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Posts posted by OWA

  1. some yrs ago l saw topic, where was discussion and picture about conscripts with black hand grenades. so do they have grenades to counter deployed GI, or have they shoot to head to kill them?

    Black Powder Bombs were ruled out by a vote. To kill G.I.s you need to shoot them or run them over.

  2. Welcome to this week's blog. I've been reinstalling my computer since Monday, so I haven't gotten round to rustling up much in the way of content, but I hope you guys will be happy with this lot.


    <h3>Allied Purchase Terminals</h3>

    TheBeerinator has been working on the Allied Purchase Terminals recently. Allied players can expect to see these dotted around inside the base structures. The further you go into a structure, the bigger the pt gets. So the smaller pt's will be used by doors and entrances, whilst the medium and large pt's will feature as you venture further into the building.


    To stop battle refilling, only the medium and large pt's have trickle refill cupboards (which open and close as you walk up to the pt). To add to the no refilling in battle rule, if an enemy player enters the building you are camping, the refill cupboards will automatically lock, as if to protect the supplies inside. This should give the attackers more of an advantage against the defenders; which should hopefully encourage more infantry combat inside structures.


    The screens will also be animated to provide information such as whether the power plant is still running and whether there is an intruder in the building you are currently in. The screens will also display some other information which you may find amusing. Finally, when a building is destroyed, the screens will turn red.


    Take a look at the Pt's below.




    <h3>Tesla Reactor Final Exterior Model</h3>

    I handed the files for the Tesla Reactor over to dtrngd and he has finalised the shape of the exterior. We have something a bit special planned for the interior, just like the rest of the buildings. However you'll find out what it is in weeks to come.


    Take a look at this below.




    <h3>Re-Render of the GI's Heavy Weapon</h3>

    The renders that were shown of the Allied GI's FN Minimi Para just didn't do the model justice, so I took the model and re-rendered it in glorious light-traced awesomeness.


    Credit to Guy with a wrench for the model.




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I am now on Windows 7, which rocks! Also, I'm off to Torquay in a couple of weeks time. Anyone live round there?


    cfehunter is coming drinking with me on friday.


    dtrngd and TheBeerinator have been making waves with the setup of the purchase terminals. Next, repair nodes, the the world!


    Ric is working on the Chrono Miner.


    Guy with a wrench is back!


    The rest of the team is doing some secret stuffs.


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Texture Artists</h4>

    <h4>3d Model Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in either a 2d or 3d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the forseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competant at creating their own 2d textures or 3d models in 3d Studio Max/Maya.
    • is over the age of 16.

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures or models, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    People pose the question; "What fits into Russia?"


    Well, let's find out!


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    Kudos to theta123 for this one.


    <h3>My Plug In Baby.</h3>

    In unbroken virgin realities...

  3. do u add ra2 infantry idle animatons as taunts like in apb?



    wait a sec.


    A few pages back, you said sniper damage would be linked to it's range. did you mean:


    1) In testing, you will either have a short ranged, high power rifle or a long range, low power rifle


    - or -


    2) the rifle's bullet damage will actually decrease with distance from the target?

    The first option. However, we'll need to see how it plays out before we decide on significant balance changes like this.

  4. heavy_4.jpg You did well!

    Good work on weakpoints, though a minor weakpoin seems a bit fragile :D

    The screaming GI's caress my ears. Hope you won't replace voices like EA replaced them in RA3 (yep, if some of you don't know in RA3-beta were used voices from RA2).

    dtrngOd, nuff said.

    Hands are neat. Mesh Smooth is realy making miracles, lol.

    Looking forward to purchase terminal and Tesla Reactor. So, different terminals for each side and beyond this 3 sizes and we have total of 6 terminals, right?

    And... can't but agree with the last statement. Who else can give us such bizzare and cool stuff?! :)


    Use Seals and Ivans)

    We'll be using all of the unit sounds from RA2 and Yuri's Revenge with the exception of the unit commands, e.g. "Affirmative", Destroy That Vehicle".


    You're right, 6 terminals. 3 for each faction. We love bizzare stuff.


    Turbo Smooth Kicks Mesh Smooth's ASS!!!

    I prefer Meshsmooth, since Turbosmooth tends to go overboard sometimes.

  5. DTR amazeing job on the War Factory ....*sigh another video i cant see :D

    Right Click -> Save As


    Does this work?


