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Posts posted by OWA

  1. Nice stuff.

    So, OWA, what did you decided with War Miner's scoop? Back then in Blog 146 you said you're going to change it a bit.

    Yeah, it couldn't go up slopes with the scoop down, however, to counter this, instead of doing needless animations, we are just going to add two invisible wheels on the scoop, so that it doesn't get itself stuck.

  2. Hey guys, I'm a bit late with this one eh? Just as a forewarning, I'm going to be late with next week's blog as well since I'm up to my eyeballs in coursework right now.


    Anyway, here we go!


    <h3>War Miner Texture</h3>

    I've started on the War Miner's texture. I've gone for some nice base metals then grunged it up with brushwork. The texture isn't finished yet, but I'd say it's getting pretty close to being completed.



    Here's a small render and an ingame shot of the War Miner as it is currently.


    <h3>Grizzly Tank Ingame</h3>

    danpaul88 has gotten the new grizzly tank ingame and it's looking great! Currently the camera is a bit awkward for it, but hopefully this should be resolved soon.






    <h3>Destructible Bridges</h3>

    Occult has been working on all manners of crazy things recently. The water that was featured in the last APB blog and now this crumbly bridge. These bridges will be placeable in level edit and in 3dsmax offering mappers many choices when designing maps.


    <center><object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

    Watch as it crumbles before your very eyes!</center>


    <h3>Soviet Technician's Welder</h3>

    Poggel has completed the first person model for the soviet techician's welder! It's looking great and personally, I can't wait to see it working ingame!




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been frantically completing my projects ready for friday.


    cfehunter has done his coursework and is back to texturing.


    dtrngd has learnt how to rig vehicles.


    danpaul88 has released Alpha Patch 3!


    Occult has been parachuting into the battlefield.


    Guy with a wrench has been texturing the Berretta!


    The rest of the team has been getting ready for the holidays.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Happy in Paraguay.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>



    ...time for some Shockwave!

  3. You know OWA, I was thinking of the Paradrop as having an airfield with the C-130 which has a fake worldbox in it and people'll have to board the plane, which takes off(scripted? :D) at (ir)regular intervals and people have to manually jump off the plane or get returned to base (or the plane gets flaked down) :) But yeah, I like the looks of the poke. Also, epic IFV. Go dtr!

    If this were to happen, you would have to drive to the airfield. This would mean a lot of dumped vehicles next to that airfield.

  4. Welcome to this week's blog. The wheels of last week are still in motion and lots of great stuff is happening. Let's me show you what the great stuff I'm referring to is!


    <h3>Para Dropping</h3>

    So, one of the features that we haven't really touched upon in a while is how we are physically going to handle para dropping. danpaul88 has fixed up his old script and recorded a video for you guys to check out.


    Currently the allies can para drop by poking a terminal, but this will be changed as the radar structures and tech airport are brought into game. My initial plan was to have a para-troop queue, in which players could meet at a set location and para drop if they were a basic infantry character. But seeing as we have the potential to do so much more now with scripts 4.0, we are thinking of new ways to accomplish the organisation of a paradrop, perhaps with an overlay or keyhook. We'll see how it plays out, but rest assured; we'll get a functional and useful para drop logic implemented into the first AR patch (if not before).


    Take a look at the video showing how far we've gotten with the para drop logic so far. The final implementation will be far superior to this early test.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></object>

    Chocks away!</center>


    <h3>New IFV Rocket Turret</h3>

    dtrngd has been working on getting the IFV's ready for unwrapping. Whilst he was doing this, he had a go at modelling his own rocket turret for the basic rocket IFV. We thought it was so much more RA2-alistic than the old one, so we have formally adopted it as the new IFV Rocket Turret. We shall probably update the Patriot Missiles in light of this.


    Next on dtrngd's list is the Machine Gun IFV, which should end up awesome. It pays a small homage to a certain tabletop game that is enjoyed by many people worldwide, so watch out for that one soon!



    The New Rocket IFV, ready to tear it up!


    <h3>Soviet Walls</h3>

    After looking at our soviet wall model, Occult saw it fit to go and remake it before he started unwrapping.


    This is the model of the soviet walls that you will see ingame. Occult has also made it easier for mappers by splitting the walls up into pieces, meaning that sections of wall can be placed really easily and custom wall layouts are really easy to do!


    Check out the new model!



    Keeping engineers out since September 28th, 2000.


    <h3>Finished Pliers</h3>

    cfehunter has completed the texture on the Allied Pliers and they are now heading in to be rigged. I talked about this weapon a lot last week, so I'll cut straight to the chase. (Haha, cut! See what I did there?)



    So if I cut this red wir- KABOOM!


