hurr - huge metal man!)
    • Tesla_Trooper_Shield (Rookie, Veteran, Elite) - As above, but has 0% absorbtion for Earth damage.
    • Flak_Trooper_Skin (Rookie, Veteran, Elite) - Used for Flak Troopers, similar to Basic_Infantry but with some resistance to flak... although you probably shouldn't be shooting yourself in the face anyway...
    • Flak_Trooper_Shield (Rookie, Veteran, Elite) - As above, but has 0% absorbtion for Earth damage.
    • Rocketeer_Skin (Rookie, Veteran, Elite) - Used for the Rocketeer, takes damage from AA Flak. Otherwise the same as Basic_Infantry (inside that flying thingymabob he has little armour)
    • Rocketeer_Shield (Rookie, Veteran, Elite) - As above, but has 0% absorbtion for Earth damage. Not that you would deliberatly turn off your jetpack and plunge to your death.... right?
    • Deployed_Infantry (Rookie, Veteran, Elite) - Used for deployed infantry, similar to Basic_Infantry but has more resistance to everything. NB: No skin/shield needed on this one as deployed infantry shouldn't be falling anywhere...
      Generic Vehicle Armour Types
    • Light_Vehicle (Rookie, Veteran, Elite) - Used for unarmoured or very lightly armoured vehicles (V3, Terror Drone). Takes higher than average damage from most warhead types.
    • Armoured_Vehicle (Rookie, Veteran, Elite) - Used for armoured vehicles (Flak Track, IFV). Takes average damage from most warhead types.
    • Tank (Rookie, Veteran, Elite) - Used for tank vehicles (Grizzly Tank, Rhino Tank). Takes less than average damage from most warhead types.
      Generic Aircraft Armour Types
    • Aircraft (Rookie, Veteran, Elite) - Used for aircraft units (Harrier, Nighthawk etc). Takes damage from AA Flak, otherwise similar to Armoured_Vehicle.
      Building Armour Types
    • Civilian_Building - Used for garrisonable buildings, takes above average damage from most warheads... those damn civvies don't think to make structures tank proof!
    • Tech_Building - Used for tech buildings, stronger than the Civilian_Building armour class, but not by much.
    • Base_Building - Used for main base buildings, this takes significantly less damage than the Tech_Building armour class. You should really look into those weak spots I overheard their engineers talking about... apparently they are quite vulnerable...
    • Base_Defence - Used for base defences, similar in many ways to the Tank armour type, it can absorb quite a bit of punishment before dying
    • Base_Walls - Used for base walls, generally you want to blow these up with C4 or bring a couple of tanks along to blow a hole in them...
      Building Component Armour Types
    • Building_Minor_Weakpoint - Yep, you guessed it... minor weakpoints. Need I say more?
    • Building_Major_Weakpoint - Major weakpoints. You get the idea.
    • Building_Repair_Node - Is quicker to repair than any other part of a building

    Warhead Types

      Special Warheads
    • None - Default warhead type, does 100% damage to every armour type (except veteran/elite versions)
    • Earth - Also known as SPLAT, this is falling damage
    • Death - Does what it says on the tin, 100000% damage to everything. For use when you absolutely must kill something immediatly. Generally used by scripts...
    • Harmless - The opposite of death, enemies can shoot harmless weapons at you all day without any effect. Again, generally used by scripts....
      Bullet Warheads
    • Hollow_Point_Bullet - Basic bullet type, has very good damage against infantry but is poor against almost everything else. (Sniper, MP5-N, Revolver, various pistols)
    • Hardened_Bullet - Hardened bullets have improved penetration properties, but lose some of their effectiveness against infantry in favour of better all round damage. Has good damage vs infantry and light vehicles, medium damage vs other vehicles and poor damage vs buildings. (MP5K, PPSh-41)
    • High_Velocity_Bullet - Special bullet warhead for more powerful guns (FN Mimiminini, IFV gun, War Miner gun, Sentry Gun, Pillbox etc), it does better against armoured targets such as Armoured_Vehicle and Tank armour types than the bullet warhead, but is still not particularly effective against buildings.
      Explosive Warheads
    • High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT) - An Anti-Tank explosive designed to penetrate armour and detonate a high explosive into the interior of a vehicle, also effective against infantry (they go BOOM) and standard buildings, but are less effective against heavy structures. (IFV)
    • Armour Piercing (AP) - An Anti-Tank explosive designed to penetrate armour, they are effective against vehicles and infantry but weak against structures due to lack of high explosive component. (GGI, GGI IFV)
    • High Explosive (HE) - A pure High Explosive warhead, this is devastating against every target type. (V3, Harrier)
    • Tesla - Used by the Tesla Trooper and the Tesla Tower, this warhead has good damage against most armour types.
    • Heatwave - Used by the Mirage Tank, this warhead does good damage against infantry and light vehicles but is somewhat subpar vs heavy vehicles and structures
    • Prism - Used by the Prism Tank and Prism Tower, this warhead has good damage against most armour types.
    • Tank_Shell - High explosive tank shell, this has good damage against most armour types. (Grizzly, Rhino, War Miner Cannon etc)
    • Flak_Bomb - High explosive ball of flak, this has good damage against infantry and light vehicles, moderate damage against other vehicles and poor damage against structures.
    • Flak_Cloud - Cloud of flak particles, this is very good against Aircraft and Rocketeer armour types as it wrecks their propulsion systems, but is very poor against everything else.
      Repair Magic
    • Repair_Tool - Repairs structures, has poor damage vs infantry and no damage vs vehicles. (Drill, Welder)
    • Disarm_Tool - Disarms bombs, has poor damage vs infantry and no damage vs vehicles or buildings. (Pliers, Bolt Cutters)
    • Medical - Heals infantry
    • Vehicle Repair Tool - Repairs vehicles, has poor damage vs infantry and no damage vs structures. (Whatever we use to repair vehicles...)
    • Explosive_Device - Goes BOOM, blows stuff up. Very high damage against everything except buildings, you should try putting it on the weakpoints instead. (C4, Bomb etc)
    • Terror_Drone - Vehicles worst enemy, does high damage against vehicles, moderate damage against infantry.
    • Melee_Weapon - Good damage against infantry, not very good against anything else. (Knifes etc)

