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Posts posted by OWA

  1. will be there only 1 Boris and tanya (and...Yuri?) at same time, or hero-clones?


    is it possible for w3d engine to create jumping vehicles (sicles, reapers) and transformers (tengu ect)?


    if u havent solved chrono tech, how about this(just in idea level): Q activates chronoshift. shight goes another color than white, and with that u coose place to teleport. *click* and u have teleported

    Yeah, one hero class at a time.


    Nobody has really tried it, but I guess it could be possible with scripting. Transformers are possible, since it's the same type of logic as deployable vehicles (see Reborn's TickTank and Scud Storm's Nuke Cannon).


    We'll figure out Chronotech sooner or later. We know for sure that the chronosphere will require you to drive into it.


    Also, I merged your posts :D

  2. Welcome to here, below is coolstuff. Coolstuff is not here. Stop reading me.....


    <h3>Soviet Logo</h3>

    To compliment the Allied Logo from last week, Soviet_Deso has gone and made the soviet logo :)




    <h3>Soviet War Factory Exterior</h3>

    dtrngd has been working on fixing up the soviet war factory, that was previously worked on by Zion. This includes incorperating our weakpoint system into it amongst other things. The exterior was a little inaccurate so he has fixed that up.


    We aim to unveil our pretty revolutionary new interior for this structure sometime in the near future. It'll be enough to make you think we are stark raving mad, I assure you. Here at AR we like to do things crazy, like Rufrky.


    Anyway, here is a nice image of the new exterior.




    <h3>Pikle Upgrade</h3>

    Due to all of Deadpikle's hard work as lead tester for both mods, we have decided to up his postion from a tester to staff. This means that Deadpikle will be able to relay balance ideas and other various information directly to the staff. This should give the playerbase a bigger voice as to what balance changes are undertaken and other cool things like this.


    Anyway, welcome Deadpikle to the staff guys, since he's earnt his position to sit at our table. :D


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I'm off to Aberystwyth next monday, so the blog will either be late or done by someone else. I'm also off to Cardiff next friday. Full on week ahead.


    cfehunter is hopefully coming with me to Cardiff next friday.


    dtrngd is working on the Soviet War factory, you will like it!


    We are going to have a conflab soon to discuss who is doing what for summer. Organisation = more work done :)


    Also a big happy birthday to Kane00 who is now 17!


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    cnc_rules sent me this funny video of Al Bundy throwing some insults at some overweight women. Some of the responses are pretty funny.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-qRJM5750A&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-qRJM5750A&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-qRJM5750A&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>



    Yes... Sleep!

  3. I think the simple solution is simply to keep it as it was in AR. Driver gets a nice front mounted chaingun (which should be boosted in AR IMO, as it'd be useless in comparison to how things were done in AR) and is driving a heavly armoured tank that can RUN OVER anything but a mammoth or a Kirov.


    plus, any smart rush involving BFs normally got covered by mirage/prism tanks back when I used to play...againt the AI. Against real players, grizzly swarms were normally the way to go.


    Note: grizzly swarms in AR will be win.

    The Mammoth Tank isn't a unit in AR and as far as I can remember, the Apocalypse Tank could be crushed by the Battle Fort.


    Only silly kirov pilots land and get out of their kirovs on the battlefield.

  4. To streamline the whole thing, the turrets should simply be AI controlled at all times until a human passenger enters the turret. Once they leave the turret reverts back to AI control. The AI turrets could fire GGI/GI weaponry. This means the AI packs a punch, but the fortress could be made more effective if a player with better weaponry enters.


    This means the fortress is effective at all times, does away with dicking about with load outs in the middle of a battle and basically makes life easier when people enter and leave. It also means the fortress is effective at all times and doesn't require most of your team to be inside just to be useful.


    Obviously you'll need to scale the AI ROF so 8 battle fortresses don't end up with the firepower of 40 infantry (even though Kakashi points out that only half the turrets can aim at a single target)

    If we do it this way, then the Price will have to be heightened to account for the extra manpower inside.


    A simple button could be used to populate the turret to begin with (randomised from the GI and GGI) and when players enter and leave, the turret could default back to the ai again, providing that there was ai there before. This puts the fully ai loaded battle fort's price at about 3000-4000 credits. Steep eh?

  5. With all these points taken into consideration. It may be an idea to provide a second option which allows the driver to "buy" ai units to sit in the seats. It's less effective skillwise, as the ai is really dumb, but it helps to fill the battle fortress up.


    This idea will probably take the form of a battle fortress loadout menu, which costs the driver extra to buy units for the turrets. Units should be able to be bought anywhere on the battlefield for ease of use. You just need the credits.


    What do you guys think to this option as a secondary to the human player option?