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've just completed unwrapping the War Miner and I am hoping to start texturing pretty soon!


    cfehunter is unwrpaping the spectre.


    dtrngd is working on the IFV's


    danpaul88 is fixin' stuff under the bonnet.


    Occult is mapping and modelling.


    The rest of the team are doing their thing.


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in a 2d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the foreseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competent at creating their own 2d textures.
    • is over the age of 16 (we overlook this if you are what we assess to be a mature individual. This rule is known as the TruYuri rule).

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    It's Red Alert 2 all over again!


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    Also as a random bonus, here's a picture of me with a laptop on my head, courtesy of Westy543.




    TruYuri as tehsux

    Westy543 as Himself

    TheBeerinator as ARSUX

    and Killboy06 as Moo


    <h3>Golly gosh it's rather late at this time of posting!</h3>

    Time to dash off methinks. Toodle pip!

  5. I guess the Engi pliers will disarm faster than the Techy pliers? (and you aren't serious about pliers being weapons, right?)

    You're right. also yes, The pliers will have a minor attack.


    cool stuff, bro.

    I just wonder - how often this page is updated. I am not noticing any changes for a long time :D

    That page is updated every so often, but there is still lots to do before I can start changing the numbers.

  6. Hey guys! This week we have been doing lots and lots of stuff! So here comes a big treat!


    Look below for some stuff!


    <h3>Allied Barracks Minor Weakpoint: The Fusebox</h3>

    danpaul88, Occult and dtrngd have been hard at work scripting, rigging and adding emmitters to the minor weakpoint for the Allied Barracks, the fusebox.


    When the fusebox is destroyed, infantry purchases and refills will become unavailable until it is repaired back to full health again. This could be used to counter allied advanced infantry when you are attacking the allied base.


    For example, you are in a rhino tank attacking the pillbox, but there is a pesky Guardian GI respawning to constantly attack you. A crazy Ivan walks into the barracks and destroys the fusebox for a quick temporary solution to the Guardian GI that is camping the base, since that player won't be able to re-buy the GGI until the fusebox has been repaired. This game mechanic is in place to stop the home side from having too much of a home advantage.


    Anyway, here is not one, but two videos of the fusebox in action ingame and it's emitters respectively.



    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    The minor weakpoint scripts in action as set up by our very own danpaul88!


    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    Emitters for the fuse box. Set up by Occult and dtrngd!</center>


    <h3>Allied Pliers</h3>

    Need to disarm a bomb? Not to worry, cfehunter has the solution for you! The Allied Pliers will be standard issue for all Engineers and Technicians. It has been reported that some bold technicians have actually used their pliers beyond the grounds of bomb disposal, with lethal consequences. So don't let them get to close soviets! You may be in for a nasty nip!


    All you need to figure out is whether it's the red wire or the green wire...


    <center><embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid38.photobucket.com/albums/e136/cfehunter/pliers_ani.flv">

    Snip Snip Snip</center>


    <h3>Grizzly Tank is Done!</h3>

    Guy with a wrench has completed the Grizzly tank's texture! Expect to see it ingame soon! That's all I can really say! I'm loving exclamation marks in this particular section!


    Here's a picture!



    Textured Grizzlyness!




    <h3>Lolwut Miner</h3>

    I'm currently unwrapping the Soviet War Miner. While I was doing this I hid a few parts of the model and this was the result.


    The Soviets have obviously been thinking about the combat effectiveness of their War Miner, so they've stripped it of all it's mining equipment and turned it into a fast attack vehicle (with chequered flag paint to make it go-faster). This is one of the many prototypes being worked on in the soviet union today. God bless the USSR.



    A marvel of modern soviet engineering.


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been trying to balance my work between AR and University, but expect it to balance more towards uni for a few weeks now. I also got Fallout 3 GotY edition, and it's ace!


    cfehunter has been texturing the pliers. Awesome!


    dtrngd and Occult have been working on the fusebox. dtrngd has also been working on the IFV and has totally redesigned the rocket turret. More on that next week!


    danpaul88 has been working on Alpha 8 patch 3 for the testers. It's gonna rock!


    TheBeerinator has been texturing the RPG for APB. It's looking nice.


    Guy with a wrench is now moving on to texture the Allied Beretta.


    The rest of the team have been working on small bits and pieces.


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in a 2d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the foreseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competent at creating their own 2d textures.
    • is over the age of 16 (we overlook this if you are what we assess to be a mature individual. This rule is known as the TruYuri rule).

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    A message to game developers everywhere.


    If you're not indie....


    <center><object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>There we go!</h3>

    I'm loving the exclamation marks here too!



  7. Also, too bad that the w3d engine cannot use that kind of lighting at the moment, because it makes the TT look really sexy.

    We may be able to make a shader.