    1# for first time

    interestingly big buildings. idk that it is even possible in w3d. hopefully not much lag in scripts 4.0

    video doesnt work, why dont u put them to youtube?


    edit argh wally! :) someday l'll be first

    "Anything is possible, the amount of work required is something else" - Sir Kane


    Hopefully a lot of our stuff will be youtube'd in the near future.


    Buildings are epic in AR....

    but you posted the blog twice.....

    Cheers. My internet lagged a bit, but I have cleared this up now.

  6. So you like blogs comrades? Well here is blog with explosions and factories that build big tanks that go go to war-o. This gibberish double dutch makes no sense whatsoever..... spork.


    <h3>Massive Damage</h3>

    So if you were to head into your local Alllied Barracks and shoot at the ammunition boxes for a while with your PPSH-41, you'd cause quite a bit of bother. "Why?" I hear you ask; well I'll tell you.


    danpaul88 has coded up some scripts to support building weakpoints. So if you shoot these weakpoints, bad things will happen, as is evident in this video.



    <h3>Find Me and Follow Me, Through Corridors and Factories!</h3>

    dtrngd has completed the Soviet War Factory model! the interior is really epic in my opinion and will be a great addition to Soviet Bases once textures are made, pt's are placed and scripts are applied.


    Take a look below for images, because I know that's what you guys like :)






    <h3>A lesson brought to you by One Winged Angel</h3>

    Well, what can I say, today we shall be looking at smoothing and how it affects models.


    These are the new 3rd person arms for characters; to be used in Apocalypse Rising. at the moment they look kind of blocky, with square fingers and angular arms. This is no good.


    But! A low polygon mesh like this can be quickly turned into something smoother with a little modifier called Mesh Smooth. This modifier is really no good on higher poly objects, such as the Grizzly Tank or the Soviet War Factory. But, for low poly objects like this arm, it's pretty useful.


    Take a look at the difference below.




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I had a week of partying last week, which was a nice change from the norm. I'm off to a friend's birthday party on friday for more partying though. This is a shoutout to you Scott; You legend!


    cfehunter has reinstalled his modding tools of modding and is ready to get back to modding. Yes! Modding!


    dtrngd has just about completed the Soviet War Factory and it's awesome. He's now taken on the Tesla Reactor to complete the internals there. Due to some ideas, that I thought up yesterday, this structure is going to be epic. thinking about it now, most of the structures in Apocalypse Rising are pretty damn epic.


    danpaul88 fixed some problems with the file server and now it's functioning properly again.


    TheBeerinator has nearly finished texturing the first Allied purchase terminal. In Apocalypse Rising, purchase terminals will come in three differant sizes. More on this in the coming weeks.


    Ric has been finishing off the Chrono Miner model.


    The rest of the team have been doing stuff.


    Also, happy birthday to Westy543!


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    I told you this section would be back. :D


    Just to reiterate, we are looking for extra staff members, so this section will feature until we find some people.


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Texture Artists</h4>

    <h4>3d Model Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in either a 2d or 3d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the forseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competant at creating their own 2d textures or 3d models in 3d Studio Max/Maya.
    • is over the age of 16.

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures or models, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Welcome to Clarkson Island.


    <center><object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="295" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>So, we have the best RA2 to FPS conversion...</h3>

    ...in the world.

  7. Could it be possible to model a map for AR (building-less), leaving the building part for you, so we can have more maps for the release?


    Of course, all of this would be done under some quality standards. :D

    I guess so, but we will be releasing a building pack to the community when it becomes available.

  8. that would make no sense the terror drone is a % damn robot how the hell you gonna do much damage to those with a sniper??? that makes no sense at all

    What Kakashi has said justifies my arguement.


    That would depend on the armor the terror drone holds, as well as the weapon the sniper used. Stats and rules.ini aside, the terror drone wasn't exactly armored so I'll assume some regular steel plating, something between .5 and 1 mm since the drone needs to be rather light if it's supposed to be fast an nimble enough to leap onto tanks. Depending on the calibre of the rifle it's no problem to penetrate that and damage the internals. Of course, for balancing reasons the drone should be able to take a few shots, but I wouldn't cross out the possibilty to implement that.