  6. I have an idea for how mind control could work in AR. Im in a rush right now,but if possible,perhaps it somehow make the enemy vehicle work like a "remote control drone" that your team-mates could take control of by pressing BACKSPACE (opening up a menu list of mind controlled units),then selecting a mind controlled unit. This means the Yuri who took control of the vehicle can retreat while his team-mate somewhere else controls the unit. (If Yuri is killed his comrade back at base looses control of tthe mind controlled unit). If players could spawn into mind controlled units that would be even better.

    That'd be too hard to code.

  7. I think I have to get out of my mind that not all units of a faction have to fit the faction's style, or else it might get imbalanced, and the fact that it might even make it more reasonable canonically.


    I figured that the Battle Fortress would act like a mobile command center and defensive vehicle, which would fit the Allies' style of hit-and-run, but in-game its primarily an offensive weapon. I guess I'm thinking too much since I like OWA's explanation. If you can inflate the puny IFV into a mobile bunker that can crush vehicles, why not?


    But with my first paragraph, that could help you in adding detail to the model, such as adding antennas or radar dishes.

    I used the Battle Fortress as an AA vehicle in RA2, since that was it's best use imo.


    Some of the models in the image are far from finished so things will be done to make them look nice and sexy. If you look closely you may notice that the tank destroyer has tracks, but no wheels.

  8. I always found it strange why Westwood gave the Allies the Battle Fortress, because it follows more of the Soviet philosophy, unless the Allies needed at least one head-on, heavily armored vehicle for balance.

    It's like a big, scottish IFV. I think the allies wanted to build something that made the soviets look tiny to intimidate them.


    Hard as nails.

  9. The logo is great, simply spot on! The tank models are marked improvements over what was showcased in the previous blog, although two things strike me as more interesting than the others-


    1- The IFV is huge. Its voxel size is big in RA2, but if you notice, most voxels are roughly the same size, even the tremendous Apocalypse Tank is not much larger than a Grizzly. I think it should be scaled down a bit, so it is smaller than the Grizzly at the very least.


    2- The Battle Fortress...How exactly will you pack two of these into an Amphibious Transport designed to hold two Apocalypse Tanks, considering the B-Fortress is big enough to roll over an Apoc?xD

    The scaling isn't accurate. Maybe I should have mentioned this.


    Oh it'll be possible to pack them in. :p

  10. Nice blog. Btw, who were the other two? Out of the overwhelming numbers, I curious.

    Teamwolf/[FW]Wolf and Deadpikle.


    The logo looks fantastic, it highly resembles but puts much of a unique twist to the original logo. I especially like the use of gold in it.


    Also, those vehicles look much better than the previous models. However, I was wondering, even though you say that the Grizzly is ready for unwrapping, are you going to change it to be less rounded, or are you going to do that in the unwrapping? I think the recommendations we made in the blog before the last one might help on what it should look like, and reshaping it would be an easy task, such as angling most of the surfaces instead of rounding them, and lowering the band in the middle of the turret down.


    I feel that it have a look that matches the mirage tank or prism tank in style.


    Last, the Hell March remix sounds interesting. Are you going to throw in some other parts like the Retaliation Hell March remix?

    Some of the higher tech units are likely to change, but the IFV and Grizzly Tank are nearly ready for unwrapping. Some polygon pushing here and there should do the trick.

    This implies that there is still work to be done.


    As for the HM Remix, I'm gonna put some odd RA sounds in it like the spy's lines or something :p


    You spelled Soviet War Factory(you spelled it Facvtory)



    Yeah, I'm going to Download this year, all being well. SLIPKNOT.

    See you in the mosh pit >:3

  11. Welcome to this week's blog. we have some suprises this week, so look below and be suprised!


    <h3>Allied Logo</h3>

    Our good friend Soviet_Deso approached me on msn the other day and offered to model and texture some new logos for us. By logos I mean Allied and Soviet faction logos.


    I agreed and the rest, as they say, is history. Check out this sweet piece of artwork below, courtesy of Deso.




    <h3>New Stuff</h3>

    Last week I showed you the old stuff, so this week I'm here to show you the new stuff!


    Some of the higher tech units are likely to change, but the IFV and Grizzly Tank are nearly ready for unwrapping. Some polygon pushing here and there should do the trick.


    Anyway, without further a do, here is the new stuff.




    <h3>New Staff Member</h3>

    After an overwhelming response for the PR job, Lord_Kane and I settled on three candidates. from those three candidates we decided further until we had a definite choice.


    So, the new Apocalypse Rising PR guy is...



    ChAoS was chosen because he has been supporting the mod since we were back at Blazemods, which makes him one of our longest supporting fans!


    Congratulations ChAoS, here's to the good times ahead on the mod and working with the team!


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I've been working and celebrating this week. Also, I've been trying to mix Hell March up with Time Is Running Out by Muse. Once I get the marching right, it'll be epic.