    Dont forget to make use of Normal Mapping to keep the surfaces from looking dull.

    That's a given.





    Disjointed, but an accurate representation of my feelings.

    We listened on that one, since you guys were right.

  8. Welcome to this week's blog.


    Sorry it's a bit late again, I shan't make excuses. Anyway, read below for the good stuff!

    <h3>New Alpha Changelist</h3>

    danpaul88 released a new alpha build to the testers recently. This is the first build of AR that runs on Scripts 4.0! Here's the changelog and some screenies!


    Welcome to Apocalypse Rising Alpha 8. This version is updates the scripts to version 4.0 (see below for more details on this), adds some new units and generally improves (hopefully...) overall balance.


    Patch 1

    Patch 1 has now been released and includes some minor bugfixes and also fixes broken maps for Alpha 8 patch users. Make sure you download this as you will need it to play on the FDS.


    Alpha 8 changelog

      Game Changes
    • Fixed issue where Technician was recieving GI weapons on promotion
    • Added presets, textures and interior models for new Allied Barracks
    • Added new Sentry Gun model
    • Added new Pillbox model
    • Increased speed of all infantry except Tesla Trooper by 10% (6.000 to 6.600)
    • Decreased health/armour of Mirage Tank from 420/420 to 280/280
    • Increased base weapon damage of Mirage Tank from 70 to 90
    • Removed non-R1 units from purchase menus (Mirage Tank, Apocalypse Tank, Taco Car)
    • Added Crazy Ivan character
    • Added Revolver weapon
    • Adjusted range of SEAL MP5 from 110/50 to 75/40 (actual/effective)
    • Adjusted range of SEAL MP5 secondary from 110/70 to 90/50 (actual/effective)
    • Adjusted base damage of SEAL MP5 from 16 to 15
    • Adjusted range of GI SMG from 80/30 to 60/30 (actual/effective)
    • Adjusted range of PPSh-41 from 90/30 to 65/35 (actual/effective)
    • Added purchase terminal icons for various units using RA2 cameos
    • Tweaked splash damage from AA Flak Track from 10 radius / 15 scaled damage to 5 radius 10 scaled damage
    • Tweaked splash damage from AA Flak Trooper from 10 radius / 7 scaled damage to 5 radius 4 scaled damage
    • Tweaked damage from R-Strafer from 14 to 40
    • Tweaked splash damage from R-Strafer from 6 radius / 80 scaled damage to 4 radius / 40 scaled damage
    • Added presets for Rocketeer sounds (files were already there, I just forgot to link them :p )
    • Increase base damage of Rhino Tank from 76.5 to 85
    • Reduced base damage of Grizzly Tank from 68 to 65
    • Removed Grav, GravSpray and Spray variants of Rhino and Grizzly tanks. None of the variants seemed particularly popular so we will be sticking with traditional Renegade 100% accuracy battle tanks for now.
    • Added Prism Tower

      Map Changes
    • Added Sentry Guns to Soviet hill on Iceland
    • Updated road bridge texture on Rocky Pass
    • Updated Dune Patrol terrain... now with 100% more ore and killable buildings! (except refinery because miner scripts are not ready...)
    • Added prism towers to Iceland... try and attack the Allied base now :D

      Script Changes
    • Updated scripts from 3.4.4 to 4.0
    • Fixed bug where units demoted to rookie (eg: Exited vehicles) did not properly reset their veterancy level parameter
    • Modification to repairing points for veterancy to allow turret type vehicles to grant repair points, where previously they did not due to having no driver.
    • Added dp88_buildingScripts_buildingController script
    • Added dp88_buildingScripts_weakpoint_destroyBuilding script
    • Turned on Sidebar system (again... lets hope it doesnt lolcrash everyone connecting to the FDS this time...)
    • Added dp88_AR_Rocketeer script - this is not the VTOL version we plan to have eventually, but a bugfix for the normal flying infantry scripts to allow flying/nonflying via keyhook (Q key by default) and fix the rebuy bugs.
    • Updated dp88_AR_PrismTower script to improve charging logic.
    • Added keyhook definitions for vehicle management dialog and chat history window, these keys default to the APB settings of ] and U.

    Alpha 8 Patch 1 Changelog

    • Updated wwconfig.exe from jonwil
    • Added missing textures for some interface stuff
    • Added temporary IFV purchase icon
    • Updated purchase terminal settings to properly show icons for warminer and chronominer
    • Fixes maps broken in A8 for patch users
    • Updated Flak Track physics settings (again... methinks LE didn't save them properly first time around)
    • Removed some redundant files

    Aims of this build

    • Look for script related bugs and report anything unusual script related, 4.0 is all new territory for AR and there could be lots of things broken that I have not noticed
    • Generally test unit balance and setup, as per usual
    • And, as always, have fun!