    I'd imagine using the sniper to kill the drone could be done by shooting a weakpoint somewhere on it. This is similar to an idea I had with Boris, in which instead of causing damage by shooting the whole vehicle, there are certain weakpoints that are highlighted on-screen that Boris can shoot, causing damage just like he did in RA2.


    So my FAQ question is, what do you think of the above idea?


    Edit: Another question: Do you still have the sandbag problem? If not, will people still be able to stand on it?


    I think if the sandbag problem was fixed, then several GIs make a sandbag staircase, and all but the top GI undeploys, the top GI will still float in the air. Is this possible on the engine and can you prevent it?

    Weakpoints on the terror drone would be an absolute bugger to hit, although it can be done.


    The sandbag problem can be fixed and what you describe can be prevented.

  9. Is your sniper going to be similar to the uber-ranged RA sniper, or will he be medium ranged, but more powerful?

    He'll certainly have a lot of range, but his damage will be in proportion to his range.


    Headshots will net you an instant kill, but body shots will do less damage.


    Also remember that the sniper will have to operate the bolt on the rifle to eject the used casing, which consumes time between shots.


    I can't remember if the sniper did much damage to the terror drone, but I can imagine that would be quite a nice counter.

    It didn't do any damage to the Terror Drone if I remember rightly, but it could be a nice feature to add in as a counter.


    O that would have been interesting, Soviet army mixed by Yuri units.


    siege chopper vs snipa


    does ivan's bombs harm teammates, when planted nearby, or on it?

    We haven't decided if Ivan's bombs will harm team mates yet. However, eventually you will be able to mind control cows and strap dynamite to them. Which will rock.


    Indeed, can we load flak trax full of Ivan Bombs like RA2? :D

    Sure, why not. :)


    Wasn't the term "erased from time"? Technically that would pretty much mean that they never existed. I don't support the idea of regaining credits, if we were to follow that transcript you'd have to regain all units that the erased unit destroyed as well, but I'm just saying. It's like in them bad science fiction movies, the guy is being erased, noone remembers him but all the influence he made till the point of his disappearance stay.


    As for being to bail out of your vehicle, that could be a good and a bad idea, if you were able to get out you could kill easily kill that slow CLeg and be done with it or the CLeg could erase you and drive away in a free Apoc... Well, theoretically speaking when you are inside the tank while it's being CLegged you should also be trapped inside the eraser field.

    The CLeg should trap infantry inside their vehicles since it is acknoledged that the driver of the vehicle is also being erased.

  10. Give me a couple of years and I might join you, provided I have the spare time. You already know I have the artistic talent for the job, but I lack the knowledge of how to use 3ds max to the kind of level I get up to with the "Mickey Mouse" program SketchUp.


    Anyways, the War Factory trap door and vehicle elevator looks epic. Seriously, waiting at the floor below ground level and seeing tanks go by is just incredible.


    Also, when animating the reload animation, are you thinking of putting in some extra animations to make it look like it is in the hands of Crazy Ivan, rather than just a generic reload? I think that it could be made that after he loads it up, he could twirl the revolver around his finger before holding it still and cocking the hammer.

    I have some knowledge about 3ds max, that I'd be more than willing to share, for people who want to learn.


    The Crazy Ivan revolver animation will have that bit of flair that you'd only expect from the dynamite-loving commie himself.

  11. Hey guys, this blog is a little late this week due to the fact that I've been really busy out and about with friends and such.


    Anyway, let's do this!


    <h3>War Factory Lift</h3>

    dtrngd has been working on getting the Soviet War Factory modelled out so he can move on to another structure. The massive cargo lift that brings soviet weaponry up from deep within the bowels of the war factory is animated as a demonstration of what will happen ingame.


    I heard that it currently takes 10-12 seconds to build a tank. This waiting time will hopefully encourage people to use infantry more, as they are quicker to field than vehicles.


    Here are a couple of videos demonstrating this lift in action (with an added WIP Kirov).



    <h3>Purchase Terminals and Refills</h3>

    So we had a little chat amongst ourselves and made some final decisions on refilling.


    Refilling will not be a purchase option in the buy menu. It will be a slower trickle system integrated into certain purchase terminals, a bit like the Battlefield 1942 system of medical lockers. This system ensures that defenders cannot abuse the refill system in a way that gives them too much of a "home advantage". We are also going to do something about rebuying, so that it is eliminated as potential advantageous abuse.