    I've also bought tickets for Download Festival at Donington Park; anyone going?


    cfehunter is coming with me to cardiff next month hopefully.


    dtrngd is fixing the Soviet War Factory exterior, after receiving plans and orders from me. This building is going to be really really epic, so stay tuned.


    We'll be organising a conflab soon to sort out the team and what everyone else is doing.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Have some Edd's World.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    Just a bit crazy.



    ...and dusted :D

  12. Dunno if this has been asked, but will Allies and Soviets get their Yuri's Revenge units like the Guardian GI, Boris, Siege Chopper, etc?


    Also, I saw the trailer and....wouldn't Mirage Tanks be easily defeated by players who get a little too familiar with the maps?

    Yes they will.


    We may be implementing a random tree system that places trees randomly each time the map is loaded. Plus, you have to be pretty sad to memorise all of the tree locations :p


    1) Yes.

    2) I personally do not intend on memorizing the position of every tree on every map. >.>


    I have a question that I believe hasn't been asked in a while. Do we have any confirmation on cel-shading yet?

    If the guys at TT can do anything concerning this then sure. We'll just might be using a TF2-esque lighting shader if all goes as planned though. More on this as it develops.

  13. Say, OWA, could you release unused 3d models as voxels?

    I can release the ones that I made yeah, but the tank destroyer was made by Retrocide, who I haven't spoken with in ages. The Prism Tank and IFV are also a no go because they are from the old Verge of Armageddon mod that Dark and Svensmokavich used to run.


    If you let me know what format you need the files in, I guess I could release them.

    And where's the texture from the face? Where's your facegen program?

    It's a clay render, so I didn't include the face texture.

  14. <h3>Flak Trooper Improvement</h3>

    Since I'm back from university now, I have a lot of time to do things which have been neglected. One of these things is the re-vamping of most of the infantry, in particular, the Flak Trooper.


    Here is a list of improvements which have either been done or are pending:

    • Fixed mesh on the boots.
    • He has a head!
    • Fixed pack straps are in progress.
    • Cleaning up of edges is in process.
    • Fixed hand mesh to come soon.
    • Helmet needs modelling.

    I'll let the renders speak for my work now though, so here they are.




    As you can see by some of the mesh lines, there is a little way to go yet.


    <h3>Old Stuff</h3>

    Since I have nothing really that new. I thought I'd bring you something old.


    Very old.


    Last generation's vehicles old.


    This is basically a collection of old Allied vehicle models. You may recognise the Prism tank, and the Robot Tank mainly because they were the only decent vehicle models left after a time known as "the great purge".


    I'll continue this next week with a section entitled "New Stuff" so you can compare the two.



    A lot of these models are horrible, trust me.


    <h3>Staff Positions Update</h3>

    Just a quick note to let you guys know that we've closed applications for the PR job after an overwhelming response.


    However, if you are texture artist, you are not tied down by other commitments and you like the idea of our project, drop me a pm if you want to help.


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I have had a university friend over since last friday and I'm off to Coventry tommorrow for a birthday. As long as I keep myself busy I won't get bored.... I hope. I need to find a job too.


    I haven't heard from cfehunter in a while, but he's planning on texturing up the technician's welder. (Yes theta123!)


    dtrngd is planning out the Soviet War Factory internals. I need to get on msn and help him.


    The rest of the team are doing random bits and bobs.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Army of Darknes Trailer + Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann = Win


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>To Sleep I Must Go</h3>

    Dream, I must, of more mod ideas, I will.[/Yoda]

  15. Also, I was wondering, did you remove the machine gun turret on the top so newbies wouldn't confuse it for being usable?

    Also to stop people complaining that it's unusable. They may be added at a later date though.


    Voxel isn't round in any respect, really. Especially in the turret area. :D


    And Adrw, the consistency with the Grizzly Tank is undeniable. Just look at the 3 versions (cameo, FMV, voxel) and it isn't hard to notice the same model was used.


    (actually, looking at the FMV and cammeo more, I am starting to think they used the same render scene to do both, with the cameo being much more saturated and having a slightly different lighting set up)


    BTW, you guys do have all of RA2's voxels extracted, and are using such fancy tools as OS VXLSE III, HVA Builder and Voxel Viewer to do assist in your modelling work, right? :)

    Judging by all the replies, it seems like the angular route is the way to go. I'll do a re-hash sometime and put it up in one of the next blogs.


    I do use OS VXLSE III for our referance work now (before I was just going on ingame screenies, FMVs and concept art).


    Thankyou all for your feedback.

  16. Welcome to the first blog of May 2009. I'm not going to blather on long in this section, so feel free to read below.


    <h3>Model Update: Grizzly Tank</h3>

    I've been working on remodelling the Grizzly Tank, since the older models had a habit of exploding on us. What I have modelled so far has been kept fairly close to the ingame voxel and I'm happy about how it's turning out.