    Installers tested and verified to work on Windows XP Professional x86 (SP3) and Windows 7 Professional x64. If you have problems let me know and I will see what I can do.


    Apocalypse Rising is unlikely to format your C: drive, however in the unlikely event of this occuring, please blame Bill Gates :)



    The smooth edges will be back once 4.0 gets MSAA.


    <h3>Grizzly Tank: Texture Near Completion</h3>

    Guy with a wrench is applying the finishing touches to the Grizzly Tank. This one's nearly done!


    The new testers will get their hands on this soon, which should be pretty good. Not much else to say on this one other than the metal squares with the black medical crosses on are being removed.



    The Grizzly Tank in it's Urban Camouflage.


    <h3>Tokarev: Model Done</h3>

    The Tokarev is complete and ready for unwrapping! Poggel has been working on this one for a while now and has really done a great job in touching up the last few bits. Expect to see this in the incapable hands of technicians everywhere once it has been textured and rigged!



    Tokarev TT: The Technician's Choice.


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been doing university stuff mainly, but I found some time to play around with the C&C4 beta. It's definitely fun, but whether it'll fulfil the C&C name is still debatable.


    cfehunter has been modelling an evil Pacman.


    dtrngd has been scrutinising Occult and Teamwolf.


    danpaul88 has been posting crashdumps.


    Guy with a wrench has been modifying the Grizzly Tank's texture.


    Also say hi to our new PR guy, Teamwolf!


    Finally, I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the new testers who were picked to help us out behind the scenes. Do us proud gentlemen!


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in a 2d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the foreseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competent at creating their own 2d textures.
    • is over the age of 16 (we overlook this if you are what we assess to be a mature individual. This rule is known as the TruYuri rule).

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>


    <center><object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>To infinity...</h3>

    ...and beyond!

  9. Is it going to be scripted so on each map you have a certain texture? Or can you choose? Because I think it should be scripted, because it isn't very smart to have an urban camo tank in a snowy field. I mean, the ability to choose would be nice, but I'm concerned about how it might affect gameplay. Also, the Conscript uniform looks like it fits just a TAD bit too tight on the torso *I'm so critical :D *. Otherwise, everything looks good. And the picture of the 4 grizzly's in line, is that going to be ingame? Because it looks awesome.

    Think APB for the camo switching. It would be silly to have random camos and restrictive to have map-set camos. I always take the urban camo because I personally think that it looks badass. It's that way so that a few people can identify me on the field (because they know I always use the urban).


    Also about the conscript:

    On the todo list for him are quite a lot of things as you can probably see. A big Russian belly is one of these things, because he currently looks like a weedy excuse for a communist.


    The grizzly mountain is a still render, so it probably won't be ingame.

  10. Welcome to this week's blog! Sorry about the delay, but I have been on a Muse break around Birmingham and London. (Meaning: I saw Muse twice and they were awesome!) I recommend that everyone should take a listen to some of their stuff.


    Anyway, here come some updates!


    <h3>Grizzly Tank Texture</h3>

    Guy with a wrench is currently applying the finishing touches to the Grizzly Tank's texture. This will hopefully make it into the new alpha test, so watch out for that one. (This means we can retire the old Chronowar model that we've been using forever).





    <h3>Prism Tower Logic</h3>

    danpaul88 has been fixing up his old Prism Tower firing code to work better. Beforehand, the game used to crash when the Towers got stuck in infinite loops, but this has been rectified. Next up on the list is the code that makes the damage multiply when multiple prism towers fire into each other.


    Because we are nice chaps, you can have a video for this one.



    Note: This is NOT an accurate representation of game balance, it is simply a test to make sure the towers fire into each other correctly. Nothing more, nothing less.


    <h3>New Infantry</h3>

    The team has been badgering me and it's about time the infantry models were finalised. The meshes on a few of my other infantry models didn't fit the w3d rig and certain parts were poorly modelled.


    I've now rectified this by producing a final revision of my infantry base character which shall be used extensively. I have begun to model the conscript which can be seen below. On the todo list for him are quite a lot of things as you can probably see. A big Russian belly is one of these things, because he currently looks like a weedy excuse for a communist.


    Check it out!




    <h3>New Staff & Updates</h3>

    We currently have a few new applications for staff which is great to see! We are still processing a few of them but I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate Occult13 for gaining a place on the team as a mapper and general artist. :D


    Everyone give him a warm welcome!


    As for news on new testers; please bear with us as we are still going through your applications. We had a massive number of applicants, as you may already know, so Chronojam will probably make a big announcement on who made the cut in a future APB blog. So keep watching those!