    TheBeerinator is working on the purchase terminals at the moment. They are looking really good but aren;t just ready to show to you guys yet. Rest assured, we are going to be using some clever gridmapping to get animated pt screens, as well as some nifty animations for refilling. These are going to be special.


    <h3>Revolver Unwrapping</h3>

    Chevy787 has currently got Crazy Ivan's revolver to unwrap. Since this weapon is going to have some pretty awesome animations it has been split up into parts. Just to give you a little idea of how it will animate, Chevy has colour coded the model. Every different colour means a different piece.


    Take a look below!




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been busy pretty much all of this week. I gave blood on wednesday, but they could only get a third of what they wanted out of me. Bah.


    I saw cfehunter on sunday. We played some Rock Band and talked to some potential new team members.


    dtrngd has been working his socks off on the Soviet War Factory, but needs me to have some free time so we can go over it.


    danpaul88 might just be downloading the Windows 7 RTM by now.


    TheBeerinator is doing a lot of cool stuff at the moment.


    Poggel is on a break.


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    The "We're Looking For..." section of the blog is a new section that will regularly feature in the blog. It will basically outline what kind of staff we are looking for when.


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Texture Artists</h4>

    <h4>3d Model Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in either a 2d or 3d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the forseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competant at creating their own 2d textures or 3d models in 3d Studio Max/Maya.
    • is over the age of 16.

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures or models, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Everyone loves a bit of ventertainment.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>



    Gah, I'm tired now.

  12. In RA2, as soon as the eraser round hits the target, the target is basically done for.

    I think that it should be like if the tank was attacked by an EMP, the driver should be trapped until him and the tank are erased from time.

    Also, when the erased target is fully erased, will enemy side get the money from the erased unit back? It would make sense because if the unit never existed, the credits would never have been spent.

    The enemy will not regain the credits. The unit did exist in the past, but has been erased from the present and future.


    how is the erasing prevented? would it be that the legionnaire cannot move while erasing, but if he does, it is halted? that's just like in ra2.....that way a single legionnaire wouldn't just be uber-pwnage on everything he encounters.....

    Erasing is prevented if the Legionnaire stops targeting the enemy or stops firing. He can move around, but he'll need a good aim trained onto his victim.


    well, as long as the gun in short ranged, it should be fine. I mean, hopefully his walk speed will be terrible (after all, he's used to teleporting) and using the gun would stop him from teleporting. after that, just make it so if the interruption is brief enough, he can actually stop firing (or miss) for a fraction of a second.


    Methinks flak traks are going to rape chrono whores.

    If flak tracks can outmanouver a CLeg then that is considered a victory. Nobody likes being chronofragged (yes I just made up a new term).

  13. can people get out of tanks when they're "fired" at gun, or freezed?

    Not sure yet.


    Tbh, i'd think it nice for it to be counted as a 'kill' so i hope not.


    Is there going to be any visual reference to how long a unit has before death [ninja]When facing chrono legionnaires?[/edit]?

    Maybe a clock icon.


    isn't there also a blamo hitter type?

    Yes there is!

  14. Will the desolator make units melt or turn into visceroids? Altho visceroids wouldn't make sense.


    And how will the prism tank work? Will it's bolt scatter all over, target other enemy structures and units, bounce between targets, or simply strike it's target?


    Also, will there be crono legionares? And if so, how will they work?


    And finally, is the game currently partially playable, a demo would help keep us happy until the game comes out

    Viceroids are from a differant C&C universe, so no. We may be able to do some melting though.


    We've figured out how the prism tank will work. It will fire then spawn an invisible turret which spins 360 degrees firing randomly top get the refraction effect.


    There will be Chrono Legionnaires, but we haven't really decided how they will chronoshift yet. We have got the eraser gun working though.


    The game isn't playable due to the fact that there are no buildings. We aren't going to release a demo because none of us would be satisfied with it and it'd be a waste of time to do so. Demos are typically singleplayer and this is not a singleplayer game.


    Yeah same Question for the APB Chrono Tank

    This isn't the APB FAQ.




    Will the first post be updated, and a new thread started?

    Soon enough.


    Question: do people ever read the thread title? or blogs?


    but more seriously, will there be a 'generic' IFV turret for units that shouldn't have access to the IFV like in RA2, or like with the crazy ivan IFV are all the turrets going to be separately modeled?

    I hope so.


    Yes IFV turrets will have separate models.