    <h3>ModDb Mod of the Year 2009 Awards </h3>

    Just like in previous years, Bluehell Productions would like to ask for your help at the 2009 MOTY at ModDb. As drunkill explained in his news post on the issue, nominations are now open for mod and indie-game candidates. Until January 7th, you can nominate as many projects as you'd like. Then, nomations will close and the Top 100 Mods and Top 100 Indie Games will be presented for the MOTY voting phase.


    Nominate us for Mod Of The Year 2009

    (click images to go to respective moddb profiles)


    Every vote counts!


    We would also like to suggest nominating other strong C&C related projects, to let the world know we're still alive and kicking. C&C projects have always had a strong showing in this. My pick of the rest would have to be Renegade X, just for the sheer amount of work they've put in to recreate Renegade on the Unreal Engine. The feeling of nostalgia is something incredible and Fobby & crew are a good bunch of guys. So if you stop by their moddb page, you may as well give them a vote.


    Please note again that the mods and indie games are handled in their own categories, so there are no reasons to hold back voting for other C&C mods just because you want to have a strong vote for APB and AR.




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I'm back home for Christmas and it's great to get the time off! I'm planning on using my new-found zBrush skills to work on AR a bit and make some awesome Normal maps ready for when they become available.


    cfehunter completed his first semester and is now also home. From what I gather he had a good first go.


    dtrngd is posting around the place like Pat. See what I did there?


    danpaul88 is off to see Avatar!


    Occult is working on his flashy water.


    Eggman891 was playing APB when I went to wish him a Happy Christmas before I went home.


    TruYuri wants to let you know that he thinks that you are all gay and TheBeerinator thinks about you guys in a sexual way. No, really. :D


    the rest of the team are gearing up for Christmas!! :)

    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in a 2d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the foreseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competent at creating their own 2d textures.
    • is over the age of 16 (we overlook this if you are what we assess to be a mature individual. This rule is known as the TruYuri rule).

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    How about this year in Auto-Tune?


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGeD8ORQk0M&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGeD8ORQk0M&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGeD8ORQk0M&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>Before I Sign Off...</h3>

    I'd like to take this opportunity to say


    Merry Christmas Everybody!


    And to all, a good night.

  15. Hey there guys. This blog is so late, I have decided that it'll be a mini lead-in to Wednesday's offering.



    ChAoS and dtrngd have been working on something extra special. All will be revealed on Wednesday, but here's a teaser for now :D




    Poggel has made this neat little Allied & Soviet memory game for you guys to play! Hopefully this'll bring back some fond RA2 memories. :)



    Finally, in other news, I am now free for the Christmas holidays! Here's a little glimpse to show you what I've been doing for my 3d project. My own zombified face!




    <h3>Moddb: Vote For Us!</h3>

    It's that time of the year again folks. Moddb are hosting their Indie Game Of The Year Awards and Bluehell productions are in the running.


    Putting a vote in for both AR and APB will show to us that you care and support our community!


    We need your help to topple the monopoly of paid-for indie games such as Mount and Blade from winning an award that would be a great achievement for a completely free game such as ours.


    Make your vote count! Trust me, it will do!



    Click the image to head straight to the moddb page!

    Nominate us for Mod Of The Year 2009

    (click images to go to respective moddb profiles)




    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    DJ Kitteh is here to entertain your through the NTR\Mssion.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swx4XZZdssU&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swx4XZZdssU&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swx4XZZdssU&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>Be prepared for an Epic Blog</h3>





    Aww yeah!

  16. Next time use Anti Aliasing for these Pictures! but ehh how many Polygons do the Soviet Technician's Welder have?

    Those are the highest settings I can get without pissing around with ATI catalyst settings. Granted that photobucket does compress the image a little.


    It doesn't matter how many polygons the welder is because polygon counts are almost irrelevant on the w3d engine. It's texture size you should be worrying about.

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