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been around the country on trains this week. It was worth it to see Muse and catch up with some old friends :) Shout out goes to Shannon, George and Sarah for the Pwoper Muse Cruise.


    cfehunter called me up for drinks yesterday, but I couldn't go, mainly because I had just got in from the train.


    danpaul88 has been scripting and waiting for scripts 4.0 to be fixed up a little bit more.


    Eggman891 made a weapon placeholder which consists of the new gun hands posed to look like a pew pew finger gun. (Think the Heavy's taunt from TF2). Many lols will be had.


    Guy with a wrench has been working awesomely fast as per-usual.


    The rest of the team has been discussing various things, including why nGons are bad.


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in a 2d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the foreseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competent at creating their own 2d textures.
    • is over the age of 16 (we overlook this if you are what we assess to be a mature individual. This rule is known as the TruYuri rule).

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures, if you have any.


    (By the way, thanks to everyone who applied to be a tester, we are sorting through the applications now!)


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Do you like Rice? Are you Extreme? If you answered yes to both, then you will love this video.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    For those of the Extreme disposition, you may also enjoy Extreme Exorcism.


    <center><object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>It was late...</h3>

    ...but was it great?


    Send your answer to this thread. Posts cost 50p for whoever pays the internet bill.

  11. Oh gawd it's November already. Where the hell did this year go to?


    Anyway, to the blog!


    <h3>War Miner Animations</h3>

    I've been playing around with some random animations on the War Miner. In particular the dump animation and some of the other, smaller details.


    See for yourself in this brief animation.



    <h3>Radar Tower</h3>

    dtrngd has been working on the exterior to the Soviet Radar Tower and has succeeded in completing it to RA2-spec. The Radar will house controls for the spyplane, more terror drone consoles and the radar function itself. Also, the Radar maintains the tech level for units that come with the radar. If the Radar is taken out, no V3's or Crazy Ivan's for you. We may bend the rules for the Flak Trooper's tech level, since he is kind of needed to combat Rocketeers.


    Here's an image of the exterior.




    <h3>Building Bridges To Nowhere</h3>

    rm5248 has textured up his bridge which will be available as a placeable object within leveledit, making the deployment of assets easier when mapping. (Think Unreal Tournament 3's library of static meshes). There will be more assets to come in the future including several bridge types, garrisonable structures (placed in Level Edit, yes!) and other random objects.


    Look forward to this mappers!




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've got a facial modelling assignment to hand in this week. I'm also off to see Muse next week. It's gonna rock! :D


    I haven't seen cfehunter this week.


    dtrngd is taking a break, since he has a lot of stuff happening which he needs to do.


    danpaul88 is gearing up AR for the next alpha.


    Poggel has pretty much finished the Tokarev.


    The rest of the team are working on various things.


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in a 2d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the foreseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competent at creating their own 2d textures.
    • is over the age of 16 (we overlook this if you are what we assess to be a mature individual. This rule is known as the TruYuri rule).

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures, if you have any.


    (By the way, thanks to everyone who applied to be a tester, we are sorting through the applications now!)


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Lamb Of God - Set To Fail (Smooth Jazz Version)

    <center><embed src="http://www.metalinjection.net/tv/flvplayer.swf" FlashVars="config=http://www.metalinjection.net/tv/flvembed.php?viewkey=c0795d1e6a4f58444d39" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="450" height="370" loop="false" align="middle" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" scale="exactfit"></embed></center>


    <h3>The Cake...</h3>

    ...is a pie? :)

  12. l think u hávent thinked yet about giant squids?

    We've had a think about them. They are going to be really really complicated, but totally possible.


    well it was not part of the soviet tech tree, but there is always the option that soviets could capture an allied tech tree (hell I even seem to remember there being a game mode where you start with both/all 3 (depending on if you play RA2 or YR) MCV's at start

    Unholy Alliance Mode.

  13. MP5 for the GIs now? Did I miss something, or is the SEAL getting something new?


    The renders are all amazing and I feel the Grizzly was greatly improved from the last version, which was all too rounded, but I noticed one issue.


    The inward facing track skirts need to brought up higher, else the vehicle might have issues confronting sloped terrain.

    The Seal is getting an MP5-N and the GI is getting an MP5-K. These decisions are based upon what concept art and rules.ini tells us.


    The Grizzly's track skirts should be fine ingame.


    Right, in the way that their users are switched, because the MP5 K is used by elite special forces in rare cases. :)


    But I think only the GGI should have a rifle (perhaps the M4?), and the GI have a submachine gun like their Soviet conscript counterparts. I'm fine with the MP5 K, since your first thoughts of giving him an MP7 would have been even more ironic, because the MP7's 4.6x30mm round can penetrate body armor while the SEAL's MP5's 9x19mm can't, and the fact that it was shown in a Westwood concept art.