    Anyways, even though this is still to far in the future for you to be concerned with right now, but how do you decide what stats to give to the units? I'm just wondering how you handle balance when you mod a game with completely new units.

    We take the values from RA2 and generally scale them into w3d. The health and armour values for vehicles and infantry should be taken from RA2. danpaul88 likes to mix his own ideas into the fray as well though, so the armour types used in AR are differant to those used in RA2. This is needed for the game to be balanced properly. The legendary Renegade blamo skin is still in there though :D

  15. and in everyday talking indie = mod

    You are misinformed.


    If you are talking about w3d specific games then yes, these can be considered as mods.


    However, indies like Audiosurf and World of Goo are NOT mods.


    Indie means Independant, as in made by an independant developer who is looking to publish the game themselves and have complete creative control over the whole process.

  16. off-topic: idk why but my game always crashed on that mission....


    on-topic: how will the yuri work anyway? what will the mind control be?

    I've gone over a few ideas for mind control across the podcasts.


    The theory is conceptual, but the idea at the moment is to incorperate a complicated bot system. It's quite wierd to explain and we aren't worrying about it for now, seeing as Yuri isn't in the first release.

  17. do you guys have any plans for perhaps a mod of your mod to insert yuri as a faction in the future OWA?

    If we ever do start seriously considering it, units like the Mastermind are going to be incredibly hard to incorperate.


    A low tech approach to Yuri's army may be possible though, as Magnetrons and such are very possible.


    If we ever do put Yuri's army in, we'll be stripping the Soviets of their Yuri tech, naturally.


    Going with the persistent questions about the Yuri faction, are you thinking about including the Psychic Beacon in an objective-based map? In fact, I'm somehow recalling a blog on that, but I think it is a false memory.

    We'll think about including the Psychic Beacon and Amplifier for the second full release. (Battle Lab Tech). It's certainly a great idea for an objective based map.


    Perhaps a recreation of that Allied mission (in Chicago?) when you have to land, estabish your base then destroy the psychic amplifier before it activates (Then being nuked by Vladimir :D ).

  18. Heya guys, welcome to the blog! Today we have cake, jelly and all things culinary as we explore the territories of dessert!


    Just kidding, here's some mutually assured destruction in text-form.


    <h3>Logo Redux</h3>

    As some of you may know, I've been revamping the AR logo. The one we are currently sporting has an aweful look to it, since it only uses basic colours for the materials.


    However, I have been working to update the logo this week and my work has payed off.


    Check out the improvement! If you want to compare, check the top banner on http://www.apocrising.com; it's bad. :D




    This isn't final either. Soviet_Deso has now taken the logo and will add his own touch to it. You guys saw how well he did with the two faction logos, so this should be something special. Check back in a week or two for further improvement.


    <h3>Soviet Repair Node</h3>

    Remember that concept we threw out a while back? The concept of instead of repairing the weakpoint, you have points around the building where you can get your repair bonus instead. The Allied version has a few drill sockets on it which allied technicians can use to repair the buildings.


    The soviet variant provides a much more visual experience of repairing. Here we have a node complete with pumping pistons and grinding gears. Industrial and rugged, just how the soviets build their stuff. Technicians will be able to weld at these points to repair the structure faster.


    dtrngd has done a great job on this I reckon. Take a look at the image below for a look at what you and your comrades will be repairing. Also included is a video, because we love to share.



    <h3>S4M Progress</h3>

    Poggel has been working on the S4M. He has added a double cartrige ejection system to accompany the double clip. This weapon is almost complete!


    Take a look below.



    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been doing various bits and pieces behind the scenes this week. Concept art for the PT's and something that will change the way that you guys refill forever :) I'm also off to a birthday party on sunday. Shout out to Shannon who is 19 on saturday :)


    cfehunter got a place at Staffordshire university, so he'll be living pretty close by at uni next year :)


    dtrngd has been working on the Soviet War Factory. It's coming along nicely and features some pretty creative pathing.


    danpaul88 has been waiting for Windows 7 to come out on the MSDNAA. Not long now!


    TheBeerinator has been sent some Purchase Terminal concept art to work on.


    Chevy787 will be on vacation on the 8th for a few days visiting relatives.


    The rest of the team have been around and about.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    So last week we has Vince with the Slap Chop. Lets see if the Scout from TF2 does any better?


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>




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