    Not really much else to say here other than check it out below!






    Yes sports fans, we are openly recruiting now, with two positions open!


    <h4>Position 1: Texture Artist</h4>

    Since TheBeerinator is our only dedicated texture artist (aside from Guy with a wrench), we are looking to hire some fresh artists.


    What we are looking for in a texture artist, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • has spare time.
    • will be active in the forseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is competant at creating their own textures.
    • is over the age of 16.

    PM me with your application stating why you would like to join the team along with any past experience. Please provide example textures if you have any.


    <h4>Position 2: PR Guy</h4>

    As some of you may know, our moddb page hasn't been updated in yonks. So I think it's time we hired a new PR guy. But beware, this position is CURSED! :)


    What we are looking for in a PR guy, is someone who:

    • is enthusiastic about working with the BHP Apocalypse Rising Team.
    • is able to type in good english.
    • will be active in the forseeable future (a.k.a we don't want you running off).
    • is dependable and reliable at updating the moddb page as well as the site news.
    • is over the age of 16.

    PM me with your application stating why you want to be our PR guy (along with Lord_Kane) and also explain why you think you will make a good PR guy.


    Bonus points are awarded to those who provide an example post based on this blog (E.g: "In the latest AR blog we have grizzly tanks lololol").


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I drove back down the motorway in the dark on sunday, so I am delivering you this blog from home! The may fair is in town this week, so I'm probably going on friday :D


    cfehunter may be coming with me too.


    dtrngd has final exams on at the moment. Wish him luck!


    There was talk of mind control recently. But noting much was discussed. We'll be having a team conflab soon to get everyone setup for summer.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Imma Firin' Mah Lazer: The Collection


    Old, but good.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>Next week we will have...</h3>

    ...and that's why next week's blog will rock. Seeya!

  17. l meant that, if you ever add battle lab to get chrono ivan, -commando and some others ect. but then Soviets have problem how to infiltrate allied base... but all of this is too far in future.


    btw RA:APB FAQ is ages ago closed :D


    l admire bh team and other mod makers, who sacrifice their free time to make mods to all fans with no worries about compensations, sales activities like game makers have.

    How the Soviets will get such units is yet to be decided. The Secret Tech Lab is one option.


    If you have a question about APB, make a topic in general discussion. Since that's the next best place.


    Also, thanks. We're doing our best to have fun and make these games for people to enjoy :)

  18. will be secret (tech)units, if u invent chrono and mind control tech in long future? (if so, how Soviets get those?)


    can u put conscript-model to change also this model? http://www.cnc-source.com/forums/index.php...si&img=2693.

    Q with example; you die many times with conscript. if you like second model, and you change model from sidebar, you die and you want change it to again, because it resetted to masked conscript. this goes with choppers, v2s ect. can you put this auto-resetting system to manual: if u put to black v2, you dont need to change color while buying it in second time, because same color stays.

    can you put sidebar to able pre-choose vehicle colors before buying it, if you havent money yet or some 1 is building unit?


    APB Q: how goes Mig/Yak- and chrono techs in your delelopment?

    Not sure what units you mean when you say "secret tech units".


    We may do a few alternate conscript models, but probably without the tubes going everywhere.


    This thread isn't about APB.

  19. Awesome, watching the video now.


    Office looks really detailed it's great.

    Edit- If the minor weak point turns the power off, can be fixed and there is 3 of them (do all need to be killed or just 1?)

    Why not just go for the main weak point?


    I'm thinking if you kill all 3 of the minor weak points the allies have to repair all 3 to get power back?

    All 3 minor weakpoints need destroying and repairing to take the power offline and put it back on respectively. We may think of something else that happens instead since it's not really that imaginative.


    The point of going for the minor weakpoints is that they are a lot weaker than the major ones.


    I love that office, really nicely detailed!


    W00t no more two windowed patching!!


    And i hope you pass the year, or have you already found out?

    I haven't found out yet. Fingers crossed!


    Um, what about the podcast transcript? D: it's done...

    I've just added it to the blog. Sorry about that, I forgot D:


    For the office building is it going to work like you enter in the front door, you take an elevator to that floor in the building and then the front door is sealed?

    Something like that. We were thinking teleporters to save the trouble of actually using the lift.


    The power plant is totally awesome. The tunnel outside of the minor weakpoints felt like the inside of a starship or similar. I actually feared a Facehugger would leap to me out of nowhere.


    BTW, are you going to redesign the Tesla Reactor too so it has a similar weakpoint system?

    Yeah, we'll be doign that.


    Power Plant looks nice :)

    (Did someone log on Xfire during the making of the Video? :D )


    Also, OWA, you misspronunced my name in the Podcast :)

    Not sure.


    How do you pronounce your name then?

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