    We didn't ever think of giving the Seal an MP7. Please direct me to the concept art that displays the the MP7 and the Navy SEAL. In all my years of collecting RA2 reference material I have never found anything on the SEAL besides the ingame graphics.


    He appears to be carrying an MP5 in the cameo image and rules.ini states that the weapon is an MP5, so we went with it.


    There is a concept image of the Allied GI here with, which we deduced as being somewhere near, an MP5-K so we went with it.


    Wikipedia appears to strongly contradict you, and the difference that does exist sure wouldn't explain how it takes half a magazine worth of bodyshots to kill with the GI's MP5 awhile the SEALs MP5 does it in a third as many shots. (example figures)


    (and saying "different types of rounds" is simply a cop-out)

    See above response. We're recreating RA2 here, not Call of Battlefield: Project Reality.


    They didn't intend to be experts, nor to claim it. It's fiction. There are guns shooting electricity at you, and a cyborg blasting your tank with an arm cannon. If you want to rage about military stuff in games, rage over Generals. It attempted to be true but failed horribly.

    People talking about realism should read the above post.


    Good job dudes, the video is nice too.

    Like the other Dev.blogs, translated into French. :D

    Cheers BoneWerks :)


    In fact, I was about to ask if custom models would be allowed in AR, even though the server will still likely be run by MP-Gaming, because I wanted to alter the Grizzly cannon to be less cartoony. I was also going to do that with other models, too.

    Custom models will be allowed in AR since stuff is being handled differently with collision detection that will re-enable fairness across all w3d mods. No spongebob C4 though please :)

  14. Just wondering, with the GI and his Minimi and the GGI with the AT4, were you guys (or just OWA) planning on having their secondary weapons be super light and light damage types? I understood the Minimi, because you took the weapon type "para" from the rules.ini, but the fact that both the Minimi and AT4, technically, would actually belong to a regular GI standing up kinda made me wonder if those choices being light weapons was intended, or would you go for heavier stationary weapons if you wanted to?


    For example, the Minimi (also known as the M249 SAW) is handled like the Capitan does with his M60 in APB. It is designed to be used like any other rifle*, except that it is preferred that the user stay in a prone position for accuracy. The AT4, like its RPG predecessor, the LAW, is carried by regular soldiers just in case they come across a light armored vehicle. They guy with it shoots, throws it away, and his squad runs the hell out of there. They usually cannot deal enough damage to tanks, and obviously cannot even touch aircraft.


    Thus, I imagined the GI with either an M2 ".50 cal," which might be too big and look more overpowered than it really is, or an M240, which would probably be the better choice. Both are stationary machine guns that having the GI pull out of thin air would match the humor of him also being able to do that with his sandbags.


    The GGI then would probably have the Javelin. Once again, its stationary but portable nature makes it perfect for a foxhole, and you would have a better time being able to convince people it has anti-air capabilities than you can convincing them a Stinger can penetrate an Apocalypse Tank's armor.


    *Edit: I'm just saying this to give a general picture. Its usage is much more complicated than that, but to most people this is what it will look like to them when they see a squad with a member holding a SAW. Same goes with images with squad members of other armies with a PK machine gun.

    Although it makes sense in the real world (and would be an acceptable point in any realistic war game), AR is not meant to be realistic. It's just meant to be as close to RA2 as humanly possible. It's what we've always gone for with the direction of the mod and I'd never want to change that. Sure there are a few examples of where we've let our artistic direction overtake ourselves (see Crazy Ivan), but predominantly we aim to stay close to the source material.


    Plus there is also the "we've already made the models" argument, (however in the case of the AT4, this is not yet so).

  15. <h3>Grizzly Tank Nearing Completion</h3>

    We all decided that my work load was looking ridiculous, so I passed the Grizzly Tank over to dtrngd for completion.


    If you guys have any suggestions for improvement, please state it because the model shall be going into unwrapping very soon and it probably won't ever be touched upon again.


    Take a look at the Allied Main Battle Tank below!





    <h3>Revolver Ingame</h3>

    Albeit a placeholder, TruYuri has rigged up Ivan's Revolver for use ingame. This means that in the next test version of AR, you can expect Crazy Ivan to make his first appearance!


    Take a look at these screenshots, taken from APB, below.




    Ninjaedit: moddb video of it


    <h3>G.I's MP5-K</h3>

    Guy with a wrench has nearly completed the model for the G.I's main weapon, the MP5-K. This will feature burst fire and semi automatic firing modes in conjunction with a limited range. When the G.I deploys he shall obviously bring out the big guns, but for on-the-move engagement expect to see a lot of this weapon.


    Below is the sole render of this beast.




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been doing various things this week. At the weekend I was at the London MCM Expo at the Excel Centre which was awesome! Loads of great costumes and free hugs! I went dressed as a Nod Militant and below are some images of my costume.




    cfehunter has been around. I saw him today and yesterday and he seems to be the same as usual. I'm trying to coax him back to work on AR.


    dtrngd has been working on lots of things at once.


    danpaul88 has been poking people along with TheBeerinator, since things aren't getting done as fast as we'd like them to.


    rm5248 has been working on his bridges.


    Poggel has been finishing off the Tokarev.


    Eggman891 and Zion have been hanging around with me and many lols have been had. Many jokes have been made in reference to Zion's 3d Space Navigator (which is a nice piece of tech).


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:


    <h4>2d Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in a 2d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the foreseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competent at creating their own 2d textures.
    • is over the age of 16 (we overlook this if you are what we assess to be a mature individual. This rule is known as the TruYuri rule).

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures, if you have any.


    (By the way, thanks to everyone who applied to be a tester, we are sorting through the applications now!)


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger: The Lipdub.


    <center><object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=173714&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=173714&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="

    Dub - Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/amandalynferri">amandalynferri</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p></center>



    The APB Human Sound Mod will make a return shortly...

  16. Hey guys. Apologies for the late blog again. I shan't make excuses so lets head into it.



    Guy with a wrench has modelled up the Guardian G.I's Stinger Missile Launcher ready for unwrapping. We decided to scrap the old AT4 (that didn't actually work ingame in the first place) in favour of the Stinger. Not only is it Solid Snake's Missile Launcher of choice, but it is also pretty adept at taking out ground and air targets; something the Guardian G.I needs to be able to do. Also, it's a small nod to the past version of APB which contained the Stinger for the Rocket Soldier.


    Anyway, take a look at the model below!




    Edit: We have since decided that the Guardian GI will go back to using the AT4/SMAW. Since upon closer look of the unit cameo, he appears to be holding an AT4/SMAW. The Stinger will be used as an extra weapon elsewhere.


    <h3>Tokarev TT</h3>

    Poggel has been modelling the Soviet's Tokarev TT pistol. This will be issued to all Soviet engineers and technicians. We aren't sure on how we want this pistol to work yet (in comparison to the Allied Beretta), but I'll record a video of it in action when we do.


    Take a look at these pretty pictures!





    <h3>Just About Finished Revolver</h3>

    Guy with a wrench has now completed the Revolver texture now. I shan't say any more so look at the pictures!




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I'm heading off to London this weekend for the MCM Expo. I'm going dressed as a Nod Soldier, so if you see me, say hi! (I'll post pics when I get back).


    cfehunter is doing good and is selling computer hardware to people I know.


    dtrngd is now a talk show host with his own interview powers.


    danpaul88 is sorting out 4.0's compatibility with AR.


    Eggman891 is inviting Merovingian/Zion round to visit so we'll catch up for a drink in the week.


    TheBeerinator has been helping Guy with a wrench with his texturing.


    Mammutpanzer is now a V.I.P


    The rest of the team should be gearing up for a conflab.


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:



    That's right! We are now looking for testers again!


    If you are interested in testing unreleased versions of Apocalypse Rising and A Path Beyond for balance, bugs and other issues, send a private message to Chronojam with the following information. You don't need to be overly fancy. We need people with crappy systems, good systems, great aim, and crappy aim, so don't let the questions discourage you. Make the subject line something about BHP Testing please, so it's easy to find. If you have tested before or volunteered but were not chosen, you can certainly re-apply at this time.

    • In-game Username
    • Time Availability
      -Timezone & usual hours
      -Days you can help
    • Hardware
      -Video card
    • Describe your skill at APB
      -What versions you've played
    • Reason you want to test

    Deadpikle is the lead tester, so he'll be organising the successful applicants and will make sure you guys know what you're doing. There is no limits or anything on who can apply; so if you are interested, get in touch! :D


    <h4>2d Artists</h4>

    <h4>3d Model Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in either a 2d or 3d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the foreseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competent at creating their own 2d textures or 3d models in 3d Studio Max/Maya.
    • is over the age of 16 (we overlook this if you are what we assess to be a mature individual. This rule is known as the TruYuri rule).

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures or models, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>



    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>Apocalypse Rising</h3>

    It's like melting RA2 and Renegade together and then pouring it all over your face.

  17. No indoor fighting?! :) Not good! Or will there be separate garrisonable and walkable buildings? If so, i'm ok with that :)

    What are bugging me are engineers. If Buildings will be rigged as vehicles then he won't be able to repair them without some changes. But i'm sure you already thought about that :D

    There will hopefully be a mix.


    Engineers can repair buildings rigged as vehicles with changes to the armour.ini

  18. Heya guys, sorry we are a little late here. As you've probably learnt by now, my attention span isn't overly effective. So I kind of was taken away from my computer to go do various things over the course of the day. however, I'll stop making silly excuses and deliver you some informations.


    <h3>Ivan's Revolver Texture</h3>

    Guy with a wrench has been texturing the Soviet MP-412 Rex Revolver and it's looking pretty sharp. TheBeerinator helped with some advice and several iterations were made. This is looking to be fairly close to the finished product now.


    This weapon will be given to Crazy Ivan, as he is seen with a revolver in the concept art. Apocalypse Rising probably has the most handguns of any w3d based game out there; making 6 in total! The 6 are:

    1. Allied Beretta (General Issue)
    2. Soviet Tokarev TT-33 (General Issue)
    3. Soviet MP412 Rex (Ivan's Sidearm)
    4. Colt M1911 (Tanya's Main Weapon)
    5. Walther PPK (The Spy's Sidearm)
    6. S4M Silent Pistol (Terrorist's Sidearm)

    Here are some images!




    <h3>Structure Scaling From An RA2 Perspective</h3>

    dtrngd has been slowly scaling each building he makes in an RA2 perspective. This helps us to get as close to RA2's scaling as possible in the w3d engine. Obviously, infantry and vehicles will follow Renegade's scaling, but with structures it's a different story.


    Hopefully those RA2 modders amongst you will appreciate what we have done here. Take a look below.




    <h3>Garrison Logic</h3>

    So we had a talk about how garrisoning should work, since our old method was needlessly complicated and terribly unclear.


    Basically, if you want garrison a structure in AR, you'll walk up to the door and hit "e". Structures are now going to be rigged up as static vehicles, which means we can set a limit to how many people can enter a structure, properly do destruction animations, easily control firing out of the structure and make the structure vulnerable to C4 all without dirty dirty hacks.


    This will make garrisoning a more attractive concept for those stranded out in the field. however, this does not mean that you can get a sniper and camp the buildings. Seeing as snipers and other infantry bar the basics could not enter buildings in RA2, this is what we should follow. But we aren't going to do that. Instead, any infantry class can garrison a structure, but they will be provided with the default "garrison machine gun", making scope sniping from structures impossible. We want to stay true to our source material.


    With this new system, buildings won't need interiors, making them quicker to produce on our part. Good news eh.


    Anyway, we'll get more news to you guys on this as it unfolds. It's really going to affect the gameplay in a positive way, bringing infantry back into the fray in urban situations. Stay tuned.


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been learning how to animate, texture and model faces. It's so awesome!


    cfehunter hasn't been round in a while, I think I may drop in on him tomorrow or something.


    dtrngd has started work on the soviet radar. He is a busy guy these days though D:


    TheBeerinator has started on some Soviet PT's. They look a lot more different compared to the Allied ones.


    Poggel has been modelling up the Tokarev. Look for it in future blogs!


    ChAoS has been keeping up with the news in Lord_Kane's abscence. Give him a thanks if you see him guys because he is really one of the unsung heroes of AR.


    The next test build of Apocalypse Rising will hopefully be playable for the first time. We are getting serious (like Terry Bogard) about gearing up for the first release build and will be removing the units that aren't supposed to be there for the first build (Apocalypse Tank, Mirage Tank) because as nice as they may be, it doesn't help when we are trying to focus on different units.


    Hopefully we should have something worth playing for the new testers. You read right :D


    <h3>We're Looking For...</h3>

    We are looking for extra staff members to join our ranks!


    At the moment we are looking for:



    That's right! We are now looking for testers again!


    If you are interested in testing unreleased versions of Apocalypse Rising and A Path Beyond for balance, bugs and other issues, send a private message to Chronojam with the following information. You don't need to be overly fancy. We need people with crappy systems, good systems, great aim, and crappy aim, so don't let the questions discourage you. Make the subject line something about BHP Testing please, so it's easy to find. If you have tested before or volunteered but were not chosen, you can certainly re-apply at this time.

    • In-game Username
    • Time Availability
      -Timezone & usual hours
      -Days you can help
    • Hardware
      -Video card
    • Describe your skill at APB
      -What versions you've played
    • Reason you want to test

    Deadpikle is the lead tester, so he'll be organising the successful applicants and will make sure you guys know what you're doing. There is no limits or anything on who can apply; so if you are interested, get in touch! :)


    <h4>2d Artists</h4>

    <h4>3d Model Artists</h4>


    What we are looking for in either a 2d or 3d artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the foreseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competent at creating their own 2d textures or 3d models in 3d Studio Max/Maya.
    • is over the age of 16 (we overlook this if you are what we assess to be a mature individual. This rule is known as the TruYuri rule).

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures or models, if you have any.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Bison just got vocoded!


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>This is delicious!</h3